
Steadily promote the "Land transfer Trust"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Editor's note: after integrating the scattered land circulation, entrusting it to a trust institution and then leasing it to an agricultural enterprise should be to the satisfaction of all parties. Why is there such a problem? Whether the risk assessment of land transfer trust is perfect, and whether the corresponding supervision is in place, such as

Editor's note

After integrating the scattered land transfer, entrusting it to a trust institution and then leasing it to an agricultural enterprise should be to the satisfaction of all parties. Why is there such a problem? Whether the risk assessment of land transfer trust is perfect, whether the corresponding supervision is in place, and how to achieve both "fish" and "bear's paw"? In this issue, let's discuss how the land transfer trust can go on healthily.

The trust cannot be landed if the project has not been approved for a long time.

Why is the Land transfer Trust in Suzhou, Anhui "slow"?

After Grain Rain, the wheat in Zhu Xianzhuang Town, Zhumiao Village, Hanqiao District, Suzhou City, Anhui Province is growing vigorously, and the joy of a bumper harvest will be ushered in in more than a month. There are many expectations and concerns besides a bumper harvest on this land, because it is the birthplace of Citic Trust's first agricultural land transfer trust program.

Status quo: farmers only receive a two-year transfer fee

Farmers have received land rents for the two years 2014 and 2015. But the promise of profit-sharing has not yet been fulfilled. " Shen Jialiang, secretary of the village branch, said that their land transfer fees are paid through the district finance.

In 2013, the land management rights of the village were transferred to Diyuan Agricultural Investment in Anhui Province for the construction of a modern agricultural circular economy park, and in October, 5400 mu of agricultural land with a total population of 450 people in the village was re-entrusted to the CITIC Trust Company to design relevant financial products. At this point, CITIC Trust's first agricultural land transfer trust plan landed in Suzhou.

"the district government signed a framework agreement with CITIC Trust, entrusting CITIC Trust for 5400 mu of land, and the trust company commissioned Anhui Diyuan Agricultural Investment as a third party to operate land." According to the staff of the Modern Agriculture Office of Hanqiao District, Suzhou City, this is the trust plan for the transfer of agricultural land management rights launched by CITIC Trust. According to the agreement signed between CITIC Trust and Diyuan Company in October 2013, CITIC Trust intervened in operation and management as trustee, providing financing of 110 million yuan to the Diyuan Company agricultural demonstration park project, with an annualized interest rate of 10%, to promote the development of the demonstration park. Citic Trust said at the time that once the project was in operation, it not only guaranteed a land rent of 1000 jin of wheat per mu per year, but also decided to distribute 70 per cent of the land value-added income to farmers. However, as the progress of the project has not been profitable so far, farmers have not enjoyed any dividends.

"in 2011, on behalf of the village committee, I signed an agreement with 450 farmers in the village, who entrusted the management rights of farmland to the village committee." Shen Jialiang said that they do not understand what trust is all about, and only care about whether the annual "land rent" of ordinary people can be paid on time.

The crux of the problem: financing encounters "sticking neck"

"We can't leave the land idle. In addition to growing grain, we have also carried out a straw charcoal project." Xu Junjian, head of Anhui Diyuan Modern Agricultural Investment and Development Co., Ltd., said that the project is now "stuck" in the use of land. As the transferred land was to be engaged in circular economy projects such as aquaculture at that time, a certain index of land for construction and agricultural facilities was needed. The state requires that the land reclamation deposit must be paid for the change of the use of agricultural land. In addition to the land transfer fees paid in advance, this huge fee is undoubtedly a "high threshold" for agricultural enterprises. On the one hand, there are not enough funds to pay the deposit, on the other hand, we can not get the financing of the investors because of the imperfect procedures. Such "embarrassment" makes the road to financing become long.

According to the plan of Diyuan Company, if a project is to be built on the transferred land, then the nature of the land must be changed, according to the staff of the Agricultural Office of Hanqiao District, Suzhou City. According to regulations, agricultural land must be used for agricultural use, and changing the nature of the land requires government approval, but Diyuan's project has not been approved since it signed an agreement with Citic Trust.

People related to Citic Trust explained that the financing funds must be earmarked according to the progress of the project, because if the project land is not approved, the project cannot be launched, so Citic Trust's funds cannot come down and the trust cannot be landed.

Revelation: risk assessment should be made for "financial going to the countryside"

The slow progress of this land transfer trust project in Anhui reflects that agricultural development is "weak" and "difficult" from some point of view. "according to the current situation, this land trust project is very difficult to sustain. First of all, the land nature of agricultural land can not be changed, pure grain production is difficult to achieve the expected profits. If we carry out projects such as aquaculture, it means to change the nature of land, but also face the bottleneck of land and funds. Under the current circumstances, the smooth payment of farmers' land rent can be regarded as a 'better outcome'. " A person familiar with the situation revealed that.

It is reported that the risk control measures of trust companies are very strict. In accordance with the requirements of the regulatory measures of the CBRC: first of all, all projects done by trust companies should be reported to the CBRC; secondly, a certain provision for bad debts should be drawn from the income every year; and secondly, there is a problem with a project. After that, all projects have to stop.

"as far as Suzhou Land Trust is concerned, Citic Trust's money may be settled in the form of loans. Anhui Diyuan Investment pays an annual interest rate of 10% to use this fund on a paid basis. The state and local governments have a financial discount of 3% to 4% on agricultural projects. The annual interest rate of about 6% is not high, but it is not easy for agricultural enterprises to pay 6% of the annual financing cost. The annual land rent of more than 6 million paid by CITIC Trust to the common people is temporarily advanced by Anhui Diyuan Investment. For Citic Trust, it is also unknown whether the financing of land trust products is ideal. In the difficult process of the progress of the project, there are many changing factors. " An expert engaged in financial research in Anhui Province told reporters that there are many uncertain factors in the implementation of trust products in the agricultural field, and the risk coefficient is high. When promoting such projects, we must make a good risk assessment and invest cautiously. Otherwise, it may be contrary to the original design.

