

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chen Yuan, who dared to work hard in 1989, was responsible for operating in many well-known e-commerce companies after graduating from university. in 2013, she gave up her job with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands to establish the brand "Nong Xiaoya". In 2015, she formally established Hunan Nong Xiaoya Rural Tour Culture Development Co., Ltd.

Dare to work hard while you are young


Chen Yuan of    in 1989 was responsible for operating in a number of well-known e-commerce companies after graduating from university. in 2013, she gave up her job with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands to create the brand "Nong Xiaoya". In 2015, she formally established Hunan Nongxiaoya Rural Tour Culture Development Co., Ltd., focusing on the promotion of ecological agricultural products of origin. Over the past three years, Nong Hsiao Ya's Guiyuan in Maoming, Guangdong, and Liquan Apple in Shaanxi have achieved good sales results.

After graduating from    University, Chen Yuan worked as an office worker for several years and started his business by chance. She told a story of herself, because she wanted to have bright black hair and told her mother that she grew some black sesame seeds at home, so her mother worked very hard to grow sesame seeds, harvest, dry and grind sesame seeds, and finally handed five jin of sesame powder to Chen Yuan. Chen Yuan realized that it is really not easy for farmers to work, and it is not necessarily valuable to grow agricultural products, so it is no wonder that most farmers prefer to go out to work and waste their fields. "in fact, it is difficult for a person to start a business on his own, because if you find a pain point in the field of agricultural products, you will know that there are opportunities here." Integrating his existing resources and looking for third-party cooperation, Chen Yuan boldly decided to start a business.

   "consumers don't really go to the countryside, they don't understand the production process of agricultural products, and they don't realize the hardships of farmers. In fact, there are many agricultural products in rural areas, and only when they go to the local areas do they know that their quality is very good, but due to logistics, preservation and other problems, urban consumers may not be able to eat them." Chen Yuan's entrepreneurial idea is to build a bridge between rural farmers and urban consumers and to rebuild the trust relationship between consumers and producers.

During his work, Chen Yuan got to know many friends who work in ecological agriculture. "in fact, it is very hard to do ecological agriculture. No matter how big the investment is and how sentimental it is, it is not easy to make money by selling agricultural products." Speaking of this, Chen Yuan thought that he could bring consumers to rural areas and ecological agricultural bases, and the sale of agricultural products could also save many links in the middle, and increase the degree of trust between consumers and producers, so he established the model of experiential rural tourism.

Hunan Changwang, Wang, and Ning have run many times, and dozens of country tours have been organized. In three weeks, they have helped Nantun Village in Liquan, Shaanxi Province, sell nearly 9 tons of unsalable apples and received 70,000 yuan of enterprise orders. At present, Nong Xiaoya has made cooperation with dozens of farms and can organize groups of about 100 people. The girl in 1989 was bursting with a lot of energy in her small body, and it was very hard to lead a group every time, but Chen Yuanle was among them, "going to the countryside, walking on the field path, looking at the natural and fresh scenery in the countryside, I would be in a very good mood. I myself like agriculture very much, and I am quite satisfied with my current work." It is rare for Chen Yuan to do what he likes after starting a business for three years. The cost of starting a business is very large. Chen Yuan often weighs the input and output of the company, but after three years of growth, she began to jump out of her inherent thinking and used to require how much sales must be reached every month. now she pays more attention to the building of the "Nong Xiaoya" brand, long-term planning of the company's development, learning while doing, and moving forward steadily.

In May, Nong Xiaoya launched the "Xingcheng WeChat Business, meet Jingzhou, help M.G.K. Menon, accurately help Poverty Alleviation campaign", so that M.G.K. Menon can accurately dock with mobile e-commerce, expand the sales of red bayberry, increase M.G.K. Menon's income, and create a new model for poverty alleviation in Jingzhou. These days, Chen Yuan and the team are busy with the Jingzhou Yangmei project every day, and she looks forward to doing something for M.G.K. Menon in Jingzhou through the activities organized by the team.

  , please scan the QR code of Huinong sickle Association, follow the activity of "Oriental Orient" 2016 Jingzhou online Waxberry Festival and Feishan Culture and Tourism Festival "helping Jingzhou Waxberry come out of the Mountain", and vote for the candidate Chen Yuan!