
Agricultural investment, how can I fall in love with you? industrial and commercial capital goes to the countryside.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At present, in the field of agriculture in China, a hot spot that attracts people's attention is the rush of industrial and commercial capital to beach agriculture. Most of them are hopeful to enter agriculture, thinking that they have money, people, and markets, and they are sure to go smoothly and triumph all the way to the agricultural field.

At present, in the field of agriculture in China, a hot spot that attracts people's attention is the rush of industrial and commercial capital to beach agriculture. Most of them are hopeful to enter agriculture, thinking that they have money, people, and markets, and they are sure to go smoothly and sing triumphantly all the way. So Lenovo came, Evergrande came, Hailiang came, Alibaba came, Greentown came, and industrial and commercial enterprises, large and small, chased each other for fear of losing an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as if flowers and beautiful trees were close at hand on the shore ahead.

But facts have proved that there will not be a straight line between any wish and result, and it is far from easy and simple to reach the other shore smoothly.

Only after experiencing twists and turns or even setbacks will people look back and sigh: agricultural investment, it is not easy to say love you! At the same time, we finally realized that if we want to copy the successful experience in the industrial and commercial field to the agricultural field, it is impossible to simply copy it. If you want to really make a difference, you must ask yourself, "how can I fall in love with you" before you say "love you"?

The following practical examples are vivid and profound footnotes.

NetEase: from ambitious to silent-why is it difficult for Dingjia Pig to give birth?

Modern agriculture is a market-oriented large-scale agriculture. Only capital investment, no technology and talent reserve, no long-term industry experience, twice the result with half the effort is reasonable.

"it's more difficult to raise pigs than to be IT!" At the "China Agricultural Investment Conference" held by this newspaper in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, Mao Shan poured out his heart and feelings to the reporter.

Mao Shan is the head of the Agricultural Division of "NetEase" and is specifically in charge of the pig raising project.

As an elite of IT, "NetEase" pig raising once caused a great sensation. President Ding Lei announced in high profile that he would enter the field of animal husbandry and raise pigs with the concept of "ecology". The sound of combining IT technology with traditional farming has not been forgotten.

However, what breeding techniques will be adopted for "ecological pigs"? How to price it? How will IT technology be applied to traditional aquaculture industry? The general public is full of curiosity.

Mao Shan used to be an aircraft repairman. After being entrusted with the important task of "raising pigs", he went non-stop to inspect and consult at home and abroad. But as he said in his resignation letter at the end of 2013, "We all have this experience in reading. From thin to thick, and then to thin, we have also gone through this process." From knowing nothing about pigs to finding that it is not easy to raise pigs. There are many world-class experts, including molecular breeding, nutrition research, disease control, all of which are cutting-edge technologies that also represent the highest level of human civilization. But gradually, we pay less attention, because a lot of things have been solved by predecessors, or professionals are solving them, we just need to focus on the key points. When I have read a thin book, I have my own idea: the third-generation pig raising model! "

As Mao Shan felt, the animal husbandry industry is a complete and long industrial chain, from feed to breeding, from epidemic prevention to management, from fecal disposal to product development, even if it is one of the links, it will take three or five years to figure it out. Don't even think about it.

The time that opportunity gives people is often limited. The cooperation between NetEase and Mao Shan was terminated after the public's appetite was suspended countless times and their expectations were dashed again and again. NetEase has to admit: "We have indeed overestimated ourselves and underestimated the problems faced in pig farming. Agriculture is really a new field for NetEase, and complex supply chain management is not NetEase's strong suit." "Ding Jia Pig" is silent.

In the concept of many people, raising pigs seems to be the easiest job in the world, with no technical content to speak of. Their parents don't have any culture and can raise pigs. Is it not as good as them when they graduate from college? As everyone knows, there is a big difference between traditional and modern farming.

NetEase's concept of "ecological pig" is not bad, and Maoshan pig raising is not without efforts. However, the industrial chain of modern animal husbandry is very long, from feed, breeding, epidemic prevention, slaughtering and processing to product development and marketing. In order to raise "ecological pigs" well, we must control the whole industrial chain. Otherwise, "ecological pig" can only be a "gimmick". But there is no long time to get through this industrial chain, and you may not even be able to touch the door.

Experts believe that traditional farming is scattered farming and a self-sufficient small-scale peasant economy, which has no excessive requirements for labor productivity and land output rate; but modern aquaculture is a market-oriented behavior, and there is a strict plan for the ratio of input and output. If you want to become bigger and stronger, you must open up the industrial chain. In this regard, modern farming is not only capital-intensive, but also technology-intensive and talent-intensive industries. The definition of technology and talent is not how high the education level is or how deep the knowledge is, but the insight and grasp of the industry.

Chuanhua: from spending a lot of money to repositioning-- enterprises should not compete for what farmers can do.

Industrial and commercial enterprises can only give full play to their advantages in the fields of capital-intensive, technology-intensive and talent-intensive, and must not invest in the production of primary products such as planting and breeding. Generally speaking, enterprises must not invest in the work that farmers can do.

"We finally made a profit, 1 million!" The reporter still clearly remembers the excited expression of Zhu Xiaoxiang, general manager of Chuanhua Earth at that time.

1 million yuan is really negligible for Chuanhua Group, but for Chuanhua Earth, it is extraordinary: after years of exploration, Chuanhua Earth finally walked out of the predicament of agricultural industrialization with only input and no output. They can finally proudly announce that investing in agriculture is profitable!

Chuanhua is a famous large private enterprise in Zhejiang, mainly engaged in chemical industry, logistics and other industries. On April 28, 2002, Zhejiang Province established an agricultural science and technology demonstration park. The park, which covers an area of 5000 mu and has a total investment of 500 million yuan, is led by the government and operated by enterprises. And the operator is Chuanhua Land, which is invested by Chuanhua Group.

Planning, land formation, recruiting staff, and purchasing equipment. When Zhu Xiaoxiang finally planted tomatoes in the greenhouse and shipped them to the market for sale, he found that his price was so high that the market could not accept it at all. Farmers sell tomatoes for only 2 yuan per jin, while the cost of Chuanhua is about 10 yuan.

Zhu Xiaoxiang was lost in thought: farmers' land is their own, labor is their own, regardless of cost; and when industrial and commercial enterprises enter the agricultural sector, they not only need to lease land, but also need to recruit personnel, but also buy social insurance and strictly implement the eight-hour working system. If farmers work for themselves, they can get up early in the morning and work late at night, and work for enterprises, but they can "work without effort."

Then break up the fingers and calculate: manual excavation pool, 800000 yuan; introduction of fully automated seedling greenhouse from France, 10.25 million yuan; tissue culture building, investment of 4.7 million yuan, not including hydropower and other supporting facilities; glass greenhouse from the Netherlands, 10.5 million yuan.

With such a huge cost, how can tomatoes not be sky-high and how can they be sold in the market? Zhu Xiaoxiang quickly adjusted his strategy: take the initiative to avoid farmers and no longer plant low-end mass products, but to give full play to the advantages of high technology and use advanced tissue culture technology to produce seeds and seedlings and high-grade flowers, such as Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, andrographis, and so on.