
More and more Chinese college students devote themselves to farming and entrepreneurial dreams.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I made 1 million when I was 27. Huang Chao was black and thin in front of him, and his pants and shoes were covered with dirt, but there was a sense of confidence in his words. Huang Chao, a 30-year-old from Hubei, graduated from Shanxi Agricultural University in 2008. When he was a junior, he was in the countryside around the school.

"I made 1 million when I was 27." Huang Chao was black and thin in front of him, and his pants and shoes were covered with dirt, but there was a sense of confidence in his words.

Huang Chao, a 30-year-old from Hubei, graduated from Shanxi Agricultural University in 2008. When he was a junior, he contracted a greenhouse in the countryside around the school to grow edible fungi to start a business. After graduating from college, instead of going out to work like other classmates, he stayed in the countryside and continued his edible mushroom career. Now he runs an agricultural cooperative of his own and goes to various parts of Shanxi to give technical guidance to farmers.

The agricultural entrepreneurship that Huang Chao is engaged in has grasped two key words in the current development of China. Chinese leaders have repeatedly encouraged young people to start businesses in public, and the 2015 government work report also pointed out the need to promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation.

And agriculture is the top priority related to China's development. With China's economic development, urbanization and changes in population structure, many young and strong rural workers have left the countryside. In order to solve the problem of who will farm in the future, China's "No. 1 document" has focused on agriculture for 12 consecutive years and issued a series of policies to benefit agriculture and support agriculture. Many college students, especially those from agricultural colleges and universities, take advantage of this opportunity and are ready to go.

There is a college student entrepreneurship park covering an area of nearly 1000 mu 18 kilometers away from Shanxi Agricultural University. There are 19 entrepreneurial teams in this land. They cultivate their entrepreneurial dreams by growing strawberries, honeysuckle, high-quality forage grass, edible fungi, daisies and so on.

Ma Hongjun is a senior at the Agricultural College of Shanxi Agricultural University, and his team has planted three greenhouses here. At present, the strawberries in the greenhouse are just right, and people come to pick them from time to time. "the prospect of agriculture is very good, it is an industry that will never decline, and entrepreneurship is a very passionate thing. To combine agriculture with entrepreneurship is to combine hope with passion!" Ma Hongjun applied to the school for land to grow virgin fruit from the beginning of his freshman year, and then continued to work with others after failure, and now he has finally set up his own entrepreneurial team.

Xie Shengjie, who is also a senior at the Agricultural College of Shanxi Agricultural University, moved to the Entrepreneurship Park last April and rented a greenhouse to grow melons.

When the reporter saw him, he was working in the greenhouse, his clothes pressed against his back and his skin tanned. Xie Shengjie said that his parents are also farmers, and he was educated from childhood to earn no money from farming. In the future, he will leave the countryside to go to college, and his parents also work outside the country all the year round. However, now he does not think so. "We are different from them. We are modern farmers who know how to operate and manage. As long as we have investment and increase the scale, we will certainly be able to make money!"

Duan Xutao, a freshman, helps in the greenhouse from time to time. "now the wings are not yet hard, so learn as much as you can, and I want to start a business in the future!" He said.

The upsurge of entrepreneurship among college students is inseparable from the training and promotion of the school. As the only agricultural local university in Shanxi, Shanxi Agricultural University promotes the transformation of talent training mode through innovation and entrepreneurship, and carries on the whole process training and assistance from the aspects of entrepreneurial consciousness, entrepreneurial ability improvement, entrepreneurial project incubation, graduate promotion and so on.

"some people think that these post-90s children are passionate in the moment and can't stick to it with a little pain, but their performance in entrepreneurial practice has subverted people's traditional view." Shi Yangling, secretary of the party committee of Shanxi Agricultural University, said that through entrepreneurship training, students have not only mastered the ability to eat, but also cultivate their spirit of hard struggle, courage to challenge, and the ability to learn on their own initiative.

In order to make entrepreneurship education and services more systematic and institutionalized, Shanxi Agricultural University took the lead in setting up Entrepreneurship College among Chinese agricultural universities last year to integrate resources. we will make overall plans to do a good job in students' entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship base construction, entrepreneurship park construction and so on, so as to train agricultural entrepreneurship talents.