
China's land reclamation comes from Nanniwan.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In previous years, Nanniwan was full of barren mountains; today, Nanniwan and Haojiangnan in northern Shaanxi, a popular northern Shaanxi folk song, sings the first plough of China's land reclamation cause. In 1939, in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Revolutionary Base area, the war was urgent and materials were scarce. Face

"In previous years, Nanniwan was full of barren hills; now Nanniwan, good Jiangnan in northern Shaanxi..." This popular folk song of northern Shaanxi is sung as the "first plough" of China's agricultural reclamation cause.

In 1939, in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Revolutionary Base Area, the war was urgent and materials were scarce. Faced with the economic blockade of the Japanese invaders, Mao Zedong called for "do it yourself, have enough food and clothing". General Wang Zhen led the 359th Brigade and triumphantly advanced to Nanniwan. Within a few years, the deserted land became a rich granary full of crops, cattle and sheep. Guanghua Farm, the first farm under the leadership of our Party, was established, and the agricultural reclamation cause of New China began here.

Seventy-six years of wind and rain, Spring and Autumn Huazhang. With the footsteps of New China, the mission of agricultural reclamation to ensure supply for the country and peace for the frontier has remained unchanged. Along the way, agricultural reclamation has become a national team to ensure national food security and effective supply of important agricultural products, a demonstration area for new agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics, a pacesetter for agricultural foreign cooperation, and a stabilizer for stabilizing borders and strengthening Xinjiang.

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the reform and development of agricultural reclamation. During his inspection of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that in order to give full play to the important role of agricultural reclamation under the new situation, the work of the Corps can only be strengthened and not weakened. The Corps should become a stabilizer for stabilizing the border and strengthening Xinjiang, a melting pot for gathering the masses of all ethnic groups, and a demonstration area for gathering advanced productive forces and advanced culture.

Premier Li Keqiang pointed out during his inspection of Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation that the foundation of agricultural reclamation is relatively good. It is necessary to popularize and apply large-scale agricultural machinery according to local conditions, explore unified management and unified operation modes, develop precision agriculture, form scale development, enhance comprehensive agricultural production capacity, and play an exemplary role in the whole country.

Standing at a new historical starting point, the reform of agricultural reclamation has opened a new chapter, and the development of China's agricultural reclamation will surely usher in a new spring.

indelible historical contribution

_The arduous struggle and selfless dedication of several generations of farmers have turned wasteland into granary, Gobi into oasis, beach into good farmland and wild ridge into rubber garden.

In the vast black land of northeast China, thousands of miles of fertile fields and golden rice flowers; in the northwest frontier, at the edge of Taklimakan Desert, fertile fields crisscross and fruits fragrance; on Hainan Island, the pearl of the South China Sea, the largest natural rubber forest in China is bred... Several generations of farmers started from scratch, worked hard, opened up wasteland and defended the border, protected the country and achieved the richness and beauty of the vast land of the motherland.

"Give me all the wasteland in New China! I, the minister of agriculture, have this confidence!" In the early days of the founding of New China, Wang Zhen, minister of the Ministry of Agricultural Reclamation of the Republic, proposed to the Central Committee that 100,000 demobilized officers and soldiers should be mobilized to develop the Great Northern Wilderness. The most magnificent scene in the history of China's reclamation appeared: tens of thousands of demobilized officers and soldiers carrying luggage, some even carrying their wives and belts, walked to the wilderness without roads and villages, singing heroic songs as they walked...

Ren Zengxue from the Central Guard Division is one of the 100,000 troops. When he was demobilized, he gave up the opportunity to stay in state organs as a cadre and resolutely chose the Great Northern Wilderness. One day, at Farm 853, his tractor crushed the ice and fell into a quagmire known as a sauce jar. He dived into the ice water three times, hooked the iron hook to the tractor, and finally pulled the tractor up with the winch. However, he became an "ice man" and completely lost consciousness. A little later, there would have been an additional grave on Yanwo Island.

