
The State Grain Bureau: there is a huge potential and space for grain reduction in China.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, To reduce loss and waste is to increase output. Yan Bo, director of the Department of policies and regulations of the State Grain Administration, said that based on China's total grain output of 1.2 trillion jin in 2013, if the grain loss rate was reduced by 2 percentage points, 24 billion jin of grain could be saved in one year, close to 2013.

"to reduce loss and waste is to increase production." Yan Bo, director of the Policy and regulations Department of the State Grain Administration, said that based on China's total grain output of 1.2 trillion jin in 2013, if the grain loss rate was reduced by 2 percentage points, 24 billion jin of grain could be saved in one year, close to the increase in grain production in 2013.

To effectively improve the ability of grain saving and loss reduction, it is necessary to strengthen the scientific management of post-natal grain. In recent years, China has continuously strengthened the construction of grain warehousing and logistics facilities, made great efforts to repair and transform "dangerous warehouses and old warehouses", and excavated the potential of grain saving and loss reduction.

Through the implementation of the "Farmers' Scientific Grain Storage Project", the grain storage loss rate of beneficiary farmers has been reduced by an average of 6 percent, and the grain storage loss of 900000 tons can be reduced for these farmers every year. Through the construction of storage facilities and the transformation of "dangerous old warehouses" and the promotion of new grain storage technologies, the loss rate of dangerous old warehouses and open-air grain storage has been reduced by an average of nearly 3%. By guiding processing enterprises to carry out technological upgrading and moderate processing, the utilization rate of food rations resources has been increased by an average of 7%. Through the development of the four-bulk logistics mode of "bulk, bulk transportation, bulk storage and bulk unloading" of raw grain, the loss rate of grain transportation has been reduced by an average of 2%.

"to reduce the post-natal loss of grain means the economical use of arable land and fresh water resources, the reduction of agricultural consumption and discharge, the development of 'invisible fertile land' and the realization of landless' production'." Yan Bo said.

At present, the reduction of grain saving is still faced with many problems and difficulties, such as farmers' scientific grain storage is difficult to popularize on a large scale because of the shortage of funds, and the contradiction of insufficient grain storage capacity is prominent. Yan Bo believes that in order to achieve tangible results in grain conservation, we must comprehensively implement the grain collection, storage and supply security project, strive to form an economical and intensive, green, low-carbon, scientific and healthy grain circulation mode and consumption pattern, and establish a new grain conservation and impairment mechanism led by the government, driven by demand, participated by the whole people, and promoted by society as soon as possible.

At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen legislation on loving and saving grain and opposing waste, guide everyone to start with me, save every grain of grain, and strive to form a social atmosphere of loving and saving grain in the whole society.