
Eight ministries play Internet +: create a new ecology of the Internet of everything

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Recently, a group photo of Cheng Wei, CEO of Didi Kuaidi, and Sun Jianping, director of the Shanghai Municipal Communications Commission, holding hands in Shanghai, has spread in the Internet industry. One is the troublemaker of the traditional urban taxi platform, and the other is the once superior regulatory department. The two have experienced a run-in.

Recently, a photo of Didi Kuai CEO Cheng Wei and Sun Jianping, director of Shanghai City Transportation Committee, holding hands in Shanghai has circulated in the Internet industry. One is the "spoiler" of the traditional urban taxi platform, and the other is the once-high regulatory department. The two have experienced running-in and then cooperated.

Change is happening in all areas. In addition to local governments embracing Internet giants such as Baidu [microblogging], Ali and Tencent with the highest standard of courtesy, local Internet enterprises have also been favored by local government departments as never before. Shanghai-based Shanghai Jiangwang has welcomed several waves of local and foreign official inspections this year.

At present, the Internet + action plan at the national level is being formulated under the leadership of the National Development and Reform Commission. The provinces that have clearly formulated the Internet + action plan include Fujian, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Sichuan, Hunan, Henan, etc., while Fujian, Chongqing, Shanghai, etc. are represented by more provinces that are "married" with Internet enterprises.

There are also ministries and commissions that open the way for Internet +. According to rough statistics of reporters of 21st Century Economic Report, 8 ministries and commissions have spoken for Internet + since this year, including the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Health and Family Planning, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Communications, the Tourism Bureau, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Energy Bureau and the Ministry of Commerce, among which the Ministry of Commerce has issued the first ministerial-level action plan.

Eight ministries voice Internet +

On May 15, the Ministry of Commerce issued the "Internet + Circulation" Action Plan, which is the first special action plan to be implemented after the Internet + was proposed in this year's government work report.

The Internet + Action Plan of the Ministry of Commerce refers to the field of e-commerce and proposes specific development indicators: strive to achieve five development goals within one to two years, including that by the end of 2016, China's e-commerce transaction volume will reach 22 trillion yuan and online retail sales will reach 5.5 trillion yuan. To reach the target, both figures would need to double in 2016 compared to 2014 figures.

"At present, this action plan is still in the process of refinement. Generally speaking, it is to do what the government should do." Internet + is hot now. The Ministry of Commerce's 'Internet + circulation' is to do what government departments should do, not to replace the role of the market." Shen Danyang, spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, said the action plan is to find ways to solve the two bottlenecks of "Internet + circulation".

One is to solve the problem of "the last kilometer" of e-commerce, actively develop small and medium-sized cities and rural e-commerce, and the other is to break the bottleneck of "the last 100 meters" of e-commerce, such as encouraging e-commerce to enter the community, promoting online and offline interaction, and innovating ways to serve people's livelihood.

Huo Jianguo, president of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, believes that the Ministry of Commerce not only undertakes e-commerce, but also undertakes the task of promoting consumption, promoting the role of Internet + circulation, which has great positive significance for improving circulation efficiency and promoting consumption.

This May, the National Tourism Administration, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Health and Family Planning Commission and other ministries and commissions also voiced their voices for Internet +. On May 8, the National Tourism Administration issued "Several Opinions on Promoting the Integrated Development of Tourism and Informatization"(Draft for Comments). On May 6, the Ministry of Agriculture held a national promotion meeting on the pilot work of information entering villages and households in Zhejiang Province, emphasizing that information entering villages and households should be built into a demonstration project of "Internet +" action plan landing in rural areas, focusing on key work such as launching public welfare services and promoting e-commerce into villages.

Xu Chengguang, deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the Ministry of Communications, also publicly stated in April that at present, according to the deployment of the central government and the state, the Ministry of Transport has joined the "Internet +" action plan preparation working group, and the Ministry of Communications will focus on promoting the comprehensive transportation information service science and technology demonstration work of the government-enterprise cooperation mode this year, orderly promoting the application demonstration work of the national Internet of Things in the field of transportation, and advocating the development of the new mode of "Internet + Transportation."

As for the Energy Bureau, the Energy Internet Action Plan is led by the Science, Technology and Equipment Department of the National Energy Administration and is currently conducting preliminary research.

"In fact, now the Internet + action plan from the national overall level, is the NDRC in the process, the NDRC has a macro-economic level of the Internet + plan, must have various departments according to their own industry cooperation, in general, is to respond to the call of the State Council," Ministry of Industry and Information Technology China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute Internet Deputy Director Liu Feng told 21st Century Economic Report reporter. At present, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is stepping up the preparation of relevant plans by the National Development and Reform Commission of the United Nations.

This year's "government work report" clearly to formulate "Internet +" action plan, this task falls on the head of the National Development and Reform Commission.

On March 19, the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission issued a red-headed urgent document to the local development and reform commission-"Notice on Doing a Good Job in Formulating the" Internet +"Action Plan," requiring local development and reform commissions to earnestly implement the relevant work arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and fully understand the "importance and urgency" of formulating this action plan.

The Notice formulates the "Internet +" action plan around the following four aspects: first, promoting industrial transformation and upgrading with the Internet; second, cultivating and developing new business models with the Internet; third, enhancing public service capabilities with the Internet; and fourth, accelerating network infrastructure construction.

The Notice requires local governments to establish project information databases in a timely manner and dynamically dispatch information. The NDRC will issue and organize the implementation of "Internet +" major engineering packages in due course in accordance with the principle of "mature one, start one".

The reporter of 21st century economic report learned from local development and reform commission that what the local government is cooperating with at present is the statistical arrangement of Internet + project information.

Shaanxi Development and Reform Commission requires relevant enterprises such as High-tech Zone in Shaanxi Province to sort out typical cases and successful experiences, summarize development laws and put forward policy suggestions around the content requirements of the four key aspects of the "Internet +" action plan formulated by the National Development and Reform Commission. "There is no definite time for reporting the project to the NDRC," said a local official with the NDRC.