
The financial support system of order agriculture needs to be improved urgently.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Order agriculture mainly includes the purchase and sale of agricultural products, cooperation, land lease subcontract management and other forms. Banking institutions actively innovate credit products to effectively meet the financial needs of the development of order agriculture. However, there are still some prominent contradictions between financial supply and demand, which need to be further improved.

Order agriculture mainly includes the purchase and sale of agricultural products, cooperation, land lease subcontract management and other forms. Banking institutions actively innovate credit products to effectively meet the financial needs of the development of order agriculture. However, there are still some prominent contradictions between financial supply and demand, and it is necessary to further improve the long-term mechanism of financial support for agriculture, improve the agricultural risk-sharing mechanism, and establish a multi-level guarantee system. Recently, the research team of the Ministry of Agriculture went to Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region to investigate the development of financial support order agriculture, visited a number of leading enterprises and order farmers, and held two symposiums to understand the situation and listen to opinions and suggestions.

There are various forms of order agriculture, and the financial demand has its own emphasis.

With leading enterprises and farmers as the main body to develop order agriculture and promote agricultural industrialization, Guangxi mainly has three forms: purchase and sale of agricultural products, cooperation, and subcontracting management of land lease, and there are differences in financial demand.

First, the purchase and sale of agricultural products. This form is the most common, the main approach is: farmers sign purchase and sales contracts with leading enterprises, build breeding production bases to engage in agricultural production; enterprises purchase farmers' agricultural products according to the contract. Farmers bear production risks, such as unskilled use of technology and poor management, resulting in low output and poor quality of agricultural products, which fail to meet the acquisition standards; enterprises bear market risks, such as the market price of agricultural products falls below the contract price, the enterprise bears the loss caused by the contract purchase.

Guangxi Yangxiang Co., Ltd. sells all the agricultural materials needed for pig seedlings, feed, veterinary drugs and vaccines to farmers on credit, and provides technical guidance throughout the process. Farmers should build more than 300 pig houses on a breeding scale, pay a deposit of 250 yuan per head to the enterprise, and obtain agricultural materials for breeding. After the pig is out of the pen, the enterprise is at 7. 5%. The minimum price of 8 yuan / jin is recovered, and after deducting the agricultural material expenses of the enterprise, the rest is the income of farmers. When the market price of live pigs is higher than the guaranteed floor price, the enterprise will recover according to the market price. The income that exceeds the reserve price will be 15% for farmers and 85% for enterprises. In recent years, the income of farmers who have ordered the enterprise to raise pigs is about 120 yuan per head.

In terms of capital demand, farmers need to raise funds for the construction of planting and breeding production bases; leading enterprises need to be used for the production or purchase of agricultural materials, the working capital to buy back agricultural products, as well as investment in plants and equipment needed for agricultural products processing.

Second, cooperative operation. This form is relatively few, the main approach is: farmers build breeding production bases, leading enterprises invest agricultural materials and other working funds, the two sides cooperate in the production and sale of agricultural products, jointly bear production risks and market risks, and share income.

Guangxi Juyin Animal Husbandry Group has adopted this form in pig breeding. In accordance with the requirements of enterprises, farmers invest in the construction of high-standard pig houses and carry out pig breeding; enterprises are responsible for providing agricultural materials and technical services such as pig seedlings, feed, veterinary drugs and so on. Both parties have property rights in the assets they invest in. In terms of total input, farmers account for about 1/3 and enterprises account for about 2/3. The income from the sale of live pigs shall be shared equally between the two parties after deducting the agricultural expenses of the enterprise. At present, the enterprise has cooperated with more than 100 farmers. In 2012, the average income of raising pigs is 258 yuan per head, and enterprises and farmers each get 129 yuan per head, which are quite satisfactory.

In terms of capital demand, farmers need to raise funds to build a breeding production base; leading enterprises need liquidity for the production or purchase of agricultural materials.

Third, land leasing and subcontracting. This way is booming, the main approach is: leading enterprises transfer land, build a high-standard, large-scale planting and breeding production base, divided into a number of business units to employ peasant household management.

Guangxi Jinsui Agricultural Investment Group transferred agricultural land, built standardized banana planting bases in succession, planted banana seedlings in batches in time, and then employed a peasant household to manage 60 mu as a unit. Fertilizing, weeding, spraying, bud protection, flower grinding, banana cutting and so on. After the banana ripens, the enterprise according to the agreed quality requirement to 0. 5%. The price of 13 yuan / jin pays remuneration to farmers. If the yield per mu is low due to climate and other objective reasons, farmers can also get a guaranteed income of 1200 yuan per month. Huang Mingyi, a farmer, is very satisfied with this form. he said that he used to grow bananas by himself, but he lost money in two of the three years due to water shortage, freezing injury and other reasons, but now he has made 60,000 to 70,000 yuan a year growing bananas for enterprises.

