
There is a heated debate on the great confusion in the development of Internet + in agriculture.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand readers, and a thousand kinds of Internet + 's ideas can be expressed in the mouths of a thousand agricultural enterprises. the former is a differential reader experience caused by art, while the latter, to a certain extent, reflects the development process of Internet + in agriculture.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand readers, and a thousand kinds of Internet + 's ideas can be expressed in the mouths of a thousand agricultural enterprises. the former is a differential reader experience caused by art, while the latter, to a certain extent, reflects the disorder and chaos in the development of Internet + in agriculture, it is imperative to touch the net, but how to touch the net is really a problem.

"do you think that building a website and setting up an official account is Internet +?" Among the many enterprises, analysts and investors interviewed by the Securities Daily, they mentioned the current misunderstanding in the development of the agricultural Internet, and almost all of them raised such questions. So, what is the essence of Agricultural Internet +?

Kung Fu offline

It is futile to touch the net without the user.

Internet analyst Yu Bin explained in an interview with Securities Daily that at present, traditional enterprises are shouting Internet + 's slogan, but there are many misunderstandings in the process of operation. for example, if you open an online shop and build a website, you think you are doing e-commerce, when you build Weibo and Wechat, you think you are doing online promotion, and if you outsource relevant operations and services, you think it is foolproof.

This view has been recognized by a number of enterprises and analysts interviewed by reporters of the Securities Daily. "there are often some misunderstandings in Internet + cooperation in agriculture, thinking that setting up a website or setting up an official account is a transformation of the Internet, but the real problem for agricultural enterprises to connect to the Internet is how to connect users." Wei Sanshui, founder of Big Food and CEO, said in an interview with the Securities Daily.

Yu Bin believes that the development of the Internet of things in agriculture basically lies in products. In the Internet ecosystem, only good products can gain the attention and trust of users. "for example, some catering enterprises and brands dominated by Internet thinking have been popular for a while before. Under the baptism of the market, because of the lack of the support of good products, no one is interested now."

"the combination of traditional agriculture and the Internet industry first occurred in the field of agricultural e-commerce. However, the e-commerce business of agricultural products is not a real combination of the Internet industry and traditional agriculture. E-commerce business just opened a sales channel on the Internet. Network marketing is only a means, the real service content is agriculture itself. Information on the Internet does not mean that traditional agricultural enterprises participate in the activities of the Internet industry. Only by making good use of big data's analysis of the Internet industry, subverting the new business model of the traditional business model, and improving his own industrial process, can we really call it a cooperation between traditional agricultural enterprises and Internet +. " Wu Yingyi, an analyst at the Science Research Center, introduced this to the Securities Daily.

In this regard, Wei Sanshui also revealed the same point of view: "there is a trust breakpoint between traditional agricultural enterprises and users, and technology can solve the hardware of this breakpoint, but how to make up the breakpoint in a humanized way is soft power." Therefore, the traditional agricultural products for Internet + operation, must be vertical, subdivided, online and offline, the whole station operation, only in this way, the user trust of the breakpoint can be gradually made up. "

It takes more than one day to replenish confidence.

Although e-commerce is a breakthrough, it is also easy to shuffle.

Earlier, the Securities Daily mentioned in relevant reports that industry insiders believe that the serious lack of consumer confidence in agricultural products has caused some confusion for agricultural enterprises in the layout of Internet +. In this regard, Wu Yingyi believes that the safety of agricultural products is the key area of concern of our country, regardless of whether we cooperate with the Internet industry or not, the red line of ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products can never be crossed.

In addition to product security, for current agricultural enterprises, the rapid development of the Internet industry will quickly replicate after the emergence of a product or a relatively good business model in the industry. resulting in a large number of homogeneous products or enterprises. When carrying out Internet + cooperation, agricultural enterprises should also avoid this phenomenon, actively develop a variety of vertical needs, create different products and target different customers.

In addition, it is necessary to avoid the development of Internet business, network marketing products and means are completely consistent with the entity management system, resulting in a greater impact on the operating effect of physical stores. It is necessary to distinguish and aim at, consider the consumption habits of different agricultural consumer groups, and adopt different operation mechanisms.

According to the public information, in the current development process of agricultural Internet +, choosing to rely on e-commerce for operation is the current development strategy of most enterprises. According to Yu Bin, there are three main industry models at present: in cooperation with offline supermarkets, users issue orders and then ship goods from supermarkets; self-management, that is, they go to the wholesale market for vegetables and fruits every day, and users directly deliver goods after issuing orders; let the merchants join, and then forward the orders to the merchants.

The person in charge of Shunfeng optimal selection said in an interview with the Securities Daily that e-commerce is an important breakthrough for traditional agricultural enterprises to cooperate with Internet +, but at the same time, because of the openness of e-commerce and the regional characteristics of traditional agricultural products, when traditional agricultural enterprises enter the e-commerce platform to compare with national and global agricultural products, they are likely to lose the protection of local advantages. Therefore, agricultural products that lack differences, ordinary quality and low added value may be shuffled out in such a fierce contest.

Any Internet + 's industry takes the Internet as the means, the development of the industry as the main body, and the agricultural Internet industry is no exception. Wei Sanshui believes that the way to solve this situation in the industry, it is hoped that the future development of the industry can drive to the road of product value and price parity. The next decade will be the decade of agriculture, but it depends on the efforts of all participants.

Money doesn't necessarily make things happen.

The lengthy chain tests the ability of the participants.

Based on the optimism about the agricultural industry in the next ten years, many enterprises have announced that they will invest heavily in the agricultural industry, but then there are rumors about the development of the agricultural industry from time to time. Having money is certainly a good thing, but can it win the first place and have the last laugh in a decade of agriculture?

Agricultural enterprises have a long production cycle and small profit space, and are affected by policies, natural environment and other factors, so they still need strong support and protection from the state. At the same time, the educational level of agricultural employees is relatively low, and many enterprises may have some defects in their own management. In addition, many agricultural individuals in China are highly dependent on the original traditional business model and planting methods, and are resistant to professional mechanized production models that can form a certain scale. All this requires professional managers to move into the industry to help them develop. Wu Yingyi believes that these are all issues that applicants need to consider.

The above-mentioned Shunfeng preferred personage believes that the important reason for the current limitation of the circulation scope of agricultural products is that the cold chain circulation is underdeveloped, the circulation loss is large, and there are many links in circulation, which are the main thresholds for the electric shock of agricultural products: "Agricultural products are sold on e-commerce." it is necessary to have a more stable quality and supply, which puts forward higher requirements for large-scale production and quality control of enterprises. For non-standardized agricultural products, it is an urgent problem for the industry to carry out standardized production management and transportation management and establish safety management awareness and standards for the whole process of agricultural products. "

Can a high amount of investment alleviate these problems? Shunfeng preferred the above people to disagree: "like cold chain transportation, it is an industry with a high threshold, which not only requires high cost investment, but also needs professional industry experience and logistics team, which can not be achieved in the short term." my feeling is that the threshold of this industry is higher than other e-commerce categories, because the products are non-standard, and supporting industries such as cold transportation are also in the initial stage, with many opportunities but difficulties. "

How difficult is it to achieve standardization in a non-standard product world? "like traditional Chinese medicine, the first is the accumulation of experience, and then the formulation of a standardized management manual, but because the standards of each product are different, the standardization process is more complicated." Shunfeng selected the above people, said.