
Significance of pollution-free walnut production

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pollution-free walnut refers to pollution-free, safe, high-quality and nutritious green walnut food. The growth environment, production process, harvesting, processing, packaging, storage and transportation of walnut trees are not polluted by harmful substances. There are strict standards for pollution-free walnut production, that is,

   pollution-free walnut refers to pollution-free, safe, high-quality and nutritious green walnut food. The growth environment, production process, harvesting, processing, packaging, storage and transportation of walnut trees are not contaminated by harmful substances. There are strict standards for the production of pollution-free walnut, that is, walnut products with legal quality and good characteristics are obtained in accordance with certain conditions, production standards, products and certification procedures. Pollution-free agricultural products should not only have the nutritional quality of high-quality agricultural products, but also have healthy and safe eating quality. In the face of fierce competition in the international market, it is imperative to develop pollution-free walnut products. The development of pollution-free walnut production should start from the following two aspects.

First of all,    chooses a pollution-free base to build an ecological walnut garden. Construction should choose a pollution-free ecological environment, industrial and mining enterprises that do not form pollution sources near the base, in order to prevent the infringement of industrial "three wastes". Factories that do not discharge toxic and harmful substances in the upper reaches of rivers or groundwater that supply walnut water; the soil does not contain natural harmful substances; the walnut orchard is more than 50 meters from the main road. Before the establishment of the park, ask the environmental protection department to test the atmosphere, irrigation water and soil near the base, and the content of harmful substances shall not exceed the national standards. In addition, it is necessary to speed up the implementation of specific measures for ecological agriculture. Such as planting nectar plants and forage green manure in walnut orchard management, introducing earthworms, raising chickens, raising livestock and so on, and combining grass cultivation with breeding. The ecological model of walnut with "one pig per mu, one tree and one chicken" is advocated, which not only solves the problem of shortage of organic fertilizer and degradation of soil fertility, but also diversifies the vegetation of walnut orchard and improves the ecological environment of walnut orchard. To achieve the simultaneous development of walnut orchard ecology and product standardization.

The second step of    is to formulate technical regulations for pollution-free walnut production. The production of pollution-free walnut products is a new multi-disciplinary system engineering. In addition to choosing the pollution-free ecological environment, we should also pay attention to the implementation of various supporting measures. The formulation of scientific and practical production technical regulations is a basic work. It is necessary to adopt operable advanced technology according to local conditions, according to the characteristics of different walnut varieties and the natural conditions of local orchards, to formulate feasible operation rules, from the selection of site conditions, varieties and seedlings, to garden planting, soil, fertilizer and water management, shaping and pruning, flower and fruit management and pest control, as well as walnut product packaging, storage and transportation should be strictly required. All technical measures must meet the requirements of pollution-free fruit production, especially the key technologies such as pesticide application and fertilization, and must meet the relevant standards. Pesticides, fertilizers and plant growth regulators that are explicitly prohibited by the state, whose components are unknown and produced without state approval cannot be used.

   popularizing pollution-free walnut production technology and developing pollution-free walnut production is an effective technical means to improve walnut quality and enhance the market competitiveness of walnut products, an effective technical measure to ensure people's health and life safety, and a technical guarantee to promote the sustainable development of agriculture. Popularizing pollution-free walnut production technology, developing pollution-free walnut production, improving the awareness of safety and quality of walnut products, and producing pollution-free, safe, high-quality and nutritious walnut products can effectively promote the transformation of agricultural production mode. it is necessary to adjust and optimize agricultural production structure to encourage extensive agriculture to intensive agriculture and traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. It is the realistic need to improve people's living standards, ensure people's health, adapt to and meet the domestic market demand for walnut products, ensure the effective supply of walnut products, and increase farmers' income. it is a strategic choice to improve the competitiveness of China's walnut products in the international market, establish famous brands of walnut products and speed up the development of export-oriented agriculture. It is an effective way to develop and utilize agricultural resources rationally, protect ecological environment and promote the sustainable development of agriculture and rural economy. Therefore, the promotion of pollution-free walnut production technology and the development of pollution-free walnut production has practical strategic significance and far-reaching historical significance. The promotion of pollution-free walnut production technology will have a far-reaching impact on improving the dietary structure of edible walnut in northwest, northeast and North China, expanding export earnings, developing export-oriented agriculture and ensuring people's health.