
"Internet +" helps Nong Super League to dock more effectively.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Liaoning is an important out-of-season fruit producing area in the country. For a long time, many fruit buyers in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia have bought goods in Liaoning. In the past, it often took several days for Chifeng residents to eat fruit from Liaoning. Recently, Wanqiang Business Transportation Group has curtailed this process.

Liaoning is an important out-of-season fruit producing area in the country. For a long time, many fruit buyers in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia have bought goods in Liaoning. In the past, it often took several days for Chifeng residents to eat fruit from Liaoning. Recently, Wanqiang Business Transportation Group has shortened the process to less than 24 hours. How do you do that?

Wanqiang Merchants Group has two large supermarkets in Chifeng and a number of community chain fresh convenience stores. Yin Fugui, general manager of the group supermarket chain company, said that in order to save costs and increase efficiency, they now push farmers to super-docking, but due to many types of procurement, wide distribution of origin, coupled with information asymmetry, the cost is still relatively high, and the process is also more cumbersome.

By chance, Yin Fugui knew and downloaded the agricultural product procurement APP "one mu of farmland". On this APP, fresh fruit and agricultural products from all over the country can be supplied with information.

On the morning of March 25, Yin Fugui led a team to the Shenyang store of Yimu Tian Company and put forward the demand for bulk procurement. Soon, big data backstage through the Internet, showed the fruit price list of various suppliers in Shenyang.

After quickly getting the samples and inspecting the goods, Yin Fugui decided to purchase more than 10 kinds of fresh fruits on the spot, and the payment of 980000 yuan was traded on the platform of one mu of farmland line. Due to the relatively large purchase volume, at 3 pm, Wanqiang Business Transportation Group finally completed the docking of a number of suppliers. The train left Shenyang at 04:30, and six hours later, fresh fruit from Shenyang was placed in the container of Chifeng supermarket.

Dang Guoying, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that at present, the proportion of agricultural products sold by agricultural super-docking in China is only about 15%, while that in the United States is as high as 80%. The development of agricultural super-docking in China lags behind, one of the important reasons is that there are many problems in agricultural super-docking under the traditional mode: due to information asymmetry, supermarkets have high requirements for the quality of agricultural products, and it is difficult to find suitable producing areas; the development of farmers' professional cooperatives is still in its infancy, and the supply capacity often can not meet the needs of commercial supermarkets. "relying on the Internet big data, the information bottleneck of both production and marketing has been broken, and these problems can be easily solved. The supermarket of Wanqiang Shang Yun Group completed an one-million-yuan purchase in 24 hours, which provides a good example for the more effective docking of agricultural super in the era of 'Internet +'. "