
The treatment of "fertilizer dependence" can not rely on farmers alone.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Agricultural experts have repeatedly said that excessive application of chemical fertilizer will lead to a vicious circle of more and more fertilizers and thinner land, resulting in soil degradation, reduced grain production, non-point source pollution and other consequences. seriously endanger China's food security and affect the sustainable development of China's agriculture.

Agricultural experts have repeatedly said that excessive application of chemical fertilizer will lead to a vicious circle of "more fertilizer and thinner land", which will lead to soil degradation, grain production reduction, non-point source pollution and other consequences. seriously endanger China's food security and affect the sustainable development of China's agriculture. However, these warnings have not stopped farmers from using and abusing chemical fertilizers, which are still gradually increasing. Statistics show that China uses nearly 60 million tons of chemical fertilizer annually, accounting for 35 percent of the world's total, equivalent to the sum of the United States and India.

China's agriculture suffers from serious "fertilizer dependence". The direct reason is that farmers do not know how to cultivate fields scientifically, lack the knowledge and technology of scientific fertilization, and apply chemical fertilizer blindly. For example, when applying fertilizer, many farmers often sprinkle fertilizer directly on the soil surface, which not only reduces the absorption rate of crops, but also easy to cause fertilizer volatilization and loss.

However, farmers are also "rational economic men". Excessive application of chemical fertilizer, in the final analysis, chemical fertilizer itself can play a role in replenishing soil nutrients, which is conducive to stabilize and increase grain production and increase income, which is the rational behavior of individuals. On the one hand, for most farmers who are still farming in the countryside, it is almost impossible for their children to continue farming like them, so they do not worry about the consequences of excessive application of chemical fertilizer. On the other hand, it is not that farmers do not know that it is better to apply organic fertilizer than chemical fertilizer, but because a large number of rural labor force go to the cities to work, farmers raise fewer pigs, chickens and ducks, and the amount of farm manure produced in rural areas is greatly reduced, which can not meet the needs of farming. They have to spend money on chemical fertilizer, otherwise grain production will be reduced. Moreover, the return of crop straw to the field and deep ploughing and deep ploughing is time-consuming and laborious for farmers, and farmers with "units 38, 61 and 99" can no longer undertake such farm work.

Thus it can be seen that agriculture suffers from "fertilizer dependence", and the board cannot be blindly hit on the farmers. To treat "fertilizer dependence", we can not only rely on farmers, but also rely on the government and national policies. The government should vigorously promote and popularize green fertilizers, provide financial subsidies for farmers to purchase and apply bio-organic fertilizers, reduce the price of bio-organic fertilizers, and guide farmers to use bio-organic fertilizers instead of part of chemical fertilizers, so that bio-organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers can be used at the same time; for farmers to buy organic fertilizer fertilizers, provide financial subsidies to reduce the input cost of farmers replacing fertilizers. Grass-roots agrotechnical personnel should be approachable, go into the fields, take large grain growers as a link, comprehensively popularize and popularize scientific fertilization techniques such as soil testing and formula fertilization, and give guidance on fertilization in the hands of elderly farmers. let farmers really use fertilizer scientifically.