Land transfer Trust of Caowei Town, Yiyang, Hunan Province

Although the benefits are considerable, the risks need to be prevented.

"although I am reluctant to give up, I have no choice but to be old and not in good health, so I have no choice but to contract it out. I hope that the boss who rents land can still grow grain when there is more land." On April 27, Wang Jieru, 73, told reporters in Leyuan Village, Caowei Town, Yiyang City, Hunan Province.

Four years ago, Wang Jieru signed a contract with Yuanjiang Xiangyuan Rural Land contract Management right Trust Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xiangyuan Company"), entrusting his family's 8 mu of land to the company. I get a transfer fee of 660 yuan per mu every year.

Xiangyuan Company, established in 2010, is a land trust company independently funded by the government, which aims to connect business owners and farmers and provide land transfer tracking services. A few days ago, the reporter came to Caowei Town to visit what kind of changes the land transfer trust has brought to farmers and this land.

The "Land transfer Trust" born at the right time

Caowei Town, located in the hinterland of Dongting Lake, is the largest agricultural town in Yuanjiang City. However, under the dual factors of the spring tide of urbanization and the low efficiency of growing grain, most of the young and middle-aged workers go out to work, and the agricultural production in agricultural towns is in a dilemma-the abandonment of land shows an unstoppable trend. In this case, in 2008, the Yiyang municipal party committee and municipal government put forward the idea of "land transfer trust", that is, the government should wholly register and set up a trust company to collect and release land information. after making industrial planning, accepting the entrustment of farmers' land, and signing trust transfer contracts with farmers, we should select agricultural management companies, contract them with land, supervise their operation, and integrate agriculture-related funds at the same time. Implement related projects. The pilot project of "Land transfer Trust" has been settled in Caowei Town, an important grain town, and the "grass tail model" comes from this.

"the entry of agricultural enterprises brings capital and technology, and farmers receive a transfer fee of 660 yuan per mu, and they still have the opportunity to work in enterprises to earn money and obtain labor income." In the view of Li Yinghui, secretary of the party committee of Caowei Town, the land transfer trust has solved the contradiction between the "powerlessness" of farmers and the "powerlessness" of enterprises, and better answered the question of "who grows the land, who pays for the funds for large-scale operation, and where the farmers are going."

Part of the land has been exploited.

What is the output benefit of the land after the trust transfer?

Tong Zhengqing, chairman of the Zhengfeng Rice planting Professional Cooperative, told the reporter that in 2010, he contracted more than 80 mu of arable land in Xiwanzhou Village, Caowei Town, to plant double-cropping rice and had a good harvest. After the first taste of sweetness, he contracted 2247 mu of land in Democratic Village and Lixin Village, obtaining stable and high yield.

Behind the high yield is intensive cultivation and infrastructure investment. Although there is a lot of investment, the output is also considerable, which Tong Zhengqing thinks is worth it.

"in the past, I used to transfer land directly from farmers, 'bickering' constantly, because the circulation is not standard, I have been afraid to put in more equipment and technology." Li Weibing, general manager of Yiyang Dadi Agriculture Co., Ltd and beneficiary of the land transfer trust, told reporters that for more than a decade, he had moved to many counties and cities in the Dongting Lake area, and had to change places every two or three years.

In 2009, after the pilot land transfer trust in Caowei Town, he signed a 10-year contract with a trust company established by the government, ending years of "stray" production. In a short period of four years, Li Weibing has invested more than 10 million yuan in more than 1500 mu of vegetable bases, built more than 200 high-standard out-of-season vegetable greenhouses, produced and sold 13000 tons of organic vegetables every year, and the benefit per mu is also more than 10 times higher than that of scattered open-field vegetables.

The improvement of the comprehensive benefit of land has attracted more and more agricultural enterprises. so far, Caowei Town Xiangyuan Company has signed trust transfer contracts with 58 agricultural enterprises, part of the land has been invigorated, and the trust circulation area of the whole town has reached 62000 mu.

It is necessary to guard against "non-grain" and "non-agriculture".

Can the timely "land transfer trust" take advantage of the situation? During an interview in Leyuan Village, the reporter found that a small amount of transferred land had only planted one season of rice, or nothing. Farmers are also puzzled about this: growing grain does not make much money, and if the transferred land is planted for only one season, it is doomed to lose money. Do such enterprises want to take funds from state projects or change the use of agricultural land?

This phenomenon is obviously contrary to the original intention of the tripartite win-win "grass tail model" proposed by the government. As an important national grain production base, how to ensure that the land will not change its use and give full play to its maximum benefit after land transfer? The reporter interviewed Wang Wenqiang, executive director of Hunan Rural Development Research Institute and associate researcher of Rural Development Research Center of Hunan Academy of Social Sciences.

"this may be related to weak supervision. Because the rural land trust company with grass tail is a wholly state-owned company, the government assumes the role of 'one shoulder and two heads' and lacks corresponding supervision, so there are risks." Wang Wenqiang said that the "grass tail model" has brought considerable economic benefits to local farmers and operating enterprises, and its guiding role is indispensable, but if there is no perfect supervision mechanism to effectively supervise the farmland trust companies established by the government, there are bound to be hidden dangers, and it is necessary to guard against possible corruption and the tendency of land "non-agriculturalization" and "non-grain conversion". He suggested that a reasonable and perfect supervision mechanism should be established, and multi-supervision subjects should be introduced to achieve the effect of mutual checks and balances, so as to ensure the healthy, orderly and long-term development of land transfer trust.