
Notice No. 2111 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the people's Republic of China

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, According to the relevant regulations such as the seed Law of the people's Republic of China and the measures for the examination and Administration of crop seed quality Inspection institutions, five crop seed inspection institutions, including Yunnan crop seed quality Supervision and testing Center, are equipped to carry out external agriculture.

According to the relevant provisions such as the seed Law of the people's Republic of China and the measures for the examination and Administration of crop seed quality Inspection institutions, five crop seed inspection institutions, including Yunnan crop seed quality Supervision and testing Center, have the basic conditions and ability to carry out crop seed inspection, and have been approved as qualified seed inspection institutions. To issue the qualification Certificate of crop seed quality Inspection institutions of the people's Republic of China, allowing the use of the qualification marks of crop seed quality inspection institutions within the scope of approved seed inspection projects. Heilongjiang crop seed quality Supervision, Inspection and Test Center has the ability to test the authenticity of varieties, approved to increase the corresponding inspection items, and agreed to change the relevant contents of the qualification certificate of its seed inspection organization.

It is hereby announced.

Attachment: crop seed quality inspection institutions approved by the Ministry of Agriculture (eighth batch)

Ministry of Agriculture

June 13, 2014


Notice No. 2111. CEB

Attachment-crop seed quality Inspection Agency (eighth batch). Doc