
Don't let rural culture marginalize desertification

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cultural products must carry values and emotions in line with farmers' tastes in order to move the hearts of farmers. At present, with the change of social relations and structure in rural areas, there is a phenomenon of cultural marginalization in rural areas, and rural cultural construction is subordinated by some officials to economic construction.

Cultural products must carry values and emotions in line with farmers' tastes in order to move the hearts of farmers.

At present, with the changes of social relations and structure in rural areas, there is a phenomenon of cultural marginalization in rural areas, rural cultural construction has been placed in a subordinate position of economic construction by some officials, unhealthy social atmosphere has been wantonly transferred to rural areas, excellent traditional culture has been abandoned and lost, and the residue of vulgar culture has sprung up. For thousands of years, the autonomous, courteous and tender local soil has disappeared, and the fertile soil that gave birth to Chinese civilization tends to dry up. In recent years, the central and local governments have allocated a large number of special cultural funds for the construction of public cultural facilities, but the results are not optimistic. many grass-roots cultural facilities have become furnishings, and the cultural activities organized by the government are not enthusiastic about it because of the gap between the cultural activities organized by the government and the actual needs of the masses. In this context, it is not surprising that vulgar phenomena such as funeral striptease and the lack of interest in the farmhouse are unnoticed.

In fact, farmers do not reject public cultural activities beyond the scope of individuals, families and villages, which can be confirmed by the prosperity of rural temple fairs. For this reason, it is necessary to increase investment, strengthen the construction of cultural positions, support rural public cultural organizations and carry out collective cultural activities, so as to avoid the anarchy of rural cultural activities. For example, the practice of rural Confucianism has achieved good results, making the family style and village style have undergone significant changes, curbing the value vacuum in the countryside and the continuous loss of the bottom line. For example, square dance fitness activities have been booming in many rural areas, its facilities do not need to invest too much, the grass-roots government can give strong support.

Values are the core of culture, in other words, belief culture plays a decisive role in the whole cultural construction, and farmers' belief culture is the foundation of the whole rural cultural construction. This is because belief is not only a private domain issue, but also a social and public issue. Only when a society has established a common identity and obtained a common spiritual support, will the society maintain stability and development under the connection of this belief. At present, the traditional ethics in rural areas has been violently impacted and shaken, and the diversity and secularization in the cultural field have led to ethical confusion and value inaccuracy among farmers, their spiritual life is extremely empty, and their beliefs are increasingly fragmented. Individual farmers have turned their beliefs to religion, and the problem of "pornography, gambling and drugs" is also on the rise in rural areas.

The traditional culture with Confucianism as the main body still has a certain vitality in rural areas, and it plays an important role in promoting the construction of rural culture. In other words, rural cultural construction does not blindly break the old and establish the new, cultural development has strong local differences, cultural construction not only needs the actions of the government, but also needs the autonomy of farmers. In this regard, the examination mode of cultural construction, which is stressful and costly, should be abolished, and the spread of culture should be based on the active participation and inner identity of farmers. It should be noted that cultural products must carry values and emotions in line with farmers' tastes in order to move the hearts of farmers. It is necessary to promote the harmonious symbiosis, coexistence and co-prosperity of mainstream culture and local culture, correctly understand the value and function of traditional rural culture, fully excavate the essence contained in rural traditional folk culture, and stimulate the endogenous vitality of rural culture. For example, village memory and genealogy play an inestimable role in the construction of rural culture, so it is necessary for the grass-roots government to fully excavate the geographical and kinship culture left over from the countryside, seriously identify folk traditional cultural resources, and transform and innovate them, so as to enrich the spiritual life of farmers.

Unlike science, culture has norms. In rural areas, there are not only formal norms represented by law, but also informal norms represented by customs, ethics, traditions, values, village rules and so on. It is worth noting that in China's traditional rural areas, because rural culture is a set of experience system, rural sages have high prestige and power; because of the relative lack of legal resources, informal norms actually play an important role in rural areas. At present, due to the insufficient supply of rural public services, farmers' behavior anomie began to appear vaguely, the situation of rural virtuous governance of the village basically ceased to exist, and the younger generation of farmers began to be dismissive of the ethics of many agricultural societies. In this regard, informal norms can not quickly form and restore normal social order, because informal norms are established, it is difficult to form and play an effective role in a long time.

In his book Entertainment to death, the scholar Bozman believes that there are two ways to wither the cultural spirit: one is to make culture a prison, and the other is to turn culture into a stage of entertainment to death. In other words, if the government turns a blind eye to the chaos of rural culture and does not solve the problem of systematic lack of normative culture, then rural culture will go astray. Therefore, we should strengthen the crackdown on ugly culture, recognize the objective facts of the existence of informal norms, avoid arbitrary cultural supply, and treat the new cultural forms in rural areas with a more flexible and pragmatic attitude. we should support rural areas to establish rural morality and public opinion consistent with core values in accordance with local conditions.