
State Food Administration on Further Promoting the Industrialization of Staple Food

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Guoliangzhan [2012] No.164 Guiding Opinions of the State Food Administration on Further Promoting the Industrialization of Staple Food and Enhancing the Supply Guarantee Capacity of Grain Rations All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate state planning, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and Grain Bureau of Heilongjiang Province General Administration of Agricultural Reclamation, China

National Grain Exhibition (2012) 164th

The State Grain Administration on further promoting the industrialization of staple foods

Guidance on strengthening the supply and guarantee capacity of food rations

All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities separately listed on the State plan, Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, Grain Bureau of Heilongjiang General Administration of Land Reclamation, China Grain Reserve Management Corporation, Cofco Group Co., Ltd., China Huafang Logistics Corporation and China Textile Group Corporation:

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on accelerating agricultural scientific and technological innovation and continuously enhancing the supply and security capacity of agricultural products, fully implement the outline of the 12th five-year Plan for the grain industry and the 12th five-year plan for the grain and oil processing industry, speed up the transformation of the development mode of the grain industry, promote the transformation and upgrading of the grain and oil processing industry, and meet the new demand of urban and rural residents for staple food rations consumption. Our bureau has decided to further promote the industrialization of staple food during the 12th five-year Plan period and comprehensively enhance the supply and security capacity of food rations for urban and rural residents. The National Development and Reform Commission attaches great importance to promoting the industrialization of staple food, and jointly studies and puts forward the following guiding opinions with our bureau:

First, fully understand the significance of promoting the industrialization of staple food

Staple food is the main food products that urban and rural residents must eat, including rice, steamed bread, noodles, miscellaneous grains and other staple food products, as well as rice, wheat flour and other staple food raw materials. The industrialization of staple food is formed in the process of constructing the whole grain industry chain from field to table, which is characterized by the localization of grain production, the industrialization of staple food processing and the socialization of marketing and supply. a new mode of development of staple food industry with Chinese dietary characteristics.

In recent years, China's staple food industry has experienced the stages of industrialization, large-scale expansion and accelerated industrialization, and has initially formed a new development pattern of diversification of main body, scale of raw material products, diversification of staple food products, integration of production, supply and marketing, technology and brand characteristics. At present, the industrialization of staple food shows a good trend of vigorous development. However, compared with the industrialization level of staple food in developed countries and regions in the world, there is still a big gap, and there are also some problems to be solved, such as low degree of industrialization, backward equipment and technology, safety of staple food to be strengthened, low market share and so on.

In the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way, promoting the industrialization of staple food is of great significance: first, it is an important "people's livelihood project" to adapt to the upgrading of consumption patterns of urban and rural residents, ensure the new needs of military supplies and civilian food, and ensure the safety of grain and oil staple food; second, important measures to promote the structural adjustment of the grain industry, speed up the transformation and upgrading of the grain and oil processing industry, and revitalize the grain industry. The third is the effective means to enhance the added value and market competitiveness of grain and oil products, to increase farmers' income and increase the efficiency of enterprises, and the fourth is to change the development mode of the grain industry and enhance the guarantee capacity of food rations supply. an important way to promote the coordinated development of new industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization.

II. Guiding ideology, basic principles and main objectives

(1) guiding ideology. Take scientific development as the theme, speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development as the main line, ensure national food security, guarantee and improve people's livelihood as the purpose, enhance the ability of food supply and improve the quality of life of urban and rural residents as the goal, take scientific and technological progress and equipment innovation as the forerunner, adhere to the new road of industrialization with Chinese characteristics, and use the industrialization operation mode. Speed up the industrialization of staple food represented by traditional cooked rice noodle products, and strive to build a diversified and multi-level modern staple food industry system.

(2) basic principles. Adhere to the principles of market orientation, government guidance and enterprise operation; adhere to the principles of mechanism innovation, diversity of subjects, mutual benefit and win-win results; adhere to the principles of high-quality nutrition, health and delicacy, and economic convenience; adhere to the principles of scientific and technological support, quality and safety, and advanced equipment; adhere to the principle of adapting measures to local conditions, highlighting characteristics and making steady progress.