In the years of reclamation, dangers and hardships like this have always accompanied every reclamation man. It was under the difficult conditions of poverty and weakness in New China that the first generation of farmers achieved the unprecedented miracle that amazed the world with their lives. It was they who turned the wasteland into granaries, the Gobi into oases, the saline-alkali beaches into fertile fields, and the wilderness into rubber gardens!

In the northwest frontier, farmers not only cultivate in the desert, but also shoulder the important responsibility of guarding the border. The vast Gobi desert is uninhabited. This is one of the driest areas in the world. To reclaim wasteland here, we must first solve the problem of water. In 1950, General Wang Zhen drew a red line on the map along the southern border highway to Korla and ordered the 18th regiment stationed here to turn this red line into a canal to lead glacial water down.

In just one year, the 41-kilometer canal was completed. On the day of the water discharge ceremony, the people of Korla came to witness this miracle on the Gobi Desert. Zhao Yuzheng, deputy political commissar of the former Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, recalled: "It really suffered all the hardships of the world. Those difficult years today's people can't imagine."

History will never forget that during the three-year period of natural disasters, Heilongjiang, Xinjiang and other reclamation areas provided the state with 11.9 billion jin of commodity grain; during the chaotic years of the Cultural Revolution, farmers made indelible contributions to the people of the whole country to tide over the crisis.

The cultivator has been working for decades like a day. Over the past 60 years, farmers have established a number of internationally advanced large-scale agricultural production bases for grain, cotton, natural rubber, dairy products, sugar, etc., which have played a key role in ensuring the safety of national grain and important agricultural products. Agricultural reclamation has also led China's agricultural modernization construction, created more than 600 modern agricultural demonstration zones of different types, and cooperated with local governments to build agricultural science and technology demonstration parks and industrial development parks, forming a situation of co-construction of reclaimed land, sharing of resources, complementary advantages and common development. Hundreds of farms stationed in the frontier, on the one hand, promote the economic and social development of the frontier, on the other hand, in stabilizing the border and defending the territorial integrity of the motherland, stick to every inch of land...

Along the way, the historical contributions made by farmers have always been inseparable from the strong leadership of the Party. In the new period, farmers, as always, carry forward the tradition and advantage of adhering to the leadership of the Party, give full play to the political core role of the Party organization of agricultural reclamation, unswervingly adhere to the Party's leadership over agricultural reclamation, always grasp the firm political direction, and implement the Party's various lines, principles and policies to the letter. This is a strong guarantee for farmers to strive forward.

Seeing today's new appearance of land reclamation, Liu Ying, an old wasteland reclamation worker and the first generation of female combine harvester in our country, was filled with emotion: "The land reclamation people turned the wasteland into good farmland, regarded the reclamation area as their home, cultivated and guarded the border, and made the greatest responsibility when the country needed it most!"

The irreplaceable "national team"

-- the total amount is of little effect, the share is small, the contribution is small, the size is not high, and it is always the duty to safeguard the country's core interests in protecting supply, stabilizing the market, maintaining stability and guarding the border.

"the Chinese people's rice bowls must be firmly in their own hands." To this end, China has formulated a national food security strategy under the new situation of "giving priority to us, having a foothold at home, ensuring production capacity, moderate import, and scientific and technological support". To achieve this strategic goal, the state-owned agricultural economy plays a key role. As the backbone and centralized representative of the state-owned agricultural economy, land reclamation plays an indispensable role. The distinct characteristics of land reclamation are that the total amount does not play a big role, the share is not large, the contribution is small, the size is not large, and the position is high, strategic, leading and public. As a special organization created by the revolutionaries of the older generation, the function of land reclamation has always been to defend the core interests of the country.

After the outbreak of the Korean War, Western countries imposed an economic blockade on New China, and rubber became the most important prohibited material. In 1951, the CPC Central Committee decided: "We must establish our own rubber production base."

