
The General Administration of quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine launches the "quality inspection sword" campaign against counterfeiting of agricultural materials in spring.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The quality of agricultural products is directly related to the safety of agricultural production and the vital interests of farmers. In the spring of 2015, the quality supervision departments of various localities focused on chemical fertilizer products, started with the anti-counterfeiting of agricultural materials to the countryside, the "sharp sword operation" of agricultural materials, and the renovation of key areas of agricultural materials, and carried out agriculture in an all-round way.

The quality of agricultural products is directly related to the safety of agricultural production and the vital interests of farmers. In the spring of 2015, the quality supervision departments of various localities focused on chemical fertilizer products, started with the anti-counterfeiting of agricultural materials to the countryside, the "sword operation" of agricultural materials, and the renovation of key areas of agricultural materials, and comprehensively carried out special law enforcement and anti-counterfeiting work on agricultural materials. As of April 20, the national quality supervision department had dispatched a total of 81582 law enforcement personnel to investigate and handle 539 cases of agricultural materials, with a value of 14.75 million yuan, reducing the loss of agricultural production by 16.61 million yuan.

It is understood that in this year's "agricultural material crackdown on counterfeiting and going to the countryside," local quality supervision departments went deep into the fields to organize the campaign of "entering thousands of villages, entering thousands of households, and drawing thousands of samples." A total of 9396 villages and 24056 peasant households were entered. Carry out free testing of a wide range of agricultural products used in the area, actively promote on-site rapid testing, publish the sampling test results of law enforcement inspection and the investigation and handling of illegal cases of agricultural materials in the area; publicize laws and regulations, knowledge of identifying fake and false, and "12365" report and complaint telephone number.

In the further promotion of the "sharp sword of quality inspection" action against counterfeiting of agricultural materials, local quality supervision departments take chemical fertilizers as key products and strictly investigate quality violations such as insufficient effective content of products, false labels and unlicensed production. In April this year, the Law Enforcement Department of the General Administration organized the quality supervision departments of 13 provinces, including Shandong and Sichuan, to investigate and deal with 88 cases of illegal fertilizer quality that had been secretly visited in the previous period. The Guizhou Bureau of quality Supervision investigated agricultural materials cases from the distribution link in the key areas of agricultural materials anti-counterfeiting in the province, investigated and dealt with two major and important cases and transferred them to the public security organs. Xinjiang Bureau of quality Supervision organized special joint law enforcement actions for chemical fertilizer agricultural products.

While deepening the regional renovation work, in accordance with the requirements of forming a pluralistic co-governance work pattern, various localities should improve the responsibility system in which local governments take overall responsibility, enterprises bear the main responsibility, and regulatory departments bear their own responsibilities. Through law enforcement inspection, sending personnel supervision, undercover visits, inspection proposals, interviews with key regional government officials and other measures to promote the in-depth development of agricultural material key areas. Hunan Liuyang Phosphate Fertilizer, Shuangfeng County Rice Milling Machine, Cili County small Chemical Fertilizer, Leiyang small Agricultural Machinery, through renovation, regional product quality problems have been effectively solved. Hebei Bureau of quality Supervision has included the key areas of agricultural products in the assessment of the local government to promote the government and various departments to carry out comprehensive improvement of the quality of agricultural products.

At the same time, local quality inspection departments are also actively carrying out anti-counterfeiting of rural consumer goods and agriculture-related e-commerce products. We will seriously investigate and deal with illegal activities in the manufacture and sale of fake and shoddy products, focusing on small household appliances, daily chemicals, hardware and electrical materials, and other products. We should make full use of the e-commerce platform to expand the source of cases and trace the illegal acts of manufacturing and selling fake and shoddy agricultural materials and rural consumer goods. A total of 74 cases of fake and shoddy agricultural materials manufactured and sold by e-commerce, with a value of 590000 yuan, and 35 cases of manufacturing and selling fake and shoddy rural consumer goods with a value of 870000 yuan were investigated.

The relevant responsible person of the Law Enforcement Supervision and Inspection Department of the General Administration of quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said that the next step will be to serve "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" as the main line, and actively promote agricultural materials to fight counterfeiting and go to the countryside in autumn. We should start with the investigation and handling of major cases of agricultural materials, strengthen supervision and handling, promote the investigation and handling of agricultural materials cases by means of on-the-spot supervision, case file inspection, and performance assessment, strengthen supervision and guidance on the anti-counterfeiting work of law enforcement of agricultural materials at the grass-roots level, and promote the in-depth development of the campaign against counterfeiting of agricultural materials in the "quality inspection sword" operation.