
The General Office of the State Council on strengthening the Supervision of the quality and Safety of Agricultural products

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions and agencies directly under the State Council issued by the State Council Office (2013): in recent years, all localities and departments concerned have conscientiously implemented relevant laws and regulations in accordance with the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and constantly strengthen supervision measures.

The State Office issued No. (2013) 106,

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions of the State Council and agencies directly under the State Council:

In recent years, all localities and relevant departments have conscientiously implemented relevant laws and regulations and continuously strengthened supervision measures in accordance with the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and the overall quality and safety situation of agricultural products has been stable and gradually improving. However, China's agricultural production and operation is scattered, the supervision strength is weak, and there are still great hidden dangers in the quality and safety of agricultural products. In order to implement the "Plan for structural Reform and functional Transformation of the State Council" and the "guiding opinions of the State Council on Local Reform and improvement of the Food and Drug Supervision and Administration system" (Guofa (2013) No. 18) examined and adopted by the first session of the 12th National people's Congress, with the consent of the State Council, the following is hereby notified on strengthening the supervision and control of the quality and safety of agricultural products:

I. strengthening the responsibility of territorial management

Local people's governments at all levels should bear overall responsibility for the quality and safety of agricultural products in the region, strengthen organizational leadership and work coordination, put the supervision and control of the quality and safety of agricultural products on the agenda, and increase support in planning, strength allocation, and article guarantee. It is necessary to bring the quality and safety of agricultural products into the scope of performance assessment of people's governments at the county and township level, and make clear measures such as assessment and evaluation, supervision and supervision. In the light of local conditions, it is necessary to co-ordinate the establishment of a convergence mechanism for the supervision of the quality and safety of food, drugs and agricultural products, refine the responsibilities of the departments, and clarify the division of work in all aspects of the supervision of the quality and safety of agricultural products. avoid unclear regulatory responsibilities, repeated supervision and supervision blind areas. It is necessary to urge the producers and operators of agricultural products to implement their principal responsibilities and establish and improve systems such as environmental management of producing areas, control and control of production processes, packaging and labeling, and permission to enter and exit. With regard to the problems of dereliction of duty, dereliction of duty and bending the law for personal gain in the supervision of the quality and safety of agricultural products, the supervisory organs should investigate and deal with them in accordance with law and discipline, and seriously investigate the responsibility of the relevant personnel.

II. Carry out the task of supervision

It is necessary to strengthen service guidance, supervision and inspection over the production and operation of agricultural products, and urge producers and operators to conscientiously implement such systems as safety intervals (drug withdrawal periods) and production archives and records. We will strengthen inspection and administrative law enforcement, and promote the purchase, storage and transportation of agricultural products to establish and improve the inspection, quality traceability and recall system of agricultural products. We will strengthen guidance on the use of agricultural inputs, comprehensively promote examination and approval, production, operation and management, raise the threshold for entry, and smooth the main channels of operation. We will strengthen publicity and popular science education, popularize laws, regulations and scientific knowledge on the quality and safety of agricultural products, and raise the quality and safety awareness of producers, operators and consumers. Agricultural departments at all levels should strengthen the quality and safety supervision of agricultural products planting and breeding ring festivals, and earnestly shoulder the responsibility of quality and safety supervision of agricultural products from planting and breeding to entering wholesale and retail markets or production and processing enterprises.

III. Promoting standardized agricultural production

We should adhere to the concept of green production, speed up the formulation of production norms and standards to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products, increase the promotion of quality control technology, and promote standardized production. We will continue to promote the construction of horticultural crop standard parks, livestock and poultry breeding standardization demonstration farms, aquatic products standardized healthy breeding demonstration farms and agricultural standardization demonstration counties, strengthen technical guidance and services to leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization, farmers' cooperatives, family farms and other main bodies of large-scale production and operation, and give full play to their demonstration and leading role in carrying out standardized production. Places with conditions are encouraged to support the production of safe and high-quality agricultural products and the promotion of green prevention and control technologies. We will strengthen the post-certification supervision of pollution-free agricultural products, green food, organic agricultural products and geographical indication agricultural products, and resolutely crack down on counterfeiting.

IV. Strengthen the supervision of livestock and poultry slaughtering

All localities should, in accordance with the requirements of the institutional reform and functional transformation of the State Council, do a good job in readjusting the responsibilities of supervision over the designated slaughtering of pigs, and the functions involved should be transferred in a timely manner to ensure the orderly connection of all work. Animal husbandry and veterinary departments at all levels should conscientiously implement the responsibility of supervising the quality and safety of livestock and poultry slaughtering links, strengthen the main responsibility of quality and safety of livestock and poultry slaughtering plants (farms), urge them to implement the system of inspection and registration, inspection and sampling inspection, and resolutely put an end to slaughtering sick and dead animals and injecting water. We should earnestly do a good job in slaughtering and quarantine of livestock and poultry, strengthen dynamic supervision over the conditions for epidemic prevention of livestock and poultry, improve the long-term mechanism for harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry, strictly implement the relevant provisions on administrative law enforcement of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, and severely crack down on illegal and illegal acts such as illegal slaughtering and slaughtering.

V. carry out in-depth special governance

It is necessary to carry out in-depth special rectification actions on the quality and safety of agricultural products, strictly investigate and deal with cases of illegal addition, manufacture and sale of fake products, and earnestly solve outstanding problems such as the illegal and illegal use of highly toxic pesticides, "clenbuterol," and the prohibition of veterinary drugs. We will strengthen administrative law enforcement on the quality and safety of agricultural products, increase the intensity of investigation and punishment of cases, strengthen the convergence of administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and severely punish illegal and criminal acts. Timely exposure of relevant cases to create a good social atmosphere for the fight against counterfeiting and protection of rights. We will strengthen risk monitoring, assessment, supervision and spot checks on the quality and safety of agricultural products, thoroughly investigate hidden risks, and improve the ability of risk prevention, monitoring, early warning and emergency handling. We will promote the establishment of demonstration counties for the supervision of the quality and safety of agricultural products, and establish and improve supervision systems and models.

VI. Improving the ability of supervision and control

It is necessary to incorporate funds for supervision, testing, and law enforcement of agricultural products into the financial budgets at all levels, earnestly increase investment, strengthen work strength, and equip necessary facilities and equipment for inspection, law enforcement and evidence collection, sample collection, and quality traceability as soon as possible. Speed up the construction of the inspection and inspection system for the quality and safety of agricultural products, integrate the resources of all parties, actively guide the participation of social capital, realize the mutual convergence and coordination of various links of testing, and prevent repeated construction and waste of resources. In particular, it is necessary to strengthen the supervision system for the quality and safety of agricultural products at the county level, bring the supervision and enforcement of the quality and safety of agricultural products into the scope of comprehensive agricultural law enforcement, and ensure that the supervision work is carried out. The public service agencies for the supervision of the quality and safety of agricultural products in villages and towns, as well as the agricultural, animal husbandry and aquatic technology extension institutions that undertake the corresponding responsibilities should implement their responsibilities and do a good job in the training of farmers, the promotion of quality and safety technologies, supervision and inspection, and the implementation of regulatory measures.

General Office of the State Council

December 2, 2013

(this article is publicly released)