
The occupational diseases of farmers should not be ignored.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The problem of occupational diseases of farmers can not be ignored. For example, farmers who grow fruits and vegetables have more exposure to pesticides, which will induce blood diseases and skin diseases; farmers who grow rice will suffer from arteriosclerosis when they work for a long time in cold water with bare legs; and farmers who operate greenhouses will suffer from arteriosclerosis.

The problem of occupational diseases of farmers can not be ignored. For example, farmers who grow fruits and vegetables have more exposure to pesticides, which will induce blood diseases and skin diseases; farmers who grow rice will suffer from arteriosclerosis when they work for a long time in cold water with bare legs; farmers who operate greenhouses will suffer from plastic greenhouse syndrome because they work in hot and humid greenhouses. Farmers who spend a long time on combine harvesters or tractors during summer harvest and spring sowing will suffer from diseases such as tinnitus and lumbar muscle strain, and even mushroom farmers will get occupational diseases such as mushroom lungs because they work in a dark and humid environment.

For many years, farmers do not know what occupational disease is. Nowadays, with the development of society and the progress of agriculture, some agricultural businesses have begun to turn to professionalization and industrialization. for example, planting in greenhouses has basically become factory production all the year round. and farmers in the traditional sense have gradually become professional farmers with a finer division of labor and a clearer profession. However, because the vast majority of farmers lack self-protection awareness of prevention and control of occupational diseases, and are unable to achieve regular medical examinations of occupational diseases, it is very difficult to find the disease in time, and once they find the disease, they will spend a lot of money and more effort on treatment. even because of seeing a doctor, farmers who have just entered the well-off society return to poverty because of illness. Therefore, with the development of modern agriculture and the refinement of farmers' occupation, farmers' occupational diseases should also attract enough attention.

There are many reasons for farmers to get occupational diseases. For example, many farmers basically have no sense of self-protection. They think that they have done this for generations, and they have never heard of any occupational diseases, so there is no need for protection. In addition, the protection propaganda for farmers' occupational diseases to the countryside has not kept up, and farmers lack protective measures like labor protection in enterprises. At the same time, there are very few labor protection products developed around the professional division of labor of modern agricultural farmers, which can not meet the requirements of labor protection of occupational division of labor related to agriculture. Third, poor medical and health conditions in rural areas, normal farmers' occupational disease screening and prevention can not be achieved, so that farmers can not get timely treatment after suffering from occupational diseases.

With the accelerated pace of modern agriculture, agricultural production conditions will be further improved, agricultural workers will be more meticulous, agricultural technical content and modern facilities will be further improved, and some new occupational diseases that have never been seen before may still appear. Therefore, we should strengthen the general survey and treatment of farmers' occupational diseases, take a variety of measures to popularize and guide farmers to enhance their awareness of self-prevention, achieve early prevention and treatment without disease, and effectively protect the physical and mental health of professional farmers.