
The supervision responsibility field is barren and "glue ginseng" is bound to grow wildly.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In the famous and excellent city of Harbin Antarctic Wholesale Market in Heilongjiang Province, the reporter found that the merchants unexpectedly glued ginseng leftovers with 502 glue to ginseng. In addition, Ganoderma lucidum spore powder, forest frog oil, deer whip and deer blood are also faked, and even the quality inspection certificate is commercial.

In the famous and excellent city of Harbin Antarctic Wholesale Market in Heilongjiang Province, the reporter found that the merchants unexpectedly glued ginseng leftovers with 502 glue to ginseng. In addition, Ganoderma lucidum spore powder, forest frog oil, deer whip, deer blood are also fake, and even the quality inspection certificates are fake certificates that businessmen spend money to find artificial. When the reporter asked if anyone was in charge of such a phenomenon, he got the following answer: "I don't know what the local law is, but it's okay in our part, and there's nothing to control." . (may 4, Peninsula Morning Post)

Fake, fraud, media investigation tells us that in this market, almost every pore that nourishes "specialty" is dripping fake and shoddy blood and dirty things, and almost every business is driven by interests to step on integrity with ease. Fake and shoddy "specialty" unscrupulous, barbaric growth, has become the protagonist of the market, unpreventable, not only fraudulent to consumers, but also likely to bring risks to consumers' health, which is really abhorrent and annoying.

In fact, "glue ginseng" is nothing new. In recent years, its bad deeds have been exposed by many media, and it is also "lucky" to be selected in the "Baidu Encyclopedia" entry. Hidden rules such as bullwhip pretending to be deer whip have long been shaken out by people in the industry. Obviously, the chaotic phenomenon of "specialty" found by the media in the famous and excellent city of Harbin Antarctic Wholesale Market is not an individual phenomenon of a market, but has a certain universality in other similar markets, and has a long history.

Why are fake and shoddy "specialties" such as "glue ginseng" so popular? The merchant has given the answer-"it doesn't matter". The "camouflage" or "easy-looking art" of "glue ginseng" and other fake and shoddy "specialties" are not clever, and the quality inspection certificates forged by merchants are even more fake, full of loopholes and unworthy of investigation. If the regulatory authorities perform their duties in place and strengthen supervision, it is easy to see through the true features of fake and shoddy "specialties" such as "glue ginseng", and it is not difficult to drive them out of the market. However, it is not difficult to keep them out of the market. Regrettably and anxiously, regulators have lost their place. Whether it is due to lack of attention, lack of responsibility, numbness and indifference, or because of backward mechanisms and means, little sweat, or because of dirty hands and feet, local protection and other reasons, it is dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty, which will lead to the desolation of the regulatory responsibility field, which provides a loose and suitable living environment for weeds and weeds such as "glue ginseng". Weeds and harmful weeds such as "glue ginseng" are bound to grow crazy, and the integrity of the market is bound to wilt.

Obviously, in order to eradicate weeds and harmful weeds such as "glue ginseng" in the market, regulators must fulfill their responsibilities and keep an eye on their own responsibility fields. Regulators should enhance their sense of responsibility, performance, and self-discipline, and show the greatest sincerity and determination to educate operators, supervise the market, and implement the law. Of course, only relying on the spontaneous efforts of regulators is far from enough, legal and disciplinary supervision departments and social forces must strengthen supervision over the performance of regulators, supervisors and regulators perform their duties in accordance with the law, actively perform their duties, and conscientiously perform their duties, and those who report those who have wasted regulatory responsibility fields will be reported, and those who will be held responsible will be investigated. External supervision in place is an effective guarantee for regulators to plant responsibility fields.