
Grain prices are steadily rising. Farmers are in a hurry to sell and cash in preparation for farming.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, On the 25th, the cost Supervision and Review Office of Anshan Development and Reform Commission released the storage and sale of grain in 29 farmers in Haicheng and Xiuyan: grain sown area of 276.37 mu, per household sown area of 9.53 mu, planting grain varieties mainly japonica rice and corn. As of April 1, compared with the same period last year

On the 25th, the cost Supervision and Review Office of Anshan Development and Reform Commission released the storage and sale of grain in 29 farmers in Haicheng and Xiuyan: grain sown area of 276.37 mu, per household sown area of 9.53 mu, planting grain varieties mainly japonica rice and corn. As of April 1, compared with the same period last year, the amount of grain stored per household has decreased by 5.53%, and the number of grain sold per household has increased by 3.6%. Grain sales channels are still dominated by door-to-door purchases by individual and private grain operators. At present, grain prices are steadily rising, and farmers are eager to cash in and prepare for farming and sell more of their grain after keeping enough food.

According to the data analysis the natural environment and climate of our city are suitable for crop growth in 2014 and the grain output has increased significantly. This year, our city will focus on popularizing key yield-increasing techniques such as concentrated rice seedling raising and reasonable close planting, which has increased the yield of japonica rice. The output of japonica rice and corn per household increased over the previous year, although legumes decreased, but their output accounted for a small proportion of the total grain output, had little impact on the total grain output, and the grain output as a whole was still higher than that of the previous year. Due to the increase of grain production, the amount of disposable grain and grain stock of farmers are also increasing. Grain prices continue to rise, and always hover in a higher position, while most farmers do not have storage and drying conditions, there are some farmers eager to go out to work, strong willingness to sell.

According to industry insiders, all the grain sales channels of farmers this year are purchased by individual vendors. The reason is that individual vendors have well-informed market information, prices follow the market, cash is spot, grain valuation is seen, and the methods and methods of purchasing grain are flexible and changeable. some individual traders set up points in rural areas to purchase farmers' grain, and even go to the fields to collect grain directly. Farmers feel that the procedure of selling grain is simple, time-saving and labor-saving, and it is very popular among farmers. Affected by the relationship between supply and demand in the market, the increase in labor costs and the rising prices of agricultural materials such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and agricultural film, the cost of grain production has risen by a large margin, but the state has announced the lowest purchase price for rice in a timely manner, effectively protecting the interests of farmers. Most farmers think that the market price is reasonable and the purchase price is high, which meets the psychological expectations, so they sell most of the grain. As the weather gets warmer, farmers in our city begin to prepare for ploughing one after another. It is expected that farmers will sell most of their surplus grain before spring sowing to raise funds for ploughing.

Relevant people suggest that in the case of rising labor costs, agricultural materials prices, and rising production costs, the grain department should reasonably raise the minimum purchase price for grain. Grain subsidies should be tilted to the main body of a new type of agricultural operation, to large grain growers, to large-scale operation, to improve the mode of subsidy distribution, to link subsidies to grain contribution, and to sell more grain and subsidize more, and those who grow grain will get subsidies. Through the increasing funds of comprehensive subsidies for agricultural materials, we can offset the pressure brought by the rising prices of agricultural materials to farmers' production. Broaden grain purchasing and marketing channels, especially state-owned grain purchasing and marketing enterprises should change the way of grain purchase, raise funds in many ways, broaden grain collection channels, and change "treasury purchase" to "go to the countryside and set up points" or "village-to-house" door-to-door purchase, strictly implement the national grain and oil quality standards and purchase prices, increase the transparency of grain purchase work, improve the level of service, and seize grain sources. Farmers should select high-quality and efficient varieties of agricultural products and adjust their planting structure in time according to market changes. Agricultural technology extension departments should promote agricultural production innovation, summarize and popularize advanced planting techniques and experience, control the impact of natural disasters and diseases and insect pests on crops, and further promote the construction of modern agricultural demonstration areas and rural reform pilot areas.