
Ministry of Agriculture: do a good job in current agricultural production, self-help and seize the annual grain abundance

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At present, it is the critical period of grain and oil harvest in summer, and it is also an important stage for the growth and development of spring sowing crops. Since May, there have been three consecutive heavy rainfall processes in Jiangnan and South China, and many areas in the south have suffered floods to varying degrees, causing no harm to agricultural production.

At present, it is the critical period of grain and oil harvest in summer, and it is also an important stage for the growth and development of spring sowing crops. Since May, there have been three consecutive heavy rainfall processes in Jiangnan and South China, and many areas in the south have suffered floods to varying degrees, adversely affecting agricultural production. Recently, Vice Premier Wang Yang presided over a special meeting of the State Council to convey the spirit of Premier Li Keqiang's instructions to study and deploy the current flood prevention and relief work, requiring all localities to attach great importance to it, further improve the work plan, and take effective measures to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

In order to implement the important instructions of the leading comrades of the CPC Central Committee and the spirit of the special meetings of the State Council, and to earnestly do a good job in the current flood control and disaster relief work, the Ministry of Agriculture issued an emergency circular demanding that all localities attach great importance to the current flood control and disaster relief work, earnestly do a good job in flood control and flood fighting, and help themselves in production, make every effort to ensure the safety of agricultural production, strive to achieve bumper harvests of grain and oil in summer, and lay a good foundation for the stable development of grain production throughout the year.

First, quickly organize and mobilize to help themselves in agricultural production in a timely manner. Agricultural departments at all levels must unswervingly stabilize the goal of increasing grain income, conscientiously implement the arrangements and requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and fully understand the importance and urgency of the current flood control and disaster relief work. We should consciously regard flood control and disaster relief as an important task in the current work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and quickly organize agricultural cadres and technicians to go deep into the hardest-hit areas and the production line, investigate and understand the disaster situation, and implement disaster relief measures. Guide farmers to help themselves in production and effectively reduce the impact and losses of disasters.

Second, strengthen technical guidance to achieve scientific disaster relief. Organize experts to scientifically assess the impact of disasters, strengthen classified guidance, implement disaster prevention and relief measures in accordance with local conditions, and timely organize and guide farmers to do a good job in production and self-rescue. It is necessary to seize the interval between rainfall, strengthen organization and scheduling, increase investment in machinery and manpower, speed up the harvest of ripe wheat and rape, and ensure that grains return to the warehouse. It is necessary to take early and middle rice as the focus of protection, dredge ditches in time, control flood and drainage, promptly check and wash seedlings and strengthen fertilizer and water management for flooded seedlings, and timely clear the garden and cultivate soil for flooded fruit trees and spray foliar fertilizer to promote the recovery of growth. It is necessary to organize personnel to carry out comprehensive inspection and reinforcement of greenhouse facilities. It is necessary to help disaster areas formulate and improve agricultural production recovery plans in the light of the disaster situation and crop growth process, and guide farmers to timely check seedlings and replant according to local conditions in the light of agricultural seasons and regional characteristics. We will do a good job in the adjustment and transportation of seeds, seedlings, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, vaccines and other means of production, so as to provide material support for the resumption of production in disaster areas.

Third, strengthen work supervision and earnestly help disaster areas solve practical production problems. Agricultural departments at all levels in various localities should organize cadres and agro-technical personnel to help farmers solve practical problems in production by taking the form of guidance from villages, townships and villages, and so on, so that the responsibility lies with the people. It is necessary to adhere to emergency duty, pay close attention to weather changes and the development of disasters, strengthen disaster dispatching, implement the daily newspaper system, and timely reflect the progress of flood control and disaster relief work.

On the basis of arranging arrangements, carrying out pre-flood inspection, and strengthening disaster dispatching, the Ministry of Agriculture will recently send three work supervision teams and expert guidance groups to Guangdong, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei and other provinces to investigate and understand the disaster situation, supervise and guide flood prevention and relief work, and ensure that various disaster relief measures are put in place.