(3) main objectives. By 2015, the proportion of staple food industrialization has increased significantly, of which the proportion of flour staple food industrialization has increased to about 30%, the proportion of rice staple food industrialization has increased to about 20%, and the traditional staple food production technology has been optimized and improved. the independent rate of processing and equipment has reached more than 60%; the level of food safety has been significantly improved, and a number of well-known brands with high market share have been cultivated. Cultivate and strengthen a number of large staple food industrialization leading enterprises with strong ability of independent innovation, high degree of intensification, and leading position in the industry, and form a number of demonstration areas for the industrialization of staple food that complement each other, complement each other, and are closely linked; establish a military food staple food supply system that integrates the army and the people, combines peacetime and wartime, is suitable for the army and the people, and has strong emergency support. As a result, the emergency processing and supply system of grain products will be more sound, the development level of staple food industrialization will be significantly improved, and the supply guarantee capacity of food rations will be significantly enhanced.

Speed up the adjustment and development of staple food industry structure

(4) speed up the development of new staple food products and promote industrial upgrading. Vigorously develop the staple food processing industry, enrich varieties, increase the proportion of excellent, new and special products, promote the industrialization, convenience and popularization of traditional rice noodles and miscellaneous staple foods, improve ready-to-eat and ensure quality Speed up the development of serialized, diversified, nutritious and specialized staple food raw materials, increase the proportion of rice for rice food, special flour for noodle food, whole wheat flour and nutritionally fortified powder, vigorously advocate moderate processing and scientific and healthy consumption; vigorously develop all kinds of noodle staple foods such as steamed bread, noodles (hanging noodles, fresh wet noodles) and dumplings, and upgrade the quality of products. Actively develop instant rice, rice noodles (rice noodles), rice porridge and other rice staple foods to improve the level of large-scale production; actively develop quick-frozen, instant rice noodles and miscellaneous grain staple food products of various specifications and flavors, expand the scale, improve the technology, and improve the level of energy saving and consumption reduction.

(5) to implement the industrialization project of staple food and play an exemplary role. Give full play to the advantages of backbone enterprises to build or transform a number of high-quality staple food processing demonstration bases in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi and other places; build and transform a number of high-quality rice staple food processing demonstration bases in Northeast China and Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan Develop staple foods and convenience foods based on miscellaneous grains in North China, Northwest and Southwest China. Realize the industrialization of staple food production, product standardization and distribution community. Build and transform a number of standardized, mechanized, large-scale staple food production and processing centers, support the establishment of an integrated staple food cold chain logistics and distribution system pilot, and effectively enhance their processing, distribution and quality and safety assurance capabilities.

(6) cultivate industrial enterprises of staple food and promote the development of agglomeration. We will encourage leading enterprises to vigorously develop grain order agriculture, establish production bases, promote the adjustment of the production structure of high-quality and special-purpose grain, and form an one-stop development model of the whole industry chain in planting, storage, processing and marketing. Guide leading enterprises to effectively dock with farmers and cooperatives, form a stable relationship between purchase and sale, and share the fruits of development. We will support the formation of a number of large groups with core competitiveness by means of merger, reorganization, acquisition, holding, joint venture, etc. Scientific planning, rational layout, relying on large-scale processing enterprises, strengthen the construction of public service platforms such as grain, oil and food processing, warehousing, logistics facilities and quality inspection and information processing, and create a number of modern staple food processing parks with their own characteristics. Guide enterprises to gather to the park. We will support the development of major grain provinces into strong grain provinces, support Henan and other provinces in building demonstration areas for the industrialization of staple food, cultivate industrial clusters, and promote intensive management and large-scale development.

(7) innovate the mode of circulation and improve the supply system of staple food. Integrate the resources of the grain industry, encourage enterprises of staple food industrialization to combine with "rest assured grain and oil stores", military grain supply stations, and grain and oil emergency supply points, make full use of existing supply outlets, increase their business, reduce distribution costs, and achieve mutual benefit. Take the existing large-scale staple food processing, wheat processing, rice processing, grain and oil storage enterprises and military grain supply enterprises as the main body, fully tap and make full use of the existing resource advantages such as land, factories, talents, technology and sales network, to achieve the combination of strong and strong enterprises or low-cost expansion. Encourage existing enterprises with advantages in staple food processing, build new logistics and distribution networks, and optimize the layout of outlets. Explore new business models, innovate the circulation mode of staple food, encourage the development of chain operation, direct stores, distribution centers, assured grain stores, assured staple food stores, factory-store docking, school-enterprise docking and e-commerce, and actively carry out direct supply.

