
The Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences stepped up reform and innovation in 2015 to lead tropical agriculture.

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, On April 18, the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences held a 2015 scientific and technological work conference to thoroughly implement the spirit of a series of documents of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the reform of the scientific and technological system and mechanism, comprehensively analyze the current situation and opportunities, and summarize the scientific and technological work in 2014.

On April 18, the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences held a 2015 scientific and technological work conference to thoroughly implement the spirit of a series of documents of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on scientific and technological system and mechanism reform, comprehensively analyze the current situation and opportunities, summarize scientific and technological work in 2014, deploy scientific and technological work in 2015, and put forward the in-depth implementation of the "Action to enhance the Scientific and technological Innovation capability of Tropical Agriculture". We will strive to break through a number of major bottlenecks in the development of modern tropical agriculture and provide strong scientific and technological support for the transformation and structural adjustment of tropical agriculture and the realization of rapid and healthy development.

In recent years, centering on the national goal and the needs of the development of modern agriculture in hot areas, the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences has constantly expanded its research fields and built a complete scientific research and discipline system covering the whole industrial chain of modern tropical agriculture. Focusing on increasing production, increasing income and increasing efficiency of modern tropical agriculture, we have carried out scientific and technological innovation and transformation of achievements before, during and after production, and achieved remarkable results. At present, tropical agriculture is facing an important period of deepening reform and speeding up the realization of modernization, deeply implementing the "Action to enhance the Scientific and technological Innovation capability of Tropical Agriculture" and speeding up the "12 tropical agricultural science and technology projects" of the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences. efforts should be made to improve land output rate, labor productivity, resource utilization rate and comprehensive comparative efficiency of agriculture, and lead the development of tropical agricultural science and technology.

The Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences proposed that it is necessary to further strengthen the top-level design, scientifically plan the 13th five-year Plan, and strengthen the connection with the relevant plans of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture, and other ministries and commissions, as well as the relevant plans of the provinces in hot areas. we should do a good job in the coordination and unification of the overall plan and five special plans of the 13th five-year Plan, comprehensively allocate various resources of the whole hospital, speed up the reform of the system and mechanism, and release the vitality of innovation. We will vigorously implement the action to enhance the scientific and technological innovation capability of tropical agriculture, strengthen basic research, applied basic research and applied research closely around the six major innovative fields and six major disciplines of the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences, and promote the implementation of 12 tropical agricultural science and technology projects, such as saving costs and increasing efficiency of natural rubber, increasing production of sugarcane and increasing sugar, and green production of grain crops in hot areas of China. Strengthen the integration of in-hospital resources and joint cooperation outside the hospital, take the lead or participate in the study of the scientific and technological needs of tropical agriculture in the country and hot provinces during the 13th five-year Plan, and focus on planning the national key R & D plan during the 13th five-year Plan. We should do a good job in the construction of the discipline platform, speed up the preparation and construction of the state key laboratory for the utilization of tropical crop biology and genetic resources, and do a good job in the operation evaluation of the national important tropical crop engineering and technology research center and the national agricultural science and technology park. we will improve the construction of large-scale instrument and equipment sharing centers.

Focusing on the innovative mechanism, the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences accelerated the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in tropical agriculture, wrote the paper on the earth, and proposed to vigorously implement the "two-wheel drive" development strategy and give full play to the market mechanism. to build a trinity development model of "government + science and technology + enterprises". Strengthen demonstration and promotion, serve "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in hot areas, actively participate in the construction of various parks and demonstration areas in hot areas, participate in the construction of the national agricultural science and technology service cloud platform, and extensively carry out various forms of scientific and technological special activities in nine provinces and autonomous regions. Explore and implement a scientific and efficient agricultural extension model.

In response to the "Belt and Road Initiative" national strategy, the pace of "going out" of tropical agriculture of the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences will also be greatly accelerated. It will further deepen international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation, attract top scientists and teams from overseas high-end tropical agriculture to participate in cooperative research, and jointly build international scientific and technological research centers with well-known foreign scientific research institutions. At the same time, it will adopt flexible and diverse cooperation models. Science and technology will support enterprises to "go out", mainly growing varieties of tropical crops such as natural rubber, oil palm, cassava, sugarcane, cocoa and sisal. Establish overseas tropical crop production bases.