
The third national training course for grassland law enforcement teachers was held in Kazakhstan.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, From 14 to 18 May, the grassland Supervision Center of the Ministry of Agriculture held the third national training course for grassland law enforcement teachers in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. 36 backbone grassland law enforcement personnel from 21 provinces and autonomous regions and the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps participated in the training. Grassland supervision

From May 14 to 18, the Grassland Supervision Center of the Ministry of Agriculture held the third national grassland law enforcement teacher training class in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, in which 36 key grassland law enforcement personnel from 21 provinces and autonomous regions and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps participated in the training. Grassland Supervision Center and Heilongjiang Province Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau relevant responsible comrades attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.

Grassland law enforcement teacher training is specially carried out by the Grassland Supervision Center of the Ministry of Agriculture to solve the problem of insufficient teachers in grassland law enforcement training and promote effective grassland law enforcement training in various places. The trainees participating in the training are backbone personnel with certain theoretical basis and practical experience in law enforcement in all provinces and regions of the country. Since 2009, the Center has held three training courses for grassland law enforcement teachers, training nearly 100 trainees in total, and cultivating a group of excellent grassland law enforcement training teachers with solid theoretical foundation and strong teaching ability. Some participants said that the training of grass-roots grassland law enforcement personnel was very weak in the past, one of the important reasons being the lack of teachers. Through participating in the teacher training classes organized by the Center, a group of grassland law enforcement training teachers have been trained and trained. They have played an important role in promoting and strengthening the training of grass-roots grassland law enforcement personnel and improving the standardization level of grassland law enforcement.

On the basis of summing up the experience of the first two teacher classes, this training course adopts the training form of combining expert lectures, thematic discussions and simulated lectures. In the expert lecture link, the training class invited relevant experts to explain the contents of administration according to law, application of agricultural laws, connection between grassland administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, basis of grassland law enforcement and management of grassland expropriation and occupation. In the theme discussion link, the training class organized students to discuss and exchange on the implementation of grassland judicial interpretation, basic grassland protection system, construction and management of grassland management team five, countermeasures to strengthen grassland law enforcement training, etc. In the link of simulation lecture, organize students to give simulated lectures on two basic courses of grassland administrative law enforcement procedure and grassland law enforcement document making. Other students comment on the lecture mode and content, and put forward improvement opinions and suggestions.

Participants generally expressed that it was a rare learning opportunity to participate in such a week-long intensive training in their daily complicated work. Through study and training, the knowledge structure has been further optimized, the teaching ability has been enhanced, the comprehensive quality has been improved, and the advanced experience of other provinces and regions in promoting grassland law enforcement has been learned and exchanged, which is of great help to further improve the level of grassland law enforcement.