
A brief introduction to the cultivation of plastic pot cactus

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, A few years ago, it was found in Britain and southern France that cactus grown in tin pots and tin cans looked much healthier than plants planted in ceramic containers. At first, it was thought that metal as a trace element affected the growth of plants, but experience

  It had been discovered a few years before in England and southern France that cacti grown in tin pots and pans looked much healthier than plants grown in earthenware containers. At first it was thought that metals, as trace elements, might have affected the growth of plants, but experience had shown that it was only the dense walls of the pots that caused this result.

Picture: Plastic flowerpot cultivation cactus

  Today there are plenty of containers made of dense materials, especially plastics, suitable for growing plants. These containers must, of course, be easily drained of excess water through holes or crevices in the bottom of the basin. In addition, it should be noted that plastic pot wall should be strong enough, so that they will not be soil and plant weight bending deformation, otherwise thin roots may be torn off, there are many different shapes, different colors of plastic pot, they are generally suitable for planting cacti, plastic pot weight is light, plants in the removal of the pot easily, pot easy to clean, and then reuse. In addition, they are cheaper, and in order to ensure that cacti have a sufficiently balanced soil temperature and moisture, one should of course define a minimum size for plastic pots.

  Square plastic flowerpots are interesting. They are often called quadrangular flowerpots and are sold in several sizes. Such flowerpots save space and leave no gaps when placed side by side, giving the impression of a unified cactus landscape, while the advantages of single cultivation are also retained.

  The generally sold four-cornered pots are too short for some cactus lovers, especially those with clumpy roots, while others prefer shallower pots or they want all pots to be the same height regardless of width, thereby reinforcing the impression of a cohesive cactus landscape mentioned above. However, especially tall or shallow pots must be compatible with the prevailing temperature, the water storage properties of the soil used and the watering method. The bottom of the plastic pot can be cut effortlessly with a fine-toothed saw or heated knife, and then easily and firmly adhered with the corresponding adhesive, so that one can bond the lower part of a larger pot and the upper part of a smaller pot together, thus obtaining a particularly shallow pot. Instead, one can glue the lower part of a smaller pot to the upper part of a larger pot, thus obtaining a particularly deep pot. In order to completely volatilize the solvent, the plastic pot should be placed in a ventilated place to dry for a few days. In this way, some cactus lovers keep all their pots at a uniform height.(except for the cylindrical cactus plant container), so that all pots and plants have the same proportion of surface and content. Otherwise there is a danger that, on the one hand, the small pots are already dry, and on the other hand, the lower soil layers of the larger and deeper pots are still relatively moist, that more pots are concentrated together and require uniform watering standards, but then plants cut in small pots may get too little water, while plants planted in large pots get too much water, and that the slender roots of lumpy root plants cut in shallow pots will often curl up sympathetically. But despite this, the plants are doing quite well.

  Newly developed especially deep plastic tetragonal flowerpot ideal for growing clumpy root cacti. Only this kind of flowerpot so far can choose the specification pattern is not many.

  Sometimes cactus collectors grow cacti in both plastic and clay pots, and the plants grown in plastic pots require only about one-third as much water as the potted plants, because the permeable walls of the clay pots cause the large amount of water evaporation mentioned above.

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