
The window for the publication of land reclamation reform documents is approaching to promote the establishment of modern agricultural enterprises.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Great Intelligence Asdak News Agency on May 13, experts close to the Ministry of Agriculture told Dazhi News Agency on Wednesday that the reform document on land reclamation has been brewing and drafted for nearly three years, and the current document is close to the window period. the direction of reform involves the establishment of modern agricultural enterprise groups and the promotion of full production.

Great Intelligence Asdak News Agency, May 13, experts close to the Ministry of Agriculture told Dazhi News Agency on Wednesday that the reform document on land reclamation has been brewing and drafted for nearly three years, and the current document is close to the window period. The direction of reform involves the establishment of modern agricultural enterprise groups, the promotion of demutualization and collectivization of the whole industry chain, and so on.

The window for many years of drafting is approaching.

Experts close to the Ministry of Agriculture told Dazhi News Agency on Wednesday that the land reclamation reform document has been in the process of drafting for nearly three years, and the release of the document is nearing the window.

Ministry of Agriculture officials told Dazhi News Agency at the bottom last year that the general document on reform will be released in May or June this year.

In fact, as mentioned by experts close to the Ministry of Agriculture, the State Council conducted intensive research at the level of the State Council last year in order to draft a document on land reclamation reform. In July last year, the State Council sent eight research teams to investigate the local land reclamation system, laying the groundwork for the drafting of land reclamation reform documents.

Not only last year, but even earlier in 2013, the Ministry of Agriculture conducted a special survey on the progress of land reclamation reform in various reclamation areas, including land reclamation reform, land management and other aspects. The reform survey will continue in 2014.

Relevant people from the Heilongjiang General Administration of Land Reclamation also introduced to the Dazhi News Agency that the reform of the land reclamation system is in the pipeline, and the local land reclamation system is waiting for the introduction of the reform guidance document.

This year, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee set out separate provisions on land reclamation reform for the first time. Article 26 of the No. 1 document of the Central Committee proposes that it is necessary to speed up the study and introduction of policies and measures to promote the reform and development of land reclamation, deepen the reform of farm enterprises, collectivization of reclamation areas, and diversification of equity, and establish a supervision system of state-owned assets in line with the characteristics of land reclamation. Han Jun, deputy director of the Office of the Central Rural work leading Group, said that land reclamation reform has been listed as a key reform task this year.

Establish a modern agricultural enterprise group

Although the document on land reclamation reform has not yet been officially released, Wang Shoucong, director of the Agricultural Reclamation Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, has put forward an overall train of thought on the direction of land reclamation system reform.

For example, on the 8th of this month, Wang Shoucong made a special report on the development of land reclamation industry to people related to land reclamation in Hainan: the direction of land reclamation is to establish modern agricultural enterprise groups with international competitiveness, and the direction of land reclamation reform is mainly "farm enterprising and reclamation area collectivization."

As early as January this year, Wang Shoucong also stressed that land reclamation reform must stimulate vitality through reform and explore the cultivation of large international grain merchants.

Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that the reform of land reclamation is to solve the problem of no distinction between government and enterprises, to return enterprises to enterprises, and to make the development of the land reclamation system more dynamic.

With regard to the specific measures to achieve corporatization and collectivization, the Ministry of Agriculture has made it clear that it is necessary to explore and promote the reform of equity diversification. Actively make use of the capital market to attract all kinds of investors, introduce strategic investors, including private capital, international capital, listed companies, etc., and gradually transform core enterprises such as industrialization specialized companies and reclamation area group companies into joint-stock enterprises with multiple capital structures.

Active deployment and reform of land reclamation in Hainan and Jiangsu

Great Wisdom News Agency combed and found that before the formal introduction of the land reclamation reform document, the local land reclamation has begun to deploy the relevant work. Including Hainan, Jiangsu, Ningxia and other land reclamation systems have put forward the corresponding reform plan.

Recently, Wang Shoucong made a special report on the development of land reclamation industry for more than 300 leading cadres of Hainan land reclamation, which provided the future development direction, implementation path and measures of Hainan land reclamation and national land reclamation.

In addition, Jiangsu Agricultural Reclamation Group said that this year, it will vigorously promote the capitalization and securitization of state-owned assets, further promote the reform of corporate and mixed ownership, and improve the modern enterprise system. Ningxia Land Reclamation Group said that this year, it will study and formulate new supporting policies for land reclamation reform and development, and will complete 12 categories and 64 reform tasks. At the same time, Yunnan, Heilongjiang and other places will also continue to promote land reclamation reform this year.