In terms of capital demand, leading enterprises need to raise funds to transfer land, build standardized production bases, and need liquidity for production or purchase of agricultural materials, as well as plant and equipment for agricultural products processing; farmers do not need investment.

It can be seen that different forms of order agriculture have different funding requirements, which are generally concentrated in the construction of breeding production bases, production or purchase of agricultural materials, and the establishment of factories to carry out processing, showing the following characteristics: first, the demand is large. The cost of agricultural materials is the largest part of the cost of agricultural production, especially in the field of breeding, such as the cost of chicken seedlings, feed, vaccines and so on account for more than 80% of the purchase price. At the same time, leading enterprises have less self-owned assets, which is out of proportion to the funds needed for the purchase and sale of agricultural products. According to a survey of 808 production and processing national key leading enterprises, the raw material purchase funds of enterprises are 2. 5% of their fixed assets. 27 times. Second, strong seasonality. Agricultural production has a certain cycle, and the demand for liquidity also shows strong periodicity and seasonality. According to a questionnaire survey of 16 leading enterprises in Guangxi, 11 enterprises have a peak season for purchasing agricultural products and carry out centralized acquisitions. Third, it takes a long time and returns slowly. On the one hand, in the production of agricultural products, working capital occupies the whole production cycle; on the other hand, the efficiency of agriculture is low, and the recovery time of investment in factories, processing equipment and so on is longer. And in the event of natural disasters and abnormal market fluctuations, it will cause great losses.

Exploration on the Innovation of Finance supporting order Agriculture

Innovate the "company + peasant household" credit model to help farmers obtain production funds. Banking institutions make use of the characteristics of long-term cooperation and mutual understanding between leading enterprises and farmers to explore and develop the "company + peasant household" credit model, and encourage leading enterprises to provide guarantees for order farmers' loans. Most of this kind of loans operate in a closed manner, that is, after the loans are issued, they are entered into special accounts under the supervision of leading enterprises, which are specially used for the purchase of agricultural materials such as feed and chemical fertilizers; after the enterprises purchase farmers' agricultural products, the loan is transferred to the special account, and the principal and interest are repaid to the bank first, and the rest is transferred to the individual accounts of farmers. Guaranteed by Guangxi Agricultural Reclamation Sugar Industry Group Liangli Sugar Company, Agricultural Bank of China Guangxi Branch issued a total of 48.49 million yuan in loans to 3287 farmers through the way of "company + peasant household". At present, there has not been a single non-performing loan.

Innovative guarantee methods to alleviate the problem of lack of mortgage collateral in leading enterprises. The bank explores and innovates the guarantee methods such as land income, forest right mortgage and inventory, equity and intellectual property pledge, so as to broaden the scope of mortgage guarantee and alleviate the problem of the shortage of effective collateral in enterprises. Guangxi Agricultural Credit Association issued a loan of 160 million yuan to Guangxi Jinsui Agricultural Investment Group through the pledge of land contractual management rights and the pledge of future income rights. The mortgage valuation of the land contractual management right refers to the land transfer fund paid by the enterprise, that is, once the loan is overdue, the bank can transfer the land at the same price. The Guangxi Branch of the Bank of China has launched cocoon merchant loans, black tea tong and other beneficial agricultural loan products to encourage cocoon and tea merchants to carry out joint insurance and mutual insurance. At present, the loan balance of the bank's series of agricultural loans has reached 2. 5%. 6.6 billion yuan.

Innovate financial services to meet the personalized capital needs of leading enterprises. In view of the characteristics of order agriculture, banks continue to improve the credit business process, flexibly set loan interest rates and loan terms, and become the "intimate people" of leading enterprises and farmers. For the seasonal purchase loans of leading enterprises at or above the provincial level, the Guangxi Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China may approve the credit line according to the needs of the enterprises.

Banking institutions actively carry out bond underwriting, private equity financing, project financing and other businesses to broaden the direct financing channels of leading enterprises. Through asset pools and trust programs, Bank of Communications Guangxi Branch provides services such as medium-term notes, short-term notes, private bonds and corporate bonds for Gaofeng Forest Farm and Qipo Forest Farm, and plans to raise 2 billion yuan in 2014. As the lead underwriter, Agricultural Bank of China supports Guangxi Land Reclamation Group in issuing 1 billion yuan of corporate bonds and implementing projects such as technical transformation of sugar production with an annual output of 300000 tons.