
Ministry of Agriculture urgently deploys heavy rainfall weather defense work

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, At present, it is the critical period of grain and oil maturity in summer, and it is also an important stage for the growth and development of spring sowing crops. Since May, heavy rainfall has continued to occur in Jiangnan, South China and other places, and some areas have suffered floods to varying degrees. According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, the south in mid-late May

At present, it is the critical period of grain and oil maturity in summer, and it is also an important stage for the growth and development of spring sowing crops. Since May, heavy rainfall has continued to occur in Jiangnan, South China and other places, and some areas have suffered floods to varying degrees. According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, there will be heavy to torrential rain in most parts of the south in mid-late May. On May 18, the Ministry of Agriculture urgently deployed heavy rainfall prevention work, requiring all localities to attach great importance to it, strengthen their responsibilities, respond scientifically, do a good job in disaster prevention and reduction, ensure the safety of flood and agricultural production, and win the initiative to win a bumper harvest of grain and agriculture throughout the year.

First, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities. At present, wheat and rape in southwest China are entering the mature harvest period, early rice has been planted in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, medium rice seedlings and planting are being carried out one after another, and spring sowing crops such as corn are in the stage of seedling growth and development. The recent heavy rainfall is frequent, affecting a wide range and lasting for a long time, which may adversely affect agricultural production. Agricultural departments at all levels should firmly adhere to the goal of stabilizing grain income and increasing income, firmly establish the idea of resisting disasters and winning bumper harvests, consciously regard preventing heavy rainfall as the current urgent task, strengthen leadership, clarify responsibilities, intensify efforts, and strengthen measures. ensure that the responsibility is in place and measures are in place to effectively reduce the impact of disasters.

The second is to strengthen monitoring and early warning. Strengthen ties with meteorological, water conservancy and other relevant departments, pay close attention to disastrous weather and disasters, and issue early warning information in a timely manner. It is necessary to further improve and implement the actual duty system, strengthen emergency duty, strengthen disaster dispatching, take the initiative to collect, verify and reflect the disaster situation, and improve the timeliness and accuracy of information. Organize experts to formulate and improve disaster prevention and mitigation plans, and prepare technology and materials in advance for different regions and different types of disasters.

Third, we should pay close attention to the implementation of the measures. In view of the characteristics of heavy rainfall and the growth and development of crops in the field, timely start the emergency response, the first time to send a working group and expert guidance team to go deep into the disaster area to guide the implementation of disaster prevention and mitigation measures. It is necessary to seize the interval between rainfall, strengthen organization and scheduling, increase investment in machinery and manpower, speed up the harvest of ripe wheat and rape, and ensure that grains return to the warehouse. It is necessary to take early and middle rice as the focus of protection, dredge ditches in time, control flood and drainage, promptly check and wash seedlings and strengthen fertilizer and water management for flooded seedlings, and timely clear the garden and cultivate soil for flooded fruit trees and spray foliar fertilizer to promote the recovery of growth. It is necessary to organize personnel to carry out comprehensive inspection and reinforcement of greenhouse facilities.

Fourth, strengthen the guidance service. Timely organize cadres, workers, experts and technicians to go deep into the disaster areas, scientifically assess the impact of disasters, strengthen classified guidance, implement disaster prevention and relief measures in line with local conditions, and timely organize and guide farmers to do a good job in production and self-help. We should pay close attention to organizing drainage and reducing waterlogging, strengthen the post-disaster management of crops in the field, promote the early recovery of affected crops, help the disaster areas to study and formulate a perfect agricultural production recovery plan according to the characteristics of the disaster, and take timely measures to guide farmers to do a good job of replanting and replanting according to the characteristics of the season and the region. We will do a good job in the adjustment and transportation of seeds, seedlings, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, vaccines and other means of production, so as to provide material support for the resumption of production in disaster areas.