
Four samples of Comprehensive Agricultural Development supporting Modern Agriculture

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Comprehensive agricultural development is an important means and effective form of financial support for agriculture. The development of modern agriculture and the solid promotion of the construction of a new socialist countryside not only put forward new and higher requirements for the comprehensive development of agriculture, but also give further play to the role of comprehensive development of agriculture.

Comprehensive agricultural development is an important means and effective form of financial support for agriculture. The development of modern agriculture and the solid promotion of the construction of a new socialist countryside not only put forward new and higher requirements for the comprehensive development of agriculture, but also bring opportunities to further play the role of comprehensive development of agriculture. Actively exploring the role of comprehensive agricultural development in the development of modern agriculture is of great practical significance to promote the construction of new countryside. This edition publishes four samples of comprehensive agricultural development to support the development of modern agriculture, in order to facilitate local learning and reference. -- Editor

Tianjin: promoting Agricultural Modernization with Comprehensive Development as the Carrier

Centering on the goal of building modern urban agriculture, Tianjin highlights the key points of support, strives to support new business entities, vigorously promotes the industrialized operation of agriculture, improves the management mechanism, and constantly increases farmers' income and agricultural efficiency. It has promoted the development of agricultural modernization in Tianjin.

Highlight the key points of support and strive to improve the management level of agricultural industrialization. Focus on supporting dominant industries, including high-quality grain and oil, facility vegetables, characteristic aquatic products, etc.; regional characteristic advantage resources projects; leading enterprises with demonstration and leading role, guiding enterprises to carry out standardized cultivation and large-scale breeding; the construction of agricultural products circulation system, wholesale markets and agricultural products storage and preservation projects.

We will vigorously support new business entities and focus on close ties between the interests of farmers. We will vigorously support farmers' cooperative organizations. since 2011, the financial fund scale of the industrialization financial subsidy program for supporting farmers' specialized cooperatives has reached 116 million yuan, supporting 46 farmers' specialized cooperatives. Actively innovate the mechanism for linking the interests of farmers. Since 2013, Tianjin has carried out leading enterprises to drive industrial development and the construction of "one county, one special" industrial development project. Over the past two years, a total of 100 million yuan has been invested and nine pilot projects have been implemented. Actively explore the establishment of a long-term linkage mechanism of benefit sharing, risk sharing and mutual benefit between leading enterprises and cooperatives or farmers.

We will strengthen the construction of carriers and strive to improve the level of intensive agricultural management. We will promote the construction of the market system for agricultural products to a higher level and actively support a number of regional agricultural products storage and preservation and wholesale markets of producing areas that are planned and guaranteed by the government. We will carry out the pilot construction of a modern agricultural industrial park, with a total investment of 220 million yuan from 2014 to 2016, forming a demonstration zone with modern agricultural characteristics. We will vigorously promote the construction of facility vegetable bases. since 2011, we have organized and implemented 140 facility vegetable projects for four consecutive years, with a total investment of 1.05 billion yuan and a facility vegetable greenhouse of 30, 000 mu.

Improve the management mechanism and strive to improve the level of project management. Clear management responsibilities, the work role of the Municipal Agricultural Development Office gradually changed to organizers, regulators, in the project establishment, implementation and other aspects to give play to the district and county initiative. Strengthen the management of the project establishment process, form a responsibility system of "who inspects who is responsible, who is responsible for who is responsible", and increases the intensity of information disclosure. Strengthen supervision and inspection, combine pre -, mid-and post-inspection, focus on the implementation of the project plan, and combine performance management with acceptance inspection. (contributed by Tianjin Agricultural Comprehensive Development Office)

Hebei: creating a demonstration Zone to lead the Development of Modern Agriculture

Hebei Province has built 31 "modern agricultural comprehensive development and demonstration zones" in three batches, focusing on the "five demonstrations" of the reform of the new agricultural industrial management system, the transformation and application of agricultural scientific and technological achievements, the agglomeration of agricultural production factors, the innovation of the benefit mechanism of farmers, and the promotion of agricultural sustainable development, and explored a new way for comprehensive agricultural development to lead the development of modern agriculture.

Give full play to the advantages of agricultural development and promote the growth of regional industries. Hebei Province has invested 26 million yuan a year to build high-standard farmland in each demonstration area for three consecutive years. At the same time, around the local leading industry, the establishment of demonstration zone industrialization project "green channel". Relying on the production base, the industrialization project will follow up in time, create an industrial pattern of "leading enterprises + bases + cooperative organizations", and initially form industrial agglomeration areas with distinctive characteristics and outstanding advantages, such as vegetables in Qingxian County, forest and fruit in Yixian County, and grain in Xiongxian County, with an annual total output value of 800 million yuan.

Create a platform to gather all kinds of production factor resources. Relying on the platform of the demonstration zone, we should make overall use of land, funds, development subjects and other factors of production to improve the level of intensive agricultural management. The first is to innovate the mechanism to integrate financial funds for agriculture. Take the demonstration area as the platform, put the funds of the relevant agriculture-related departments, starting from the budget arrangement and project declaration at the beginning of the year, all around the unified planning of the demonstration area, their respective responsibilities, and integrated implementation. Up to now, the accumulated integrated funds of the demonstration zone are 830 million yuan. The second is to improve infrastructure conditions to promote land transfer. Through high-standard farmland construction, effectively improve farmland infrastructure, guide and encourage market players to take the form of joint-stock cooperation, land replacement, joint generation and other forms to speed up land circulation in the demonstration area. At present, the land transfer rate in the demonstration area has reached 40.5%. Third, strive for preferential policies to stimulate social investment, attracting a total of 7.4 billion yuan of social capital.

Raise the level of science and technology and promote the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. Take the application and popularization of science and technology as an important function of the demonstration area, vigorously introduce and popularize new technologies and techniques, and raise the level of agricultural modernization. Up to now, the popularization rate of advanced science and technology in the demonstration zone has reached 100%, and the contribution rate of science and technology has reached more than 65%. We should focus on high efficiency and water saving, adopt the "31st" model supported by engineering, agronomy, management and science and technology, and focus on promoting high-efficiency water-saving measures such as the integration of water and fertilizer in the demonstration area. We will further strengthen modern agricultural equipment, focus on information technology, and vigorously strengthen modern agricultural equipment, and the level of comprehensive mechanization of agricultural farming and harvest has reached 90%. Actively promote ecological and environmental protection technologies, and all enterprises and projects that produce "three wastes" emissions in the demonstration area must be tested by the environmental protection department to meet the pollution-free discharge requirements.

Support new business entities and strive to maximize the comprehensive benefits of the demonstration area. Give prominence to leading enterprises and professional cooperative organizations to promote the rapid growth of farmers' income through contract, cooperation, shareholding and other interest linkage mechanisms. Up to now, the cooperative organizations in the demonstration area cover 40% of the farmers, and the average household income has increased by more than 2500 yuan. (contributed by Hebei Agricultural Comprehensive Development Office)