
The application of bank supporting agriculture should be fully used to make good use of the supporting policy.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, It is the spring ploughing season, and the demand for financial support for agriculture is increasing. The China Banking Regulatory Commission recently issued a notice on doing a good job in rural financial services in 2015, requiring banking financial institutions to strengthen their responsibilities for supporting agriculture. Promote financial resources to continue to the "three"

It is the spring ploughing season, and the demand for financial support for agriculture is increasing. The China Banking Regulatory Commission recently issued a notice on doing a good job in rural financial services in 2015, requiring banking financial institutions to strengthen their responsibilities for supporting agriculture. We will continue to tilt financial resources towards agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Compared with the support of the capital market to "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", the banking financial institutions, as the main force of traditional agriculture support, have more advantages in this respect, and should take this opportunity to make full use of regulatory policies.

At present, banking financial institutions should, in accordance with the CBRC's policy of giving greater tolerance to agriculture-related non-performing loans, do a good job in loan investigation and research, select qualified agriculture-related credit customers, and strive to cultivate credit sources. to ensure that the total amount and increment of agriculture-related loans show a substantial upward trend; to ensure that the scope of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" credit should be expanded, the total amount of agriculture-related credit should be increased, and the base of credit statistics should be consolidated. According to the regulatory requirements such as strengthening the differential supervision of rural finance, appropriately increasing the weight of business assessment scores for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and implementing flexible deposit-to-loan ratio for county corporate financial institutions that account for a relatively high proportion of agriculture-related loans, according to the seasonal demand characteristics of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" industries, we should flexibly adjust the scale of credit, arrange credit rationally, and effectively alleviate the difficulty of agriculture-related loans.

In addition, banking financial institutions should mobilize their staff to expand the subjective initiative of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" credit. The liability for agriculture-related non-performing loans should be based on the actual situation, the loan losses caused by force majeure objective factors such as natural disasters can be exempted from liability, eliminate the worries of the vast number of credit personnel in the branches of agriculture-related banks, and achieve the purpose of expanding the marketing of agriculture-related loans.

Banking financial institutions should also boldly innovate credit service methods and products, and boldly participate in the pilot projects of rural land contractual management rights and farmers' housing property rights mortgage loans in rural "three-right mortgage" pilot areas, so as to accumulate experience and provide ideas for the comprehensive promotion of "three-right mortgage" loans.