
Small pills stand aside, it is the flower "life-saving pill"!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Some out-of-date pills in life can be used to grow flowers. In fact, things like baking soda and garlic can also grow flowers, cure diseases, get rid of insects and promote rooting, and the effect is no worse than small pills!

Magic medicine for growing flowers: baking soda

Baking soda has the effect of bacteriostasis and disinfection. Growing flowers with baking soda water can prevent some flower diseases caused by bacterial fungal infection and slow down seedlings.

1 disinfection and sterilization

How to use it:

1. Mix baking soda and water into a baking soda solution with a concentration of 0.3%.

2. Pour the baking soda solution into the spray can and spray the front and back sides of the plant leaves. Then pour the remaining solution into the basin and irrigate the roots to remove bacteria and bacteria from the soil.

3. Rose flowers are easy to get powdery mildew, and baking soda solution can help inhibit the deterioration of the disease. Usually spraying baking soda solution to healthy flowers can prevent powdery mildew, coal ash and anthrax.

2 slow seedling in new pot

Recently, many flower lovers have gone to the flower market to buy flowers, but the soil for flowers in the flower market is generally poor, and they usually need to take off the pot and change the soil after returning home. Sprinkling a layer of baking soda at the bottom of the flowerpot can prevent the phenomenon of "stiff seedlings" and make the new flowers adapt to the environment more quickly.

Magic medicine for growing flowers: vinegar

Vinegar taste sour, flowers usually like to eat, in fact, there are many flowers also like "jealous", not only can make the leaves greener, but also can cure flowers!

1 the yellow leaves turn green

Most flowering flowers are from the south, like the acidic soil, the soil and water quality of the north is easy to make the flower soil alkali, resulting in yellow flowers and leaves, can be adjusted with vinegar.

How to use it:

1. Mix vinegar and water in a ratio of 1 / 1 / 1000 and pour them directly into the pot when watering the flowers. Keep away from the roots.

2. The vinegar solution does not need to water the flowers too frequently. Using it once a month can keep the soil slightly sour. Such sour flowers can grow happily in the north!

1 prevention and control of black spot

Rose, rose and other flowers are easy to get black spot, if found in time, you can use vinegar to treat!

How to use it:

1. Add vinegar to clear water. The ratio of vinegar to water is 1: 300. Stir well.

2. Spray vinegar solution on the leaves and spray them on both sides. Spray twice a week for 4 or 5 times in a row will be effective. This method is suitable for the early stage of black spot disease, if it is already very serious, it should be treated with special drugs.

Magic medicine for growing flowers: sugar

Although it is still winter, but there are still many flower friends trying to cuttage, some flowers as long as the temperature is enough, but the rooting is relatively slow, you can use sugar to make some rooting water to grow roots faster!

How to use it:

1. Put the sugar in a bowl, mix it with 10 times warm water and stir so that the sugar melts completely.

2. After cooling in sugar water, soak the cuttings in sugar water for ten minutes, then take them out and rinse them with clean water, then put them in water to take root.

3. The branches soaked in sugar water take root faster and grow white roots in less than a few days, which can improve the survival rate of cutting in winter.

Magic medicine for growing flowers: garlic

The spicy taste of garlic has the effect of disinfection and sterilization. If the roots and bulbs of flowers rot, you can use garlic instead of carbendazim to sterilize. In addition, garlic can also kill insects to flowers!

1 prevention and control of flower rot

How to use it:

1. Mash the garlic, soak in a little soapy water, mix the 1:1 garlic water with soapy water, add twice as much water, soak for one night, and let the allicin out fully.

2. After cutting off the rotten root system and bulb, smear the wound with soaked garlic soapy water, dry it and put it back on the basin.

2 to eliminate insect pests

How to use it:

1. Take a few cloves of garlic, peel it and mash it into a mashed garlic. Put the mashed garlic into a bottle, add 50 times water and soak for 8 hours.

2. Take the supernatant of the soaked garlic water, put it into a spray can and spray the leaves, use it once every 3 days and even 5 times, it can basically dispel aphids, and it also has an effect on red spiders and whitefly.

Common items used to grow flowers also have a good effect.

Flower friends who don't want to use medicine can try it.

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