
How far is the countryside from informationization?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, With the advent of the mobile Internet era, citizens living in the city can enjoy the convenience without leaving their homes. In rural areas with inconvenient transportation, how to sell agricultural products online? How can daily necessities be delivered home? How to narrow the digital gap between urban and rural areas? Information benefits farmers through a door.

With the advent of the mobile Internet era, citizens living in the city can enjoy the convenience without leaving their homes. In rural areas with inconvenient transportation, how to sell agricultural products online? How can daily necessities be delivered home? How to narrow the digital gap between urban and rural areas?

Information farmers--

Go through one door and do a variety of things

Yi Nong Information Society, that is, the village-level information service station, is the carrier of the pilot work of the Ministry of Agriculture to enter the village and enter the household. At present, nearly 4000 agricultural information cooperatives have been built and operated in China.

"thanks to the Yi Nong Information Society, we farmers can also receive goods on our doorstep like city dwellers." Looking at the soybean oil sent home by the information staff, Li Jinglu, a farmer in Baisi Village, Junxian County, Henan Province, sighed very much. "when this beneficial peasant cooperative was opened in the village a year ago, it can not only pay mobile phone fees, but also buy agricultural materials and daily necessities online. I held the mentality of having a try and asked the information clerk to order a barrel of oil, but I didn't expect to receive the goods soon. "

The things purchased by the villagers online are first sent to the Yi Nong Co-operative and distributed by the information staff. Guo Zhonghua, a 40-year-old informant of the agricultural cooperative, said that the cooperative mainly provides three types of services: first, agricultural public welfare services such as policy and technology market consultation, second, convenient services such as water, electricity and gas payment, and third, e-commerce of agricultural products, rural logistics agents, and so on. It is hard to imagine that in a short period of half a year, such a 30-square-meter beneficial agricultural cooperative has paid more than 30,000 yuan for the surrounding villagers and purchased more than 10,000 jin of seeds and more than 30 tons of chemical fertilizer online.

"Hello, expert. Please help me see what's wrong with the tea tree." Recently, at the Yinong Information Society of Yaobu Village, Suichang County, Zhejiang Province, some farmers asked agrotechnical experts about the condition of tea trees through a free video call. Suichang is a small mountain county with only 230000 people, but it is a popular "Taobao County" in the country. Last year, the e-commerce transaction volume of agricultural products reached 530 million yuan. In Suichang, Jiayan Minsheng Affairs Co., Ltd. cooperated with local government departments to build an upgraded version of the village-level convenience service center into an upgraded version of the village-level convenience service center, and integrated the pilot village-level convenience service center with the village-level convenience service center. expand public welfare services and commercial services on the basis of the original single government administrative services, but also add new content of government services to the traditional peasant cooperatives.

Looking through the service record book of the Yi Nong Co-operative, the reporter noticed that some villagers came to apply for legal villagers' certificates, some filled in applications for small loans, and some were handled by agents of minimum security. Yuan Jieyu, an informant at Yaobu Village, said that the income from the cooperative comes from the commission of the government's purchase of services and commercial service providers, and farmers do not have to pay a penny more. Ye Weijun, general manager of Jiayan Minsheng Company, said that the Yi Nong Cooperative can provide 138 government services from 25 government departments and 52 market services from more than 60 enterprises free of charge. The company recruits professional staff in the village and carries out standardized management.

Yi Nong Information Society, that is, the village-level information service station, is the carrier of the pilot work of the Ministry of Agriculture to enter the village and enter the household. Last year, the Ministry of Agriculture built a number of village-level information service stations in 22 pilot counties across the country according to the standards of places, personnel, equipment, broadband, web pages, and sustainable operation. In accordance with the requirements of building at least one agricultural information cooperative covering all administrative villages and each administrative village, each pilot county has built standard, simple and professional agricultural information cooperatives in village committees, merchant supermarkets, cooperatives and other places. According to the requirements, no matter what kind of beneficial rural cooperatives, they should meet the "six have" standards, and promote all kinds of agricultural public welfare services, convenient services, e-commerce and other resources to access village-level stations.

At present, nearly 4000 agricultural information cooperatives have been built and operated in China. It is understood that the Ministry of Agriculture plans to arrange about 10 new pilot provinces this year, covering all provinces next year, and strive to basically cover all counties and administrative villages by 2020.

E-commerce sinks--

Agricultural products go up and consumer goods go down

For a long time, because the amount of online shopping in rural areas is small and farmers live scattered, e-commerce logistics is often only sent to the county, and the problem of "the last kilometer" from the county to the village is difficult to solve.

Since last year, e-commerce such as Ali and have respectively implemented the strategies of "thousands of counties and villages" and "channel sinking". The agricultural sector has also carried out the work of entering villages and households, and many enterprises regard the countryside as a "blue sea" and are willing to use the platform of information entry to open up the rural market. By entering the village and encouraging the sinking of e-commerce enterprise service stations, various localities have made great efforts to explore the feasible way of rural informatization.

