
What are the fine breeds of beef cattle? Introduction to the body shape and production performance of 13 kinds of Beef cattle

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Beef is a food with high nutritional value. We know that westerners are physically strong because they often eat beef. Now, with the improvement of people's living standards and the increasing demand for beef, beef cattle farmers are also gradually increasing. So if you want to raise beef cattle, you should first

Beef is a food with high nutritional value. We know that westerners are physically strong because they often eat beef. Now, with the improvement of people's living standards and the increasing demand for beef, beef cattle farmers are also gradually increasing. So if you want to raise beef cattle, you should first understand its breeds. The following is to introduce the origin, appearance and production performance of some beef cattle breeds.

1. Simmental cattle

Simmental cattle, native to the Alps, is a world-famous dual-purpose beef cattle breed. There are yellow and white flowers and red and white flowers two kinds of appearance, large size, strong bones, muscle plump, adult bull weight 1000-1300 kg, cow 650-750 kg. It has the advantages of good adaptability, resistance to rough feeding, gentle temperament and suitable for grazing. At present, it is the largest breed of beef cattle in China.

2. Charolais cattle

Charolais cattle is a large breed of beef cattle, which originated in Charlotte region and Neville province of France. The back of the hair is milky white, the head is short, and the chicken is round and plump. Under the condition of intensive feeding, the body weight at the age of 12 months can reach more than 500500 kg, with a maximum daily gain of 1.88kg. Adult bulls weigh 1100kg to 1200 kg and cows 700kg to 800kg. It has the characteristics of strong adaptability, rough feeding resistance, cold resistance, disease resistance and so on, but the reproduction rate is poor and the dystocia rate is high. At present, there are more aquaculture in Liaoning and Henan.

3. Limousin cattle

Limousin cattle are native to Limousin province in central France. It belongs to a large beef breed. The coat is yellowish red and varies in color. The body is long and wide, the shoulders and hips are muscular, and the limbs are strong. Under good feeding conditions, the live weight can reach 408 kg at 10 months old and 480 kg at 12 months old. It has the characteristics of strong adaptability, resistance to rough feeding, suitable for grazing, strong compensatory growth ability and high feed utilization rate. The rate of dystocia is lower than that of Charolais cattle. At present, there are breeding all over the country, among which Shaanxi, Gansu, Shanxi and Shandong are the best.

4. Haiford cattle

Originally from the west of England, it is a small beef breed. The coat is dark red, and the head, neck, abdomen, lower limbs and tail ends are generally white. The body is wide and deep, the forechest is well developed, the muscle is plump, and it is a typical meat figure with a rectangle. At the age of 18 months, the live weight reached 725 kg. The adult bull weighs 850-1100 kg and the cow 600-700 kg. It has the advantages of precocious maturity, fast weight gain, resistance to rough feeding and strong disease resistance. Because of its slow growth rate and the need for grazing and breeding, there are few people breeding in China at present.

5. Angus cattle

Originated in Scotland, England, it is a precocious small and medium-sized beef breed. No horns. The whole body is black, and sometimes there is white hair on the abdomen. The body is wide and deep, the waist is straight and muscular. The weight of fattening cattle can reach 400 kg at the age of 12 months. Adult bulls weigh 800kg to 900kg and cows 500kg to 600kg. Early sexual maturity, rough feeding resistance, cold tolerance, strong adaptability. At present, a large number of beef cattle breeds have been introduced into Xinjiang.

6. Piedmont cattle

Native to the Piedmont region of Italy, it is a medium-sized beef breed. Calves are born with a yellowish coat and then slowly turn white. Medium body shape, thin skin, fine bones, obvious double muscle type. The whole body is full of muscles, and the rear drive is particularly developed. One-year-old bulls weigh up to 400 kg, adult bulls weigh about 800 kg, and cows weigh about 500 kg. At present, there is less aquaculture in China, only a small amount in Xinye, Henan Province.

7. Japan and Niu

Native cattle native to Japan. Small body, compact body, thin legs, well-developed front drive and poor rear drive. The adult cow weighs about 620 kg and the bull about 950 kg. After 27 months of fattening, the calf weighs more than 700 kg and the average daily gain is more than 1.2 kg. As Japan is a mad cow disease area, China forbids the introduction of live cattle and cattle products from Japan.

8. Three-way hybrid cattle

Originated in the southwest of Shandong Province, it is a fast-growing beef breed formed by two-way cross, three-way cross and mixed cross between Simmental, Limousin and Charolais cattle and Luxi yellow cattle. It has the characteristics of rough feeding resistance, strong disease resistance, gentle temperament, strong adaptability and fast growth speed. The weights of adult bulls and cows are 1056.6 kg and 625.5 kg respectively. At present, there are a large number of aquaculture in the south.

9. Luxi Yellow cattle

Yellow cattle is the representative breed of cattle native to our country, and Luxi yellow cattle is the benchmark of meat type yellow cattle. Luxi cattle have a tall and short body, a delicate and compact shape, fine bones, well-developed muscles, wide and flat waist, and a rectangular body. The adult bull weighs 844.4 kg, and the average adult cow weighs 665.7 kg. Luxi yellow cattle has little demand for growth environment and belongs to extensive type. Luxi yellow cattle is one of the famous high-quality beef cattle in the world. At present, the number of breeding in Jining and Heze is the largest.

10. Brown cattle

Brown cattle, native to Xinjiang, are crossbred by Kazakh cattle and Swiss brown cattle. They are of medium size, strong physique, brown coat and skin, different shades of color, strong adaptability, good appearance and average slaughtering rate of 52.5%.

The net meat rate is 41.8%. After fattening, the fat content of the beef can reach 3%, the flavor and taste are good, and the tenderness is good.

11. Yak

Yak is a specialty of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China, which is produced in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its surrounding alpine and cold areas. Yak is a multi-purpose livestock for meat, milk, hair and service. after adulthood, the average weight of bulls is about 260 kg, and that of cows is about 209 kg. Yaks are strong, with prominent raised shoulders and dark brown fur. At present, there is aquaculture in the main Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China.

Qinchuan cattle

Excellent local breed of yellow cattle in China, one of the five major breeds of yellow cattle in China. It has a large physique, strong service force and good meat production performance, which is named because it is produced in Guanzhong area of Shaanxi Province in Qinchuan, Shaanxi Province. The coat color is mostly fuchsia and red, and yellow is less. Large body, balanced development of various parts, strong bones, plump muscles, strong physique. The average daily gain of 18-month-old fattening cattle was 550 grams (female) or 700 grams (male).

13. Nanyang cattle

Nanyang yellow cattle is one of the five improved breeds of yellow cattle in China. Nanyang yellow cattle are divided into yellow, red and white grass, with tall body, strong and long-lasting strength, fine meat quality, strong fragrance, obvious marbling and fine leather. Excellent service performance, meat performance and adaptability.

The above is about the introduction of beef cattle breeds, each breed is briefly introduced in the article, after reading, which kind of beef cattle are you most familiar with? Which breed do you want to breed most? Do you have anything to add about beef breeds?

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