The first thing to grow rubber is to have seeds, which is a battle without gunpowder smoke. In order to collect precious seeds when the nuts were ripe, the officers and soldiers used all their strength to deal with the enemy on the battlefield. The battalion commander carrying pony lanterns in search of gum seeds at night was bitten by a poisonous snake and fell to the ground in a coma. Fu Yafu, a soldier with a high fever, fainted under the rubber tree. One day in September 1952, when there was a torrential rain and the river soared, Chen Jinzhao tried his best to swim to the other bank in order to deliver the gum seeds to the transit station on the other side of the river in time. When it was less than 10 meters from the bank, a huge wave hit, and Chen Jinzhao was instantly engulfed by the flood.

At that time, the international botanical authority held that rubber could not grow if the northernmost point was beyond 17 °north latitude, and China was excluded from the natural rubber planting area. However, the land reclamation people created miracles again with their life and wisdom. The first rubber plantation in the history of natural rubber in China, Qiongan Rubber Garden, has successfully planted rubber on a large scale, which is an initiative in the history of rubber in China, and has rewritten the scope of rubber planting areas in the world. Today, rubber trees have been planted in a large area of 18 °to 24 °north latitude in China, and the reclamation people have also opened the rubber factory to Thailand, the largest rubber producer in the world, and embarked on the development road of international cooperation.

"to be the national team to ensure national food security and the effective supply of important agricultural products." For this responsibility, land reclamation people do not live up to their mission and do not live up to the great trust. In 2003, SARS raged, Beijing became the worst-hit area, people were in a panic, and even there was a rush to buy. At 10:00 in the evening, Heilongjiang Land Reclamation, which received the task, produced rice overnight. From the next day, it sent a total of 15 special grain trains to Beijing for seven consecutive days, rapidly stabilizing Beijing's grain market.

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2008, ice and snow disasters hit, the supply of vegetables in the market was tight and prices skyrocketed. Ningxia Land Reclamation resolutely gave up its temporary profit and urgently supplied the Yinchuan market according to the usual prices, supplying hundreds of tons of grain, vegetables, milk, and meat to the Yinchuan market every day, so that the market price of fresh agricultural products in Yinchuan market during the Spring Festival was stable and the supply was guaranteed.

If land reclamation is ranked among the provinces in the country, the total grain output ranks fourth, the total cotton output ranks second, and the total output of meat and aquatic products ranks 15th and 13th, respectively. The ability of the "ballast stone" of land reclamation to ensure a stable supply of the market is very important.

The irreplaceable role of land reclamation is much more than that. It is a demonstration area of agricultural modernization. it is always in the forefront of the country in terms of the popularization and application of scientific and technological achievements, the level of agricultural mechanization and the ability of industrialization management, and undertakes the responsibility and obligation of the first and first test of modern agriculture. its radiation leads to the continuous enhancement of the agricultural development ability of the surrounding areas. It has always been in the forefront of the country in the field of agricultural foreign cooperation and development, the scale of "going out" is constantly expanding, the field of investment is more extensive, and the level of cooperation is constantly upgrading. It is a stabilizer for strengthening the border, with a total of 276 border farms, accounting for 15.5% of the total number of farms in the country, with a border length of 5794 km, accounting for 1% of the length of the national land border. the unique geographical location of the border farm determines that it is at the forefront of the struggle against foreign infiltration and anti-separatism, and has unique advantages in maintaining border security and promoting the development of ethnic minority areas. It is an indispensable and important force in the country.

Incomparable business advantages

-- implementing a two-tier management system with family management as the basis, large farms as a whole and small farms as a whole, and the combination of "unification" and "division" to avoid the absence or offside between the two main bodies of "unification and division"

In the golden autumn, when we came to the northeast granary of the motherland, the rice fields with a bumper harvest converged into a golden sea, and a large harvester walked through the fields. In a moment, hundreds of mu of rice were harvested, rice seedlings were "eaten" and rice grains were spit out.