"We have calculated that if operators set up sites in rural areas or townships, individual stores need to invest 100000 yuan. On the other hand, we rely on existing resources or channels to find agricultural stores and supermarkets that can cooperate, and the average cost is only 10 to 15000 yuan. " Sun Weimin, general manager of Zhejiang Public Information Company, which undertakes the pilot work of entering villages and households, said that after the platform is set up, telecom operators and platform e-commerce interested in opening up the rural market are willing to cooperate with Yi Nong cooperatives and pay a certain percentage of rebates according to sales. "in this way, without relying on government input, enterprises have opened up the market, farmers have gained tangible benefits, and all sides are win-win."

Unlike Jiayan, which has made a breakthrough in rural public services, a rural e-commerce company called "Qianjie" makes efforts directly from online shopping. Consumers in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai can receive fresh local products the next day as long as they place an order through the street network. Farmers can also get the convenience of online shopping through rural service stations. At the street service station in Kengkou Village, Suichang County, when the reporter saw Li Xue, she was busy comparing prices to the villagers who came to buy clothes to help place orders for purchase. On the white wall next to the computer hung the photo taken with Jack Ma during his inspection tour last year. The rural woman who used to open a small supermarket with her children at home has gained an unprecedented sense of achievement. "most of the things I buy are agricultural materials, clothing and stationery. I help buyers pick and transfer money online, and when the goods arrive, they will give me cash directly. Do not earn the villagers' money, according to the transaction volume, the e-commerce platform to give me a commission, a month has more than 1000 yuan of income. "

Where does the operating capacity of the village-level information station come from? Of course, we can't rely solely on financial project funding. Zhang synthetic, director of the Marketing Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, said: while ensuring the online service resources of various agriculture-related departments, such as policies, technology, and market conditions, it is necessary to actively introduce service resources from telecommunications, finance, hydropower, and other public utilities and related enterprises, which not only innovates the ways in which government departments provide public services, but also creates good conditions for relevant enterprises to expand the rural market.

"as long as they meet the standards and are willing to run on a unified platform for information entering villages and households, no matter who builds village-level information service stations, they can add the sign of Yinong Information Society after being recognized by the agricultural department at the provincial level." Zhang said that only by increasing the number of agricultural information cooperatives to a certain number can we reduce operating costs, give full play to economies of scale, and attract more enterprises. At present, the purpose of the pilot project of the whole county is to form a scale within the county as soon as possible.

Digital countryside--

Trinity, accurate delivery of information

It is necessary to focus on agricultural products and agricultural means of production, do a good job in pilot projects, and organize new business entities such as large professional households and farmers' cooperatives to dock with e-commerce platforms.

At present, there is still a large "digital gap" between urban and rural areas in our country. There are still more than 50, 000 administrative villages across the country that do not have access to broadband, less than 30% of rural households have computers, and more than 70% of farmers do not use the Internet. Last year, the turnover of e-commerce for agricultural products exceeded 100 billion yuan, accounting for about 3% of the total sales of agricultural products, which is about 7 percentage points lower than the proportion of online retail sales of consumer goods.

Li Daoliang, a professor at the School of Information and Electrical Engineering at China Agricultural University, said that one of the core values of rural e-commerce is to continuously transform agricultural production through customer data and market analysis. Therefore, while formulating rural e-commerce planning, the relevant departments need to use the concept of "Internet +" to synchronously implement changes including agricultural production, supervision concepts, marketing methods, and so on. "while information enters the village and households, it promotes the deep integration of the innovative achievements of the Internet with agricultural production, operation, management and services. If these do not keep up, then the so-called rural e-commerce will eventually stop on the surface. "

Pan Dongming, founder of the Street Network, believes that the key to the success of rural informatization is to build a trinity promotion mechanism of "government, service provider, and operator". To explore the establishment of a sustainable development mechanism for the government to "build roads", enterprises to "sports cars" and farmers to "receive goods". The government is responsible for the integration of public welfare resources, the provision of public welfare services, and the coordination of the construction of the basic information superhighway; operators are responsible for the construction and specific operation of village-level information stations; and service providers, including telecom operators, life service providers, platform e-commerce and financial service providers, are responsible for providing all kinds of commercial services and channels to gain revenue by expanding the scale of the market.

"only by doing a good job in e-commerce can information enter the village and households can be sustainable. In promoting agricultural e-commerce, we should have an open and inclusive attitude, as long as it is beneficial to farmers, we welcome it. It is necessary to focus on agricultural products and agricultural means of production, do a good job in pilot projects, and organize new business entities, such as large professional households and farmers' cooperatives, to dock with e-commerce platforms, so as to sell high-quality agricultural products in their villages. it is also necessary to allow farmers to buy high-quality and inexpensive means of production and daily necessities. " Chen Xiaohua, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, said that entering villages and households through information will eventually connect 600000 administrative villages across the country into a large network, form agricultural big data, improve the decision-making ability and level of the government, and accurately push information to farmers and new agricultural operators.