
It is time to pour some cold water on the Great Leap forward of rural e-commerce.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, At present, China's rural e-commerce Great Leap forward movement is surging, like a raging fire! From the prime minister to the village head, all levels are talking about e-commerce and engaging in e-commerce. A lot of financial resources are being invested here. Almost every county and city is setting up an e-commerce industrial park, and every village is planning to do electricity.

At present, China's rural e-commerce Great Leap forward movement is surging, like a raging fire!

From the prime minister to the village head, all levels are talking about e-commerce and engaging in e-commerce. A lot of financial resources are being invested here. Almost every county and city is building an e-commerce industrial park, and every village is planning to set up an e-commerce trading platform.

What is the biggest problem in China's rural areas?

There are two internal reasons: one is that the endogenous financial supply is ineffective, which is mainly due to the mismatch between financial and land property rights; the other is that the organizational supply is ineffective, mainly supporting that the village organization is hollowed out in the economic base, and the existing organization has become an empty shell.

Hundreds of millions of highly dispersed small farmers are engaged in disorderly and vicious competition year after year. All the problems arise from this, and the difficulty of solving the problem also stems from this.

Why did Agricultural Bank of China, credit cooperatives, supply and marketing cooperatives and insurance companies flee the countryside?

Agricultural Bank of China, credit cooperatives, supply and marketing cooperatives, insurance companies and other institutions that serve agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and even government policy services for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, why have they all fled the countryside?

Because of the lack of endogenous hematopoiesis and power generation in rural areas, there is no point in giving blood transfusions and charging to rural areas.

Many coal bosses and real estate bosses have become nouveau riche, and they all rushed into agriculture and rural areas with Liu Chuanzhi, and they all suffered big losses. You don't have the ability of Liu Chuanzhi's wool on the cow, how dare you rush in?! The Agricultural Bank of China, rural credit cooperatives, supply and marketing cooperatives, insurance companies and so on all fled. Do you think they are stupid? Only you can, you are so wrong!

When e-commerce enters the village, does it have the ability to reach the sky with a thing growing on its head?

Leading agricultural enterprises have told the story of "companies + farmers" for 20 years, but the story can no longer be made up without Premier Wen's hug. When e-commerce came, Premier Li hugged him, and someone shouted out e-commerce to save agriculture, rural areas and farmers. This is how similar it is to leading enterprises to save agriculture, rural areas and farmers!

If e-commerce can not solve the two problems of ineffective rural financial supply and organizational supply, rural e-commerce is only a new great leap forward. If e-commerce solves the problem of ineffective financial supply and organizational supply in rural areas, it is a different matter. But so far, at least I have heard the reports of Taobao and, the two largest rural e-commerce giants at the China-Europe Agricultural Business Forum, and their rural e-commerce plan has not moved me at all, because it does not involve the supply of rural finance and organizational supply at all, the story told is not as moving as the original "company + peasant household", and the only new idea is "Internet +". "Internet +" this thing, does it mean that whoever wears it on his head will have the ability to reach the sky?

If every village spends money on a "Internet +", the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in the country will be solved.

Yuan Longping said: by using my seed, the problem of eating will be solved. Anhui people used it, why should Mr. Yuan leave? Teacher Yuan also feels wronged, ah, obviously your basic conditions can not keep up with, how can you blame my seed is not good? You know that the basic conditions can not keep up, so you should not use the power of the government to sell your good things to him.

No matter how high the hardware configuration is, the software will not work; no matter how good the car is, the road will not work.

A few years ago, every village set up an information disclosure platform, and every village set up a website, saying that it would be how good it would be, how good it would be, how much money would be spent, and how would it work? What's good about it? The websites and platforms of townships and villages across the country, how many are not dead websites? Dead platform?!

I like the calmness of the people of Zhuhai

There are more than 200 villages in Zhuhai, and so far there is not a Taobao village. Zhuhai leaders and grass-roots cadres are very calm, and they are concentrating their energy and resources on rural software construction-- creating a new system of rural built-in financial villages and United societies.

The government gives 10-2 million seed funds to each active village, and asks professional institutions to help create built-in financial cooperatives within the village community organization, and then set up a built-in financial village association on this basis, which solves not only the ineffectiveness of financial supply, but also the two major problems of ineffective organizational supply.

The function principle of built-in finance in the village: the village is a society composed of acquaintances. Within the boundary of the village, the property rights such as land are clear, the villagers are trustworthy, and the information is symmetrical. If the cooperative and mutual finance is established within it, the villagers' land contract rights, property rights and collective membership rights can be financialized internally, thus doubling the villagers' credit capital. On this basis, the effectiveness of production cooperation, purchasing and marketing cooperation and governance cooperation will also be doubled.

The new system of built-in financial village cooperatives and United societies in rural areas of Zhuhai has at least the following functions: first, deposit and loan function; second, mortgage realization function of land and other property; third, reserve and intensive utilization of idle assets and resources; fourth, property rights transaction function; fifth, unified purchase, sale and distribution function (solving the problem of the last kilometer); sixth, settlement platform and Yu'e Bao function, members can first consume and then pay the bill, and then balance the account. Seventh, the function of integration and merger of the industry derived from the ability of large-scale procurement and sales; eighth, the function of big data's collection and its added value; ninth, the function of unifying technical standards, brands, quality standards and internal constraints; tenth, the intermediary link function of the urban service system to serve small farmers, such as banking, insurance, etc.; eleventh is the function of providing for the aged and finding filial piety, with respect for the elderly and priority shares for the elderly in built-in finance The 12th is to improve the function of the two-tier management system; the thirteenth is to explore the function of the realization form of the new collective economy; the fourteenth is to expand and disperse the function of farmers' pricing power over agricultural products; the sixteenth is the function of improving the service capacity and governance ability of village-level organizations; seventeen is the grasping function of the implementation of government policies.

The construction of the new system of built-in financial village cooperatives and United societies in rural areas of Zhuhai not only enables rural areas to have endogenous hematopoietic and power generation functions, but also provides interfaces and converters for urban service systems to connect small farmers. This is the basic work. After the completion of these basic functions, "built-in financial village cooperatives and allied societies + e-commerce" will get twice the result with half the effort; by the same token, "built-in financial village cooperatives and allied societies + insurance companies". Rural areas can carry out insurance; "built-in financial village cooperatives + Agricultural Bank", the Agricultural Bank can serve small farmers.

The internal cause is decisive and the external cause is auxiliary. The built-in financial village is the internal cause, while e-commerce is only the external cause. In the case of no improvement of internal factors, the role of external factors is limited. Hardware is important, software is more important. E-commerce is hardware, built-in financial village organization system is software. The hardware is upgraded, the software is not upgraded, it is a waste!

Learn from Zhuhai, take the overall situation of reform as a whole, and give priority to practicing internal skills! Like Zhuhai and put some cold water on the flashy e-commerce Great Leap forward!