
The Ministry of Land and Resources has issued a national land use plan for this year.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, A few days ago, the Ministry of Land and Resources issued the Circular on the National Land use Plan 2015 (hereinafter referred to as "the notice"), requiring all localities to treat them differently, keep pressure, and reasonably arrange the planning indicators of construction land. promote regional, urban-rural and industrial coordination

A few days ago, the Ministry of Land and Resources issued the Circular on the National Land use Plan 2015 (hereinafter referred to as "the Circular"), requiring all localities to treat differently, keep pressure, and reasonably arrange the planning indicators of construction land. we will promote the coordinated development of regions, urban and rural areas and industries. It is understood that the planned amount of new construction land issued throughout the country this year is roughly the same as that of last year.

The circular requires that land and resources departments at all levels comprehensively implement a series of major policy decisions and arrangements of the central government, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress in the midst of stability, and actively adapt to the new normal of economic development. implement the strictest cultivated land protection system and the strictest land conservation system, closely cooperate with the relevant state macro-control policies, co-ordinate the new and stock of construction land, and reasonably arrange land use plans. We will promote steady economic growth and sustained improvement in people's livelihood.

Priority should be given to land for the construction of social and people's livelihood. Land use planning indicators should be given priority to indemnificatory housing, medical education, public welfare facilities, environmental protection and other construction. The planning indicators of indemnificatory housing land shall continue to be specially arranged and managed at different levels, and the planning indicators of urban indemnificatory housing land approved by the State Council shall be directly arranged by the Ministry during the examination and approval of urban land use; the planning indicators of indemnificatory housing land in other cities shall be separately listed and implemented by the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) when examining and approving the land.

Focus on ensuring the use of land for infrastructure construction. Land use planning indicators should focus on supporting transportation, water conservancy, energy and other infrastructure and military construction. With regard to the comprehensive development land of railway land, all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) should strictly check and approve the land use planning indicators, strictly prevent idle land, and the comprehensive railway development land for urban batches of land approved by the State Council, the relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) shall indicate when applying for approval of urban batches of land, and the ministry shall arrange the land planning indicators. The planning indicators for the comprehensive development of railway land in other cities shall be arranged in advance by the relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in the national plan, and the reserved national planning indicators shall be specially arranged after the examination and approval of the department at the end of the year.

Rational arrangement of land for urban and rural areas and industrial construction. We will strictly control the use of land in megalopolis, rationally arrange the land use planning indicators for large, medium and small cities and small towns, and implement separate indicators for rural construction land planning, which shall not be less than 3% or 5% of the total planned amount issued by the state. Focus on supporting strategic emerging industries such as photovoltaic, as well as the construction of modern service industries such as pension, culture, medical care, tourism, etc.; for the construction of auxiliary facilities for new agricultural operators, separate land use planning indicators should be arranged.

We will implement land for poverty alleviation through development and construction. When decomposing and issuing the land use plans of the relevant provinces, 300 mu of land use plan targets shall be arranged for the key counties designated by the state for poverty alleviation and development work. When the relevant provinces decompose and issue the plans, they shall implement the poverty alleviation land targets to the poverty alleviation key counties to ensure the construction land for poverty alleviation and development projects.

According to the Circular, departments in charge of land and resources at all levels should earnestly implement the obligation to balance the occupation and compensation of cultivated land occupied by construction. When the index of cultivated land occupied by construction is decomposed and issued, full consideration should be given to the potential and actual situation of supplementary cultivated land, and the target of cultivated land occupied by construction should be reduced for cities and counties where reserve resources are insufficient and it is difficult to implement supplementary cultivated land. It is necessary to strengthen supervision over the implementation of the plan, and no planning targets shall be arranged for land for construction projects that do not comply with the industrial policy and the land supply policy.