
Growth characteristics of walnut technical strips

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Walnut has strong dryness, strong branching ability, weak sprouting ability and large branching angle. In addition to the shoot growth of young trees is more erect, the branches of adult trees generally grow horizontally, the meristematic angle is large, and the crown opens. Into the full fruit period, the branches gradually droop. Walnut branches grow every year.

   walnut has strong dryness, strong branching ability, weak sprouting ability and large branching angle. In addition to the shoot growth of young trees is more erect, the branches of adult trees generally grow horizontally, the meristematic angle is large, and the crown opens. Into the full fruit period, the branches gradually droop. Walnut branches have two peaks every year, forming spring and autumn shoots.

According to the different characteristics of branches,    can be divided into vegetative branches, fruiting branches and male flower branches.

According to the growth potential of branches,    vegetative branches can be divided into developmental branches, overgrown branches and secondary branches. The terminal buds and lateral buds of developing branches re-form leaf buds, which is the necessary basis for expanding the crown and forming fruiting branches. strong developmental branches are easy to form mixed flower buds, and fruiting branches are produced in the next year. Most of the long branches are germinated from dormant buds (or latent buds), the internodes are long, the leaf axils are leaf buds, and there are flower buds with poor development quality, which is not easy to set fruit.

The picture shows walnut

   fruiting mother branch and fruiting branch: the branches bearing mixed buds are called fruiting mother branches. The branches with female flowers and bearing fruit germinated from the mixed buds are called fruiting mother branches. As a result, the length of the mother branch varies according to the tree strength. The shorter is 5 centimeters. The length of fruit branch can be divided into long fruit branch (> 20cm), middle fruit branch (10cm) and short fruit branch (10cm).