"it is easy for farm workers to cultivate the land. The whole process is mechanized, and the machinery is the most advanced. Unified purchase is made in the field. When it comes to the critical season of spraying medicine and preventing insects, the field will organize unified defense and navigation operations. I can only go to the ground and watch." Zhang Guojun, a worker at Friendship Farm, said. Although it is easy, Zhang Guojun does not dare to slack off. After all, the harvest is good or bad, and the efficiency is high and low, all of which are his own.

There are "unity" and "points", and the degree of organization is high, which is one of the incomparable advantages of land reclamation. Since the 1980s, land reclamation began to implement the two-tier management system of large farms and small farms, in which land was contracted to workers, while farms focused on what individual workers were unable to do. This reform not only fully arouses the enthusiasm of the staff and workers, breaks the disadvantages of the big pot of rice, but also retains the organizational advantage of the farm "unification", and avoids the absence or offside between the two subjects of "unification and division".

The mechanism has been opened and the efficiency has been improved. Large-scale, large machinery, large science and technology, the whole industry, and foreign cooperation are in full bloom, all of which highlight the vanguard role of land reclamation in leading modern agriculture.

Large-scale-- the area of cultivated land for agricultural reclamation is 93.64 million mu, accounting for about 4.6% of the country's total. Although the absolute proportion is small, it is relatively concentrated and the per capita area is large. The average operating area of family farms is about 6 hectares, and some family farms are as high as 100 hectares. far higher than the average household size of the whole country, it has the scale advantage of developing modern agriculture. The continuous improvement of the level of agricultural scale has also provided conditions for land reclamation mechanization. In 2014, the level of comprehensive mechanization of land reclamation reached 87.4 percent, nearly 26 percentage points higher than the national level of comprehensive mechanization of crops.

The whole industry, land reclamation, has continuously extended the chain of thickened agricultural industry, and a number of influential and competitive industries, such as high-quality rice and wheat, cotton, non-GM soybeans, dairy, seed and sugar industries, have established a dominant position throughout the country. The industrial system has been gradually improved, forming an industrial system dominated by agricultural and sideline products processing and food manufacturing, with coal, petrochemical, mechanical and electrical, textile and clothing, rubber and plastic processing and other industries.

Large science and technology-- the foundation of agricultural scientific research is solid. There are 368 scientific research institutions in the national land reclamation system, with a total of 39755 agricultural researchers. Rich scientific research achievements, such as the establishment and implementation of Chinese Holstein cow MOET breeding system, can quickly and economically cultivate improved breed bulls and high-yielding cows, reaching the international advanced level; main crop pest control aviation operation technology and agricultural aviation technical regulations fill the domestic technical gap. The agricultural reclamation system has formed an agricultural technology extension service system with farm agricultural technicians as the main body, integrating production management, technical extension services and some industry management functions, with agricultural reclamation characteristics.

The agricultural production and operation of the Foreign Cooperation-Land Reclamation system is widely distributed overseas. at present, 113 overseas enterprises and development projects have been set up in 42 countries and regions. Overseas farmers

The annual overseas output value of the product is nearly 24 billion yuan and the profit is 1.7 billion yuan. The field of "going out" extends from the initial grain and natural rubber to sugar, dairy, edible oil and other crops, from simple production to processing, warehousing, logistics and so on. With the continuous improvement of the capital operation capacity of large-scale agricultural reclamation enterprise groups, Shanghai Agricultural Reclamation Guangming Group has acquired a 60% stake in British Weetabix, the world's second largest cereal and food production company, which is the largest overseas M & A project completed in China's food industry so far.

In recent years, in order to enhance competitiveness and compete for the right to speak, land reclamation has put forward the "triple" strategy of joint alliance and joint operation, moving towards the goal of international grain merchants in land reclamation, and actively promoted the brand strategy. China Land Reclamation seed Industry Alliance, China Land Reclamation Natural Rubber Industry Alliance and China Land Reclamation Dairy Industry Alliance have been established to further improve the level of organization, scale and industrialization.