(8) strengthen scientific and technological innovation and improve core competitiveness. Effectively integrate grain science and technology resources, establish a collaborative innovation mechanism, promote the close integration of industry, university and research, meet the needs of industry, and through major national staple food industrialization science and technology projects, this paper makes an in-depth study on the mechanism of the influence of raw material formula, process selection, process index and so on on the structure and quality of staple food components. Efforts will be made to promote the innovation and industrialization of key technologies and equipment, such as modern processing of traditional staple food, whole grain food processing, anti-aging and preservation, ultra-high pressure processing, extrusion processing, quality evaluation methods and quality and safety traceability, so as to improve the overall technological level of the staple food processing industry. Encourage leading enterprises to increase investment in staple food scientific research, establish enterprise R & D centers, and cultivate scientific and technological leading enterprises with strong market competitiveness. We will strengthen the construction of innovation platforms and industrial innovation alliances such as noodle and metric staple food national enterprise technology centers, national engineering laboratories and engineering (technology) research centers.

(9) to speed up the technological progress and transformation of enterprises and improve the level of equipment. Encourage and support independent brand enterprises with a certain foundation to increase technological progress and technological innovation, support the promotion and application of new processes, new materials, new equipment and the industrialization of new products, optimize production processes, appropriately learn from and introduce foreign advanced technology and equipment, and accelerate the improvement of enterprise technology, equipment level and core competitiveness. Support small enterprises to improve production conditions, improve the level of technology, and develop "specialized, refined, special and new" products. In the field of quick-frozen staple food, we will speed up the technological transformation of energy saving and emission reduction, and speed up the promotion of new processes and equipment with high efficiency and energy saving. We will strengthen the research and development of staple food equipment with independent intellectual property rights, accelerate the autonomy of processing equipment such as steamed bread, fresh wet noodles, instant rice, miscellaneous grains and quick-frozen staple food, promote intelligent production process and digitization of production equipment, improve the level of automation, and rely on backbone enterprises to support the construction of a number of complete sets of staple food processing equipment manufacturing bases.

(10) to improve the quality and safety guarantee system of staple food to ensure the safety of consumption. We will improve the system of quality standards for staple foods, speed up the formulation and revision of standards for staple food products with Chinese characteristics, hygiene standards, technical standards for production safety and testing methods, strictly implement the quality standards for grain, oil and food, and strengthen the whole process control of food safety. ensure product quality and safety. Strengthen the establishment of the ability of staple food safety inspection and monitoring to meet the needs of enterprises for rapid inspection of pesticide residues, mycotoxins, heavy metals and other quality and safety indicators of raw and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products, finished products, etc., build a sound system, risk control, effective supervision of staple food quality and safety guarantee system. We will speed up the construction of grain, oil and food safety risk monitoring and management systems and information networks, establish and improve grain, oil and food safety database and early warning system, and prevent and control grain, oil and food safety risks. We will support the establishment of a pilot traceback system and a recall and delisting system for staple food quality and safety, and comprehensively improve the security level of staple food processing and circulation. Support the demonstration provinces to carry out industrial staple food quality and safety assurance systems and supervisors with demonstration bases and grain and oil quality inspection institutions as the core, so as to ensure the quality and safety of products.

(11) implement the brand-driven strategy to enrich the cultural connotation of staple food. Guide staple food processing enterprises to change from making products to being brands at the same time, with dominant backbone enterprises as the main body, through independent innovation, brand management, trademark registration, patent application and other means, cultivate a number of national well-known brands with independent intellectual property rights, core technology and strong market competitiveness. Give full play to the brand diffusion effect and aggregation effect, promote brand integration, expand the market share of well-known brands, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. Practice the concept of "benefit for tillers and eaters", enrich and develop the scientific connotation of staple food culture, closely combine brand cultivation with product development and technological innovation, and improve the added value of the brand.

