
What if the leaves of ginseng and banyan turn black?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are many reasons for the blackening of its leaves, the most important of which is that we do not give it a good growth environment at ordinary times, and mismanage light, temperature, water and so on. In general, as long as we improve its growth conditions and provide it with what it needs in time, it will be able to recover slowly.

1. Temperature problem

(1) specific reason: because this plant is mainly distributed in the tropics and subtropics, it needs a warm environment. Especially in winter, it is better to be higher than ten degrees. If it is less than six degrees, it is easy to suffer frost injury. Its leaves are likely to turn black after being frozen.

(2) solution: there is basically no problem in the southern provinces. However, the northern province needs to be paid attention to. In winter, we must take precautions against the cold. Move it indoors, never leave it outdoors.

2. Watering problem

(1) specific reason: although this kind of plant likes the wet environment. However, you can't have too much water either. If too much water leads to stagnant water, which lasts for a long time, the leaves may also turn black.

(2) solution: watering scientifically and rationally. Do not have too much water at one time. We can adjust it according to its needs, that is, its growth stage. In good times, you can pour more water properly. When the growth rate is slow, don't water too much. Generally speaking, we should follow the principle of "seeing dry and wet".

3. Lighting problem

(1) specific reasons: there are two situations. First, stay indoors for a long time, the light is insufficient, and the leaves may turn black. Second, if it is suddenly exposed to strong light, or if it is exposed to direct light for a long time, it may have the same consequence.

(2) solution: from the above two cases, we can conclude that it is necessary for light, but it cannot be direct light. Therefore, it is best to put it under astigmatism at ordinary times. When there is direct light, shade it.