The reform and development of land reclamation has made remarkable achievements and set up incomparable advantages. But at the same time, its own system and mechanism problems have become an obstacle to further development.

In February 2014, Chen Fudong, 87, former secretary of the Fuyang Prefectural CPC Committee and adviser to the Development Research Center of Anhui Provincial Government, and Pang Zhenyue, 79, former dean of Anhui Provincial Administrative College. Chen Jin, 73, president of Anhui Agricultural and Economic Society and former director of the Policy Research Office of Anhui Agricultural Reclamation Department, and other three veteran comrades reported to Vice Premier Wang Yang "some thoughts and suggestions on speeding up the Reform and Development of China's Agricultural Reclamation cause" Suggestions and suggestions for land reclamation reform have been highly valued by Vice Premier Wang Yang.

"We dare not forget to worry about our country. Although we have retired for many years, we are still concerned about the great cause of national rejuvenation in reform and opening up." Chen Jin, who has worked in the land reclamation system for 18 years and is the main drafter of the proposal, has always been concerned about the development and reform of land reclamation. In an interview with reporters, he said: land reclamation has made indelible contributions to the country and will play a greater role now and in the future. At present, land reclamation has encountered difficulties, the external environment of reform and development is not optimistic, there are many restrictive factors, and the management system and mechanism need to be innovated urgently. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the state to resolve contradictions and remove obstacles through top-level design, enhance the control and influence of land reclamation on agricultural strategic industries, and further enhance the strategic position of land reclamation in the national economy.

The leading party group of the Ministry of Agriculture attached great importance to deepening the reform of land reclamation, conducted a large number of preliminary investigations together with relevant departments, and obtained rich firsthand information, which made an important decision-making reference for the top-level design of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.

Stimulate vitality and set out again in land reclamation reform

-- the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued opinions on the top-level design of land reclamation reform, so as to comprehensively enhance the endogenous driving force and development vitality of land reclamation transformation and upgrading.

"in the new period, the cause of land reclamation can only be strengthened, not weakened." Recently, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council formally issued the "opinions on further promoting the Reform and Development of Land Reclamation", sounding the bugle of land reclamation reform. In view of the inflexible management mechanism, heavy social burden and imperfect policy system, the top-level design of land reclamation reform and development was carried out from the central level.

So, how to change it exactly? "the goal of land reclamation reform is to invigorate state-owned land," said economist Li Yining. " The "opinion" emphasizes that agricultural reclamation land is allowed to make capital contribution (shareholding) and authorized operation, carry out pilot projects of agricultural land mortgage and guarantee in an orderly manner, steadily promote the capitalization of land resources, and start an ice-breaking journey in the reform of agricultural reclamation land system. The "opinion" also emphasizes that pilot projects should be carried out first to prevent the loss of state-owned assets.

Wang Yongzhong, party committee secretary of Ningxia Land Reclamation Group Co., Ltd., said, for example, in 2011, Ningxia Land Reclamation issued Ningxia's first agricultural enterprise corporate bonds by way of land use right mortgage guarantee, raising a total of 1.8 billion yuan, effectively alleviating the pressure of capital shortage of enterprises, and rapid development of leading industries with advantages and characteristics, such as grape cultivation and dairy farming. The grape planting area increased from 43000 mu in 2010 to 132000 mu in 2014, becoming the largest grape base owned by a single enterprise in the country, and the number of dairy cows increased from 29700 in 2010 to 52000 in 2014, making it the largest dairy farming enterprise in the autonomous region. Invigorating land resources brings a new engine for the development of land reclamation and releases great potential for development.

