
Comprehensive ecology is the key to a well-off society.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Spend thousands or tens of thousands of yuan, rent a few cents, a few mu of land, and plant green onions and vegetables. Nowadays, in metropolises such as Beijing and Shanghai, more and more people begin to rent land and grow vegetables on their own. Every weekend, families go out of the city to cultivate land, and the trend of returning to the countryside is quietly on the rise. Suburb

Spend a few thousand, tens of thousands of yuan, rent a few minutes, a few acres of land, grow some onions, vegetables... Nowadays, in Beijing, Shanghai and other metropolises, more and more people begin to rent their own vegetables, every weekend they go out of the city to farm, a return to the countryside is quietly rising. "The air in the suburbs is good. On weekends, the whole family goes out to grow vegetables. It not only exercises the body, but also feels the beautiful environment." "The vegetables grown in my own field, no chemical fertilizers and pesticides, my heart is at ease." Green mountains and green waters, natural and organic, this is everyone's most real and concrete expectation for ecology.

For the first time, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China regards "beautiful China" as the grand goal of ecological civilization construction, and lists ecological civilization construction as the strategic position of the overall layout of "five in one" socialism with Chinese characteristics. Ecology has become an important component of China's future development. "A good ecological environment is the fairest public good and the most inclusive well-being of people's livelihood." Beautiful China, ecological civilization, this is the grand blueprint drawn by the central government for the ecological environment.

From ordinary citizens going to the suburbs to planting vegetables to the formulation of the national ecological civilization policy, the two seem to have nothing to do with each other, but in the general pattern of building a well-off society, they have found the inherent inevitable connection. Over the past 30 years of reform and opening-up, China has made remarkable achievements in economic and social development, and the living standards of the masses have improved significantly. However, ecological problems have also emerged, and vicious incidents such as air pollution, water pollution and food pollution have occurred frequently. People expect more and more that the national level can provide effective institutional guarantee for the public good of good ecology.

In the past, when talking about the well-off society to be realized soon, what people associate with it are more bulging pockets, better food and clothing, and better days. Now, this goal has been achieved on schedule for many people. In the face of the future, when talking about well-off, people pay more attention to the environment, hoping that the sky will become bluer, the mountains will become greener and the water will become clearer. Ecological environment is not only a necessary condition for a well-off society, but also accounts for an increasing proportion in the hearts of the people, resulting in corresponding changes in their standards for public policy evaluation.

The expectation of the people is the fundamental consideration for the Party Central Committee to plan the future layout and development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China first proposed the concept of "beautiful China" in 2012, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made more than 60 speeches, discussions and instructions on ecological civilization on various occasions."Green water and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan","APEC blue" and "homesickness" are widely known. General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important statements on ecological issues conform to the development trend of the times and respond to the concerns of the people. "Well-off to comprehensive, ecological is the key" is becoming the general consensus of the whole society. The people expect the strong wind of the policy to bring a beautiful ecology of green mountains and green waters to the land of China like blowing away smog.

The vision is beautiful, the road is blocked and long, and ecological construction is related to everyone's interests, but it also requires everyone's efforts. If we say that economic development requires "doing something", improving ecology requires a complete change of concept and cautious awe of "doing nothing". We need to comprehensively balance the indicators reflecting the construction of ecological civilization, such as resource consumption, environmental damage and ecological benefits, and incorporate these indicators into the evaluation system of economic and social development so as to make them an important constraint for promoting the construction of ecological civilization. It is necessary for us to strengthen the binding effect of the system by perfecting the responsibility investigation system for ecological environment protection and the compensation system for environmental damage.

The blueprint for building a "beautiful China" has been drawn up, and the goal of achieving green mountains and clear waters has been placed before us. Everyone is not only an expectant, but also a participant. The realization of green mountains and green waters requires the government to give strength, but also requires us to save energy and travel green in daily life, make our due contribution to green mountains and green waters, and help the green dream and idyllic dream of the Chinese nation to be realized as soon as possible.