
What are the common varieties of pears? What is the nutritional value of each?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to pears, I believe it is a fruit that many people like to eat. It has high water content and rich nutrients. Eating it when the throat is uncomfortable will also relieve it to a certain extent. So what are the common varieties of pears now? What nutrients do they have?

When it comes to pears, I believe it is a fruit that many people like to eat. It has high water content and rich nutrition. When eating it when the throat is uncomfortable, it will also get certain relief. So what are the common varieties of pears now? What nutritional value do they have? Let's talk about it next!

1. What are the common varieties of pears?

In our daily life, we often eat pears generally have these kinds: pear, snow pear, apple pear, Italian black pear, etc., they each have some unique nutritional value.

Second, the nutritional value of common pears

1. Pear

(1) Pear is rich in B vitamins, which can protect the heart, reduce fatigue, enhance myocardial vitality and reduce blood pressure;

(2) Pear contains glycosides and tannic acid and other ingredients, can expectorant cough, throat care;

(3) Pear has more carbohydrates and a variety of vitamins, easy to be absorbed by the body, increase appetite, and have a protective effect on the liver;

(4) Pear is cool and can clear away heat and calm down. Regular eating can restore blood pressure to normal and improve dizziness and other symptoms;

(5) eating pears can prevent atherosclerosis, inhibit the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines, and thus prevent cancer and cancer;

(6) Pear pectin content is very high, help digestion, Tongli stool pear beauty ingredients

2. Snowflake pear

(1) Rich in sugar: Snowflake pear sugar and tannic acid components are more, can expectorant cough, so for protecting our throat has a good role;

(2) The vitamin content is relatively rich: Snowflake pear is not only rich in sugar, but also rich in vitamin types. These substances can be quickly absorbed and utilized by the human body, and can also increase the appetite of the human body. has a good protective effect on liver;

(3) Vitamin B content is relatively rich: vitamin B can protect the heart of the human body, alleviate thunderstorms, enhance myocardial vitality;

(4) The content of pectin is relatively high: we know that pectin can help the human body digest, but also can prevent atherosclerosis, inhibit the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines in the human body, so we say that proper consumption of snow pear can prevent cancer.

3. Apple pear

Different from ordinary fruits, apple pear's biggest characteristic is sweet and sour suitable, delicious sweet taste, big meat, milky white delicate meat, crisp and juicy texture, small fruit core, edible part accounts for 85.9%. According to analysis, its moisture content is 85.9%, soluble solids is 13.4%, malic acid content is 0.2914g/ml, total acid is 0.33%, reducing sugar is 8.33%, total sugar is 9.69%, vitamin C content is 6.3mg/100ml, rich in VB1, VB2 and other vitamins and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other components, rich in nutrition.

4. Italian black pear

(1) Pear peel: Qingxin, Runfei, Jianghuo, Shengjin, Zishen, Buyin effect. Roots, branches and leaves, flowers can moisten lungs, eliminate phlegm, clear heat, detoxification.

(2) Pear seeds: contain lignin, which is an insoluble fiber that can dissolve in the intestines and form a gelatinous film that can be combined with cholesterol in the intestines to eliminate it. Can cure constipation. Pears contain boron to prevent osteoporosis in women. When boron is sufficient, memory, concentration and mental acuity improve.

(3) Pear meat: crispy juice, sweet and sour, nutritious and healthy. The MSN website in the United States shows that the dietary fiber contained in pears can help people reduce cholesterol levels and help lose weight. American nutritionists have found that each pear contains 10 grams of cholesterol-lowering dietary fiber, which meets 40% of the body's daily dietary fiber requirements. A survey of Maryland adults found that those who ate the most dietary fiber had the lowest levels of total cholesterol and LDL, the lowest body weight, the lowest BMI and the smallest waistlines.

A total of four common pears were introduced to you above. Have you all eaten them? But no matter what kind of nutritional value is relatively high, we can buy appropriate to eat Oh!

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