From the level of reclamation area, collectivization will still be the dominant direction. At present, of the 35 reclamation areas across the country, 17 have basically implemented collectivization reform. in 2014, the gross domestic product and profits of collectivized reclamation areas accounted for 63.3% and 91.3% of the national land reclamation, respectively.

Guangdong has always been the window of China's reform and opening up, and economic development and mode innovation have always been in the forefront. Talking about releasing market vitality, Lei Yongjian, party secretary of Guangdong Land Reclamation Group, said: "in the reform of collectivization, Guangdong is supported by four major strategies: innovation-driven, going out for development, combination of industry and finance, and 'Internet +'. Pay close attention to natural rubber, sugar and other agricultural production is not relaxed, pay attention to the cultivation of agricultural product logistics and e-commerce marketing new business type, innovative thinking to enliven the tourism service industry, and then back-feed agriculture."

However, looking at the national reclamation areas, the breadth and depth of collectivization reform can not fully meet the needs of the market economic system, and the task of reform is still very arduous.

In the reform, we should transform the management system of the conditional reclamation areas, improve the parent-subsidiary company system and the modern enterprise system, and conditionally set up regional modern agricultural enterprise groups in the reclamation areas where state-owned farms belong to the city and county management. those with obvious industrial characteristics can jointly set up agricultural industrial companies and explore the bottom-up reform path of collectivization in reclamation areas. The introduction of diversified investors is also an important measure to promote the reform of collectivization in reclamation areas. In terms of straightening out the administrative management system, it is necessary to gradually transition from the implementation of one organization and two brands to one organization and one brand, and comprehensively implement collectivized enterprise management.

From the farm level, we will further innovate the agricultural management system and reform the functions of the farm-run society. Since the reform and opening up, land reclamation has gradually established and improved the two-tier management system of large farms and small farms, and stimulated the vitality of management. This reform will further clarify the relationship between agricultural workers and state-owned farms, which is a creditor's right relationship with labor relations, which is different from that of farmers contracting collective land. In addition, the function of "unification" should be emphasized, and the land should not be rented out at once. Farms should give full play to their special advantages in terms of organization, scale, and mechanization, and improve their management and service capabilities.

"the reform of the social functions of state-owned farms is directly related to whether the market dominant position of state-owned farms can be truly established, and whether the endogenous driving force and development vitality of state-owned farms can be improved in an all-round way." Li Chunjiang, party committee secretary of Jiangsu Land Reclamation Group Co., Ltd., said that in 2008, Jiangsu Land Reclamation comprehensively implemented the internal separation of social functions of state-owned farms, and community management committees were set up in all 18 farms in the reclamation area, with relatively independent people, property, and materials. separate financial management shall be implemented, and expenses shall be carried out according to budget. Actively strive for local government departments to authorize and entrust management in accordance with the law, and set up about 100 neighborhood committees in 18 farm communities to give full play to the role of residents' self-management.

Stick to the bottom line and build the "three major" pattern

-- cultivate modern agricultural enterprise groups with international competitiveness, build a number of large-scale grain, cotton, sugar, latex seed production and supply bases, and let workers and workers share the reform dividend

"our thinking has become clearer in building a demonstration of urban modern agriculture and a supply base of high-quality fresh agricultural products." Zhang Fuping, secretary of the party committee of Shounong Group (Beijing Reclamation area), said that it is necessary to build a world-class agricultural enterprise group with international competitiveness based on the capital Beijing.

GE Jianjun, manager of Xinjiang Hutubi cattle breeding Farm Co., Ltd., suggested that the relevant departments should tilt to the grass-roots level when formulating support policies, help grass-roots pastures improve their management level, study and control costs, and raise the level of per unit yield, so that herdsmen can become rich.

Whether it is Zhang Fuping or GE Jianjun, they all cherish a dream: to make the enterprise bigger and stronger, make the farm beautiful, and make the herdsmen rich. The realization of this dream needs to be promoted by reform.

