
I'll wait for you in Daze Mountain. I'll miss September and wait another year!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, September belongs to the small town of Zeshan. Among the mountains and mountains, heavy grapes are covered with treetops, glowing red and purple, showing an intoxicating scene. The mountain is full of fragrance, the mountain is full of laughter. The town of Zeshan, with its unique charm,

September belongs to the small town of Zeshan. Among the mountains and mountains, heavy grapes are covered with treetops, glowing red and purple, showing an intoxicating scene. The mountain is full of fragrance, the mountain is full of laughter. Zeshan town is waiting for tourists from all over the world with its unique charm!

   Daze Mountain is the "hometown of grapes in China", which has been planted for more than 300 years. Due to the unique geographical and climatic conditions, the grapes produced are full of large grains, bright color, thin skin, tender meat, sweet and juicy, the famous poet he Jingzhi came to Daze Mountain gladly wrote an inscription: "Gem foreign land, grape fairy hometown".

   has unique characteristics, special soil and unique climatic conditions are very suitable for grape growth, so that Daze mountain grape has a long ripening cycle, beautiful color, sweet taste, small seed, high and stable yield, and can mature in mid-late August.


   grape blossoms


   grape fruit


  , the grapes are ripe.


   21 species of Zeshan grape

   Daze Mountain Grape has a total of more than 200 varieties, among which Rose and Zexiang, two of the fresh varieties, won the gold medal at the second National Agricultural Expo in 1995; the developed Golden finger grape won "China's sweetest grape champion" in the "China High quality Grape Competition" for two consecutive times.


   rose fragrance



   to Daze Mountain to eat grapes, mountain view has become a golden autumn tourism route, the annual reception of more than 400000 tourists! Daze mountain grape generally starts in late August of the Gregorian calendar and continues until the middle of October. Rose fragrance is the best in the early stage, and Zeshan No. 1 is the best in the later stage. Chestnut and Hawthorn can also be bought during the National Day holiday, as well as golden handsome apples that are hard to see in recent years.

The grapes with good    quality have a glossy appearance, dark color and white frost, plus full grains, indicating that they are ripe and of excellent quality.

When    fresh grapes are lifted gently by hand, the grains on the branches are firm and the seeds fall less.

   in recent years, the government has organized farmers' cooperatives to produce and sell grapes, and cooperative agencies have undertaken part of the sales tasks. According to the characteristics of grape fruit, explore the transportation mode of sending fresh fruit through logistics, and use e-commerce platform to send high-quality products to all parts of the country.


   and China Rural Information Network jointly create the first online Grape Festival