
General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on the campaign against counterfeiting of Agricultural Materials in Autumn and Winter

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Departments (bureaus and committees) of agriculture (agriculture, animal husbandry and rural economy) of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, Agricultural Bureau of Xinjiang production and Construction Corps: in order to conscientiously implement the "key points of 2014 National Agricultural material Anti-counterfeiting and Supervision work" and the "2014 National Agricultural material Anti-counterfeiting Special treatment" of the Ministry of Agriculture

Departments (bureaus and commissions) of agriculture (agriculture, animal husbandry and rural economy) of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the Agricultural Bureau of the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps:

In order to conscientiously implement the "key points of National Agricultural material Anti-counterfeiting and Supervision work in 2014" and the "2014 National Agricultural material Anti-counterfeiting Action implementation Plan" of the Ministry of Agriculture, our Ministry has decided to focus on organizing the autumn and winter action of agricultural material anti-counterfeiting from now on to the end of November. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

First, raise awareness and make careful arrangements

Agricultural production in autumn and winter is the peak season for the purchase and sale of agricultural materials, and it is also a frequent period for fake and inferior agricultural materials to flow into the market. According to the characteristics of local agricultural production and agricultural material demand in autumn and winter, local agricultural departments should formulate practical action plans as soon as possible, highlight key points, arrange arrangements as soon as possible, and organize and implement them as soon as possible, so as to ensure the smooth progress of agricultural production in autumn and winter, earnestly safeguard the fundamental interests of the peasant masses, and ensure grain production, farmers' income, and the quality and safety of agricultural products throughout the year.

Second, highlight the key points and carry out a special campaign against counterfeiting of agricultural materials in autumn and winter.

(1) to strengthen daily supervision. During the autumn and winter operation, local agricultural departments should focus on strengthening supervision and spot checks on seed quality and the authenticity of varieties, the content of effective ingredients in agricultural and veterinary drugs, whether prohibited ingredients are added, and whether the nutrient content of fertilizer is consistent with the label. we will strengthen the daily inspection and supervision of the main agricultural material production, sales and use areas, small-scale agricultural material production and management main body gathering areas, and regional junctions. Adhere to the linkage of inspection and inspection, and promptly file a case for investigation and handling of unqualified products, or hand them over to relevant departments for investigation and handling in accordance with regulations, trace the source of manufacturing and selling fake products, and ensure the safety of agricultural production.

(2) to strictly investigate major and important cases. Agricultural departments in various localities should further intensify the investigation and handling of cases, severely crack down on counterfeiting, selling and illegal addition, and resolutely transfer suspected criminal cases to public security organs for investigation of criminal responsibility. We will improve the working mechanism for the investigation and handling of major and important cases, strictly investigate major and important cases in the form of listing supervision, centralized handling of cases, and joint investigation, and timely expose cases of a bad illegal nature and great influence, so as to deter lawbreakers.

(3) strengthen coordination and cooperation. Agricultural departments in various localities should actively give full play to the leading role of agricultural materials in the fight against counterfeiting, strengthen information communication and coordination with public security, industry and commerce, and quality supervision departments, and establish mechanisms such as clue notification, joint law enforcement, and case co-handling, so as to improve the overall efficiency of agricultural materials in the fight against counterfeiting. At the same time, it is necessary to give full play to the role of the "coordination and cooperation mechanism for inter-provincial joint law enforcement of agricultural materials against counterfeiting," improve the mechanism for handling cases such as regional joint investigation and cross-district cooperation investigation, and earnestly do a good job in inter-regional and inter-departmental case notification, case transfer, and co-investigation.

III. Conscientiously sum up and strengthen information statistics and submission

In the autumn and winter campaign against counterfeiting of agricultural materials, agricultural departments in various localities should explore new ideas for the supervision of agricultural materials, conscientiously summarize them, and put forward suggestions. It is necessary to report important information, major cases, and emergencies in a timely manner, and submit on time the summary of agricultural material action against counterfeiting in autumn and winter, the statistical tables of the situation, and the statistical tables of major cases. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of the measures for the Disclosure of Information on Agricultural Administrative punishment cases (Agricultural Administration hair (2014) No. 3) and the Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on doing a good job in the statistical work of infringement and counterfeiting cases (Agricultural quality (2014) No. 6), do a good job in the disclosure of information on administrative punishment cases, timely statistics and report the relevant information disclosure.

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Attachment: 1. Statistics on the actions of agricultural materials to crack down on counterfeiting in autumn and winter

two。 Statistics of major cases of anti-counterfeiting operations in autumn and winter for agricultural materials

General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture

September 15, 2014

Annex 1

Statistics on the actions of agricultural materials to crack down on counterfeiting in autumn and winter

Applicant (seal): date of application: year, month, day


Seized quantity

Value of goods






Accept and lift

Report a case

Smashing system

False nest point

Redeem the Sutra

Economic loss

Go out and hold

Legal personnel

Put a case on file for investigation and punishment

Investigate and deal with

Close the case

Transfer to judicial authority

Number of pieces

Number of people

Single bit


Table parts

Ten thousand yuan

One / time

One / time



Ten thousand yuan

Number of person-times




Human beings
















1 seed (including seedlings, breeding livestock and poultry)

2 fertilizer

3 pesticides

4 feed

5 Veterinary drugs (including fish drugs)

6 fishing machines and fishing gear

7 other

Note: the agricultural material variety units of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, feed and veterinary drugs are calculated according to kilograms, and the agricultural material variety units of fishing machinery, agricultural machinery and spare parts are calculated according to table parts.

Annex 2

Statistics of major cases of anti-counterfeiting operations in autumn and winter for agricultural materials

Applicant (seal): date of application: year, month, day

Serial number

Case name

Source of the case

Varieties of agricultural materials involved

Organize the investigation department

Quantity of goods involved in the case

Case value (value of goods or economic loss) (ten thousand yuan)

Number of persons involved in the case

Results of investigation and punishment

Amount of fine

(ten thousand yuan)

Number of people detained

Number of persons sentenced

Others (including revocation of license, suspension of production, suspension of business, etc.)









Note: 1. Case name: including key words such as province (autonomous region, city), unit name, type of agricultural material, illegal behavior and so on.

2. The source of the case: classified by report and inspection.


Agricultural quality (2014) No. 31. CEB