The core goal of the reform is to innovate the guidance and management system of the land reclamation industry, the market-oriented operation system of enterprises, and the farm management system, establish a supervision system of state-owned assets in line with the characteristics of land reclamation, and generally establish a modern enterprise system in the reclamation area. speed up the cultivation and growth of modern agricultural enterprise groups with international competitiveness.

The goal of development is to build a number of stable and reliable production and processing bases of important agricultural products such as grain, cotton, sugar, natural rubber, milk and seeds on the existing basis by 2020, so as to form a perfect modern agricultural industrial system.

Protecting the people's livelihood is the starting point and foothold of the reform, and increasing the income of workers is the top priority. We should promote the development of a new type of urbanization in the reclamation areas, do a good job in infrastructure construction, improve public services, and let the broad masses of workers share the fruits of reform and development.

Vice Premier Wang Yang stressed that the reform of land reclamation must adhere to three bottom lines: "We must never lose public ownership, weaken agriculture, and reduce the scale."

In order to give full play to the leading role of the construction of modern agriculture and better serve the needs of national strategy, it is necessary to construct the "three major" patterns, that is, to build large bases, enterprises and industries of modern agriculture.

Large base-according to the resource endowment, geographical location and development level of each reclamation area, the national land reclamation can be divided into three main functional areas. The first is to ensure the safe reclamation areas of the country's grain and important agricultural products. Including Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang Corps, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Jiangsu, Anhui and other reclamation areas, with emphasis on ensuring the effective supply of important agricultural products such as grain, cotton, sugar, natural rubber and seeds. The second is to ensure the stability of food supply and market in large and medium-sized cities, including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing and other reclamation areas. The third is to ensure the stability of the national border and the reclamation area of ecological sustainable development. Including border farms in Xinjiang, Heilongjiang, Guangxi, Yunnan and other reclamation areas, the focus is on maintaining stability and guarding the border and resisting the invasion of pests outside the border areas. Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou and other reclamation areas are located in farms along lakes, grassland wetlands and mountain forest areas along the river, focusing on strengthening ecological conservation and water protection functions.

Large enterprises-- Land Reclamation has cultivated a large number of modern agricultural enterprise groups with strong economic strength, especially Beidahuang Group, Guangming Group and other enterprises with annual business income directly catching up with the top 500 enterprises in the world. Land reclamation has the ability and conditions to build a number of modern agricultural enterprise groups with international competitiveness and become major international grain merchants. They can not be equated with agricultural multinational corporations for the purpose of pursuing profit maximization, nor with the international grain merchants of developed countries for the purpose of dumping surplus agricultural products to foreign countries. Instead, they should really become big international grain merchants to ensure the supply security of national food and major agricultural products and drive farmers to increase their income and become rich.

Large industry-- give full play to the advantages of land reclamation enterprise groups, build the whole agricultural industry chain, and take the lead in promoting the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries. We will promote the standardization of the whole process of agricultural production and establish a traceability system for the quality and safety of agricultural products from Tantou to the dining table. Land reclamation enterprises speed up the construction of grain drying, drying and storage facilities, develop initial processing and intensive processing of bulk agricultural products, and radiation drives surrounding farmers to increase their income and become rich. We will promote the optimal layout of the circulation network of agricultural products on land reclamation, speed up the development of new circulation forms such as cold chain logistics, e-commerce and chain operation, and promote the brand building of land reclamation enterprises.

The journey of reform has begun, and in the sonorous sound of reform, China's land reclamation will, as always, live up to its mission and leave a strong mark in the history of the Republic of China in the new period. Han Changfu, minister of agriculture, said that the success or failure of land reclamation reform is not only related to the success or failure of the reform of state-owned agricultural enterprises, but also related to national food security and the development of modern agriculture. it is also related to whether we can build a force to compete with international multinational corporations and gain competitive advantage, but also related to whether we can grasp the initiative in China's agricultural and rural economic development and consolidate the party's ruling foundation.