
If you pour some waste water to the flowers, you don't have to apply fertilizer, but you don't know until now!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There is a lot of waste water in our life, have you dumped it? In fact, it is very good for growing flowers. As long as you master the usage, the effect is no worse than the fertilizer you bought. Let's take a look at how to use it.

Orange peel water

There are many people like to eat oranges, oranges, after eating, do not throw away the skin, this is a good thing to grow flowers!

1. After tearing up the orange peel and orange peel, soak it in clean water for 1 day, by which time the water has turned orange.

2. For acid-loving flowers, orange peel water, which is acidic water, is the best. Not only will the soil not be salinized, but also the leaves will not turn yellow. Such as gardenia, camellias, rhododendrons can be used.

Expired milk

Milk did not finish a meal, or expired milk can also be used as flower fertilizer. But you can't water it directly, it's tantamount to indirectly killing your flowers!

1. Pour the leftover milk into the bottle, add water, close the lid but not too tightly, leave some seams to vent. It will be available in about a month.

2, 100 times the fermented milk with water, pour into the flowerpot, can add some, potassium and other elements to the flowers, so that the flowers grow more robust!

Cigarette butt water

Cigarettes contain nicotine, nicotine and other harmful substances, which are not only harmful to human health, but also to deal with bugs.

Soak the cigarette in water for 1 day and dilute the filtered cigarette butt water 20 times. Put it in a spray can and spray it on the leaves and branches that have worms, and you can kill the pests.

Rust water

Not only do people need iron supplements, but flowers also have to replenish iron on time, otherwise they will turn yellow and can be solved with rust water.

Soak the rusty nails in water until light yellow, then water the flowers. If it is hydroponic flowers, you can directly throw a nail into the bottle, the leaves will not turn yellow, which is the most effective for rich bamboo.

The flower-growing methods of all kinds of waste water are introduced here.

Next time, if you have these kinds of water at home,

Don't throw it out again!