
How much do you know about the preferential policies for the rabbit industry?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The circular of the Ministry of Agriculture on printing and issuing the 2008 financial project (Nong Caifa [2007] No. 99) reads: first, the project goal is to support the development of one village and one product characteristic industry in accordance with the requirements of the scientific concept of development, around the society.

The circular of the Ministry of Agriculture on the issuance of financial projects in 2007 (Nong Caifa [2008] No. 99) reads:

I. the goal of the project is to support the development of industries with the characteristics of one village and one product. In accordance with the requirements of the scientific concept of development, we should focus on the construction of a new socialist countryside, deepen the adjustment of agricultural structure, and actively develop agricultural products with high added value, obvious characteristics and high quality. We will promote farmers to increase their income, make full use of the advantages of local resources, vigorously cultivate and develop leading industries in rural areas, and improve the regionalization, specialization and scale of agricultural production. Further tap the market potential of characteristic products, broaden the development space of characteristic products, and create more brands and leading products of agricultural products. Through the implementation of the project, we will further promote the development of "one village, one product", realize the industrial support of strengthening the village and enriching the people, and tamp the industrial support of the new rural construction.

2. the implementation of the regional and declared quantity 2008 one-village one-product characteristic industry project plan supports nine categories of products: characteristic vegetables, famous and high-quality fruits, characteristic livestock and poultry, characteristic aquatic products, famous and excellent tea, famous and high-quality flowers, edible fungi, authentic Chinese herbal medicines and silkworms, it has been implemented in about 150 villages across the country (industrial center villages, the same below). One village applies for one project, with a subsidy of 10-200000 yuan for each project. Each province (autonomous region, city) selects 3-7 projects and submits them to our department. The implementation area of the project should have the following conditions: 1. It belongs to the regional layout planning of national superior agricultural products and the overall regional layout planning of characteristic agricultural products. 2. All the products are used for processing or sales, the brand influence is strong, the industrial development advantage is obvious, and the effect of increasing farmers' income is significant. 3. The products are based on the production of farmers' professional cooperatives and driven by leading enterprises in industrialization. Industrialized enterprises must be recognized by the competent agricultural administrative departments at or above the county level (including the county level). 4. the relationship between the party and the masses is harmonious and the financial management at the village level is standardized.

Third, the scope and standard of subsidy funds: characteristic livestock and poultry rabbits, minks, foxes and raccoon dogs. The subsidy for the purchase of seedlings is 100 yuan.

After reading the document, I think we rabbit breeders should rely on the government. Many of us fight alone and do our own. If we rely on the support of local government departments, we may have a chance to get support from the state this time. If we cultivate one product per village in the area, we will get the subsidy from the government this time. In other words, we should not only raise well ourselves, but also be the leader, but also drive farmers to raise rabbits to run a well-off society. Here, I would like to express my sincere congratulations to the rabbit breeders who are lucky enough to have the support of the government.

[rabbit raising suggestion] China has a vast territory, and the natural conditions and economic levels vary greatly from place to place. The development of meat rabbit production should be market-oriented, combined with the local actual situation, adopt an appropriate development model, in order to obtain the best economic benefits.

(1) to promote large-scale breeding

Rabbit breeding is a systematic project. Most of the developed countries in the rabbit industry adopt intensive and factory breeding. Rabbit production in China is mainly composed of farm sideline rabbit raising, collective rabbit breeding farm and state rabbit breeding farm and so on. As far as the current situation of raising rabbits in China is concerned, for the development of the appropriate scale of meat rabbit production, it is generally appropriate for farmers to raise 30 ~ 50 breeding rabbits, 100 ~ 300 professional small rabbit farms, 500 to 800 medium-sized rabbit farms and 1 000 ~ 2 000 large rabbit farms. The scale of feeding is too small, the economic benefit is not high; the scale of feeding is too large, if the conditions of capital, manpower and material resources can not meet the requirements, the level of feeding and management is extensive, and the good production potential can not be brought into full play, not only the benefit is low, but also it is easy to induce a variety of diseases, resulting in huge economic losses.

(2) popularizing the knowledge of raising rabbits

Although China is a big country in raising rabbits in the world, it has developed rapidly in recent years, but it is still in the position of sideline production for a long time. In particular, most of the farmers' small rabbit farms lack advanced scientific awareness and technical measures, and most of them are in the stage of "planting widely and harvesting poorly". Therefore, in order to improve the production level of meat rabbits, we must popularize the knowledge of raising rabbits scientifically and adopt scientific means and advanced technology, especially the scientific and technological knowledge of meat rabbit breeding, hybrid combination, feed collocation, feeding management and disease prevention and cure, etc. carry out standardized and scientific feeding in order to achieve the goal of high quality, high yield and high efficiency.

(3) popularizing pellet feed

At present, compared with the advanced countries, the feeding level of meat rabbits in China is still in a backward state of "eat what they have". Not only the feeding period is long, the feed reward is low, but also the per unit yield is low and the product quality is poor. In recent years, due to the bumper grain harvest in the vast rural areas, many rabbit farmers use raw grain (rice, corn, wheat, etc.) to feed rabbits, which not only wastes food, but also does not raise rabbits well, and even leads to a variety of diseases. According to the experiment, rabbits have the habit of eating pellet feed, which is characterized by high feed utilization rate and less waste. Therefore, according to the nutritional needs and feeding standards of meat rabbits, full-price pellet feed should be produced to meet the needs of different production types and physiological stages of meat rabbits.

(4) set up commodity consciousness

In recent years, China's rabbit industry has experienced the baptism of market economy, strengthening the commodity concept and risk awareness. In the past, China's meat rabbit market was mainly in foreign countries, mostly in the form of primary products. Once the international market is weak, domestic production is bound to decline, so that rabbit production will always be in a strange cycle of peak-trough-peak-trough. Raising rabbits can become a big industry. Raising rabbits not only requires advanced science and technology, but also sets up the consciousness of commodity production. If the problems of processing, sales and market development of meat rabbit products can not be well solved, and the contradiction between pre-and post-natal is prominent, it will be difficult to achieve the purpose of increasing value and increasing efficiency.

(5) carrying out comprehensive utilization

The main products of meat rabbits are rabbit meat, rabbit skin, rabbit dung and all kinds of internal organs. In order to consolidate and develop the rabbit industry in China, the relevant departments should pay attention to the comprehensive development and utilization of rabbit products to meet the needs of market economy. In addition to meeting the needs of traditional foreign trade exports, rabbit meat must be based on the development and comprehensive processing and utilization of the domestic market. Rabbit skin, rabbit dung and all kinds of rabbit viscera should be deeply processed and comprehensively utilized to increase value and increase efficiency. For example, there are more than 160 small and medium-sized rabbit meat processing factories and nearly 1,000 specialized rabbit meat processing households in Guanghan City and Pengshan County, Sichuan Province, with more than 20 processing varieties, which not only improves the economic benefits of rabbit product processing enterprises, but also solves the problem that it is difficult for rabbit farmers to sell rabbits.