
Here comes the delicious and virus-resistant Youwang pumpkin! Pine sweet sticky Q can be harvested at a good price in summer

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Here comes the delicious and virus-resistant Youwang pumpkin! Pine sweet sticky Q can be harvested at a good price in summer

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In recent years, pumpkin virus disease has seriously affected the harvest. Hualien Agricultural Reform Farm and "Asian vegetable ─ World vegetable Center" have officially put on the market the anti-virus pumpkin "Hualien Yazu No.2 ─ Youwang". "Youwang" is heat-resistant, virus-tolerant and high-yield. it can only be planted after March, and the pumpkin can be harvested in early July and mid-August, when the pumpkin price is better. Wang Qizheng, an associate researcher at the Horticulture Research Office of the crop improvement course, said that Youwang tastes sweet and sticky, and it is easier to pack than traditional papaya pumpkins, and it is more advantageous to go to the auction market. at present, the technology has been transferred to Xinhua Seedling Company, and farmers in need can directly negotiate to buy it.

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