(12) improve the emergency supply system and serve macro-control. We will combine the construction of staple food industrialization system with the construction of emergency processing and supply system of grain products, and strengthen the construction of supply channels in medium-sized cities and key areas. We will actively open up urban and rural markets, promote chain operation and carry out quality services, and ensure the supply and safety of staple food for urban and rural residents and troops. In megacities, provincial capitals, and other key areas around the Bohai Sea, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Chengdu and Chongqing, relying on large processing enterprises, we should improve emergency processing, supply, storage and transportation systems, and rationally distribute emergency supply networks. ensure the effective supply of staple food products in emergency.

IV. Pay close attention to implementation and strengthen organizational leadership, overall planning and coordination

(13) strengthen organizational leadership. Promoting the industrialization of staple food is a livelihood project guided by the government. The National Development and Reform Commission strengthens the guidance and coordination of the policy of staple food industrialization. The State Grain Administration is responsible for organizing and implementing the guidance, making specific arrangements, implementing relevant policies, and promoting all kinds of work in a down-to-earth manner. The provincial grain administrative departments should cooperate with the development and reform departments to strengthen communication, coordination and support for the implementation of the guidance, earnestly implement their responsibilities, refine the objectives and tasks, and ensure the smooth completion of the guidance objectives and tasks. Grain administrative departments at all levels should regard the industrialization of staple food as an overall and directional event in the development of modern grain circulation industry, vigorously win the support of governments at all levels, and earnestly strengthen the organization and leadership of the development of staple food industrialization. bring staple food industrialization into the overall and special plans of local economic and social development. Establish and improve the working mechanism of inter-departmental communication and consultation, strengthen cooperation and cooperation, implement the division of responsibilities, and form a joint force. Combined with the implementation of projects such as "assured Grain and Oil entering Rural Community Project", "staple Food Kitchen Project", "Breakfast Project", "thousands of villages and Township Market Project", "Rural compulsory Education Student Nutrition improvement Plan", "military Grain supply staple Food platform Construction Project" and other projects, relevant departments have formed a strong cooperation mechanism to study and solve major problems in development to ensure the smooth progress of staple food industrialization.

(14) implement preferential policies. Implement the relevant national policies on supporting the development of leading enterprises, select a number of staple food industrialization enterprises, and recommend them to be included in the scope of agricultural industrialization leading enterprises supported by the state. Increase financial support for staple food industrialization enterprises and the construction of industrial parks. Actively guide social funds to invest in the field of staple food industrialization. Policy-oriented financial institutions such as the Agricultural Development Bank should increase support for investment in fixed assets, purchase of agricultural products and financing credit for leading enterprises. We will conscientiously implement the state's preferential tax policies for primary processing enterprises of agricultural products, and study and revise the value-added tax policy for staple food processing.

(15) strengthen industry guidance. The State Grain Administration strengthens the guidance, coordination and service for the development of grain and oil processing industry and staple food industrialization, organizes and implements demonstration projects for staple food industrialization, improves the national statistical investigation system for grain and oil processing industry, and carries out special investigations on staple food industrialization, to provide a basis for the study and formulation of industrial policies. Provincial grain administrative departments should implement the industry plan and this guiding opinion, coordinate the promotion of staple food industrialization and scientific layout, plan and guide the construction of key projects and key parks, and conscientiously sum up and learn from the typical experience of staple food industrialization in various localities. In accordance with the spirit of these opinions and combined with the reality of the region, we should pay close attention to studying and formulating opinions for implementation. Give full play to the role of intermediary organizations such as grain industry associations and grain and oil societies, strengthen industry self-discipline, standardize enterprise behavior, and serve members and farmers. Grain administrative departments at all levels should, in conjunction with relevant departments, strengthen propaganda and guidance, create a good atmosphere for the whole society to care about and support the industrialization of staple food and the development of leading enterprises, and promote the healthy, coordinated and sustainable development of staple food industrialization. All localities should promptly report to the State Grain Administration the new situations and problems encountered in the process of promoting the industrialization of staple food in their respective regions.

August 24, 2012