
There is a serious phenomenon of abandoned land in China's rural areas. Investors are waiting for opportunities to get subsidies.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In order to accelerate the healthy development of land transfer, the key is to establish the rights and obligations of all parties in land circulation management in accordance with the law, and to promote the collaborative innovation of related systems, mechanisms, policies and models of land circulation. Rural land circulation is important to deepen the reform of rural land system.

In order to accelerate the healthy development of land transfer, the key is to establish the rights and obligations of all parties in land transfer management in accordance with the law, and strive to promote the collaborative innovation of relevant systems, mechanisms, policies and models of land transfer.

Rural land circulation is an important part of deepening the reform of rural land system. In November last year, the Office of the CPC Central Committee and the Office of the State Council issued the "opinions on guiding the orderly transfer of Rural Land Management Rights to develop appropriate scale Management of Agriculture," requiring an accurate grasp of the basic principles of land transfer and strengthening the supervision and risk prevention of industrial and commercial enterprises leasing contracted land for farmers. Recently, thousands of acres of transferred land in Hebei Province have been "destroyed and abandoned", which has once again aroused close attention from all walks of life to the problem of rural land transfer.

Land is the lifeblood of farmers, and the land issue involves the vital interests of hundreds of millions of farmers. With the process of rapid industrialization and urbanization in our country, the massive transfer of rural population, the separation of people and land and the differentiation of employment have been accelerated obviously. "who will farm the land", "how to cultivate the land" and how to improve the utilization rate of agricultural land have become new problems facing the overall planning of urban and rural development. In the new period, orderly promoting the circulation of farmers' contracted land management rights and developing appropriate scale operation of agriculture is not only the strategic choice to optimize the allocation of rural land and ensure food security, but also the only way to promote new urbanization and accelerate agricultural modernization.

In recent years, China has actively carried out rural land management legislation, system construction and model innovation, explored and promoted rural land circulation and scale operation, and made considerable progress and results. However, the development and utilization of rural land is still faced with many outstanding problems. On the grounds of developing collective economy and increasing farmers' income, rural grass-roots organizations in some areas often concentrate farmers' contracted land without authorization to attract foreign investment and artificially carry out unrealistic scale transfer of land. The widespread existence of land transferee "breaking the contract and abandoning farmland" and land contractor "returning farmland in breach of contract" seriously affects the effectiveness and sustainability of the circulation of contracted land management rights. At present, the causes of "destroying the contract and abandoning farming" of rural circulation land are various, and the following main problems are exposed in practice:

First, the lack of long-term restraint mechanism of land circulation, poor management decision-making and weak management supervision, resulting in many attractive promises come to naught, and great arbitrariness; second, some investors are keen on leasing land and capital to the countryside to seek profits and take agricultural subsidies and subsidies, resulting in short-term investment in agricultural production and poor sustainability. Third, the foundation of land circulation management is weak, many places are faced with short legs of infrastructure, and the comprehensive renovation of "Tian Shui Lu Lin Village" is not in place, resulting in low efficiency of agricultural production and weak competitiveness; fourth, the scale operation of land is deeply affected by market fluctuations. the environment of modern agricultural development is fragile and risky.

To accelerate the healthy development of land transfer, the key is to establish the rights and obligations of all parties in land transfer management in accordance with the law, correctly handle the coordinated relationship among various stakeholders, and strive to promote the collaborative innovation of land transfer-related systems, mechanisms, policies and models.

To fully understand the systematicness, complexity and long-term nature of guiding the orderly circulation of rural land management rights, it is urgent to deepen the reform of rural land system, especially in combination with the cultivation of new agricultural operators and the construction of beautiful rural areas. stimulate the vitality and motivation of the system innovation of rural land ownership, contract right and management right, so as to provide a strong top-level system support for the practical protection of land people's livelihood.

In order to promote the innovation of the circulation mode, use control and management of contracted land, it is necessary to fully respect the wishes of farmers and take improving the efficiency of rural land use, stabilizing the comprehensive grain production capacity and safeguarding farmers' land rights and interests as the criterion. Rely on the establishment of a long-term mechanism for rural land management, land scale circulation monitoring, land income distribution and control. Effectively prevent the pollution, destruction and abandonment of cultivated land exposed in the current large-scale operation of land circulation, as well as the problem of non-grain and even non-agriculturalization of farmland.

In view of the scattered and fragmented operation of cultivated land in China, we should combine the pilot practice of the national modern agricultural demonstration area, the national rural reform experimental area and the national comprehensive reform of new urbanization, in-depth exploration of a new mode of rural land transfer, which is conducive to improving the comprehensive efficiency of land use and labor production efficiency, and effectively promote the citizenization of rural transferred population, the marketization of agricultural resources allocation, and the legalization of agricultural land management. In recent years, the typical models such as the circulation of rural land trust in Yiyang, Hunan and Shaoxing, Zhejiang are worth summarizing and popularizing.