
How to water the spring orchid

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Water has a great effect on this kind of flower. It is an important part of it. It can also help it metabolize and make it straight. When we water it, we should first know where we are replenishing it. If it is the root, we should use the method of irrigation at the edge of the basin, and if it is the leaf, we should use the method of spraying water.

First, the effect of water on Chunlan

1. Water is an important component of it, and its water content is above 80%. If the water content is reduced, its growth will be affected. If it loses water, its protoplasm will be eroded and it will die.

2. Water has many functions, for example, it can promote its metabolism and maintain the fullness of cells. In addition, the hydrolysis reaction also needs water. And the nutrients in the soil must be dissolved in water before they can be absorbed by the roots and need to be transported through water.

3. Water can fix its shape. If there is enough water, it will grow straight so that it can exchange light and gas. On the contrary, lack of water is easy to shrink. Water can also regulate its body temperature, keep it warm and release heat.

2. Ways of water supply

The first is to absorb the water through the root, and then use the vascular to transport the water to the whole body of the flower. The second is to absorb water vapor from the air through leaves to provide the water it needs for metabolism.

The method of watering

1. Water the roots

If it is irrigation, it should be irrigated along the edge of the flowerpot, so that it takes many times to water through the soil. If you are sprinkling water, you can wet the whole flower and let the water seep into the soil, but be careful not to spill it into the heart of the leaves, otherwise it is easy to break your heart. You can also put the plant material in the water together with the basin of 4thumb 3. The water will soon soak through the soil, but beware of bacterial erosion.

2. Water the leaves

If it is by spraying, it can be sprayed directly on the leaf, and it can absorb water through the stomata. If it is humidifying, you can increase the moisture in the air, you can also put some water basins under the orchid rack, and you can also use a humidifying pump.

IV. Water quantity and timing

If it is too wet, the root will be difficult to breathe and will rot. If there is a lack of water, it will shrink, grow frustrated, and is likely to die. So the moisture must be moderate, when the soil in the basin is not completely dry, and when the drain hole at the bottom of the basin is moist but not wet, this is the best time to water it. You don't have to wait for it to dry out before watering it, which will damage its development.