
Seedling Variety selection of Walnut Orchard

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. Variety types and pollination tree configuration varieties are the basis of high quality and high yield of fruit trees. Variety selection is the key link in the development of walnut. If the variety is selected properly, the goal of high yield, high quality and high benefit can be achieved. On the contrary, because the fruit setting rate is low or the variety does not adapt.

   1. Variety types and pollination tree configuration varieties are the basis of high quality and high yield of fruit trees. Variety selection is a key link in the development of walnut. If the variety is selected properly, the goal of high yield, high quality and high benefit can be achieved. On the contrary, great losses will be caused due to low fruit setting rate or improper adaptation of varieties. The selected variety must be cultivated locally for a certain period of time to prove whether it is an excellent variety or not.

Before   , the walnut varieties identified or approved by the national and provincial level can be divided into two types: early fruiting and late fruiting. Early-bearing walnut varieties generally bear early and have strong high yield, but they have strict requirements for cultivation conditions. if the site conditions are poor, management can not keep up, no fertilization, no pruning, the results are easy to premature senescence and death after 4-5 years. Therefore, early-bearing walnut varieties had better be developed in places with good site conditions; late-bearing walnut varieties should be selected in places with poor site conditions and extensive management.

   walnut has the characteristics of hermaphroditism, wind pollination, short pollination distance and great difference in fruit setting rate. In order to create good pollination conditions, suitable pollination varieties should be selected. Generally, 3 and 4 main walnut varieties should be selected according to the male and female florescence of walnut varieties. If there are large trees within 50 meters of the ridge on the edge of the field, 2-3 trees can be retained appropriately, and the problem of pollination can not be considered when the garden is built, because there are many big flowers, great differences between the top and bottom, and the long pollination period of male flowers can generally ensure the need for pollination.

In principle, the ratio of main varieties to pollinated varieties is 6: 8: 1 in   . The maximum distance between the main varieties and the pollinated varieties should be less than 100 meters. When planting on flat land, the main varieties can be planted according to 4-5 rows and 1-2 rows of pollinated varieties, while the mountain and terraced fields can be flexibly mastered according to the above principles to ensure that the full flowering period of pollinated varieties is consistent with that of the main varieties, and the nut quality of pollinated varieties should also be good.

   2. The quality of prepared seedlings not only affects the survival rate of the garden, but also affects the fruit sooner or later, the yield is high or low, and affects the economic benefits of the garden. Therefore, it is necessary to control the quality of the seedlings. The standard of high quality seedlings is that the main root is well developed, the lateral root is complete, there are no diseases and insect pests, the branching force is strong, the branches are full, and the buds are full. For the use of excellent seedlings, variety checking, registration and listing should be carried out before planting, and errors should be corrected in time to avoid confusion of varieties and planting, and quality inspection and classification of seedlings should also be carried out. Qualified seedlings should have intact roots, strong roots, short thick internodes, full buds, bright skin color, no quarantine diseases and insect pests, and meet the national standards. It is best to use 2-3-year-old strong seedlings, seedling height of more than 1 meter, dry diameter of not less than 1 cm, and more fibrous roots. Weak seedlings, diseased seedlings and field odd-shaped seedlings with unqualified and poor quality should be strictly eliminated or eliminated. Seedlings after long-distance transportation should be unpacked immediately and soaked in roots for one day and night because of more water loss, and then planted or pseudo-planted after the seedlings are fully absorbed by water. It can also be soaked in ABT rooting powder solution for 3 hours before planting, which will greatly improve the survival rate of planting.

If the area of    garden is large, the method of raising seedlings and planting in situ should be popularized in production. If you need to buy seedlings from other places, you should strengthen protection to prevent the seedlings from losing water in the wind and sun, ensure the safe transportation of seedlings, and pay attention to the non-mixing of varieties.