
Guard against the operational risks of grain banks

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Under the circumstances that the price in the grain market is high and low, rice is strong and rice is weak, wheat is weak, and funds are extremely tight, grain banks can provide raw materials for grain production, ensure normal production, ease financial pressure, improve economic benefits of enterprises, and reduce the loss of grain storage by farmers.

Under the circumstances that the price of grain market is high outside and low inside, rice is strong and rice is weak, wheat is strong and wheat is weak, and funds are extremely tight, grain banks have positive effects in many aspects, such as providing raw materials for grain production, ensuring normal production, relieving capital pressure, improving economic benefits of enterprises, reducing grain storage losses of farmers, facilitating farmers 'production and life, etc.

Grain bank originated in the eighties of last century, the reason why people pay attention to it is because it adapts to the general trend of social and economic development.

In the mid-1980s, the state grain administrative department once held an on-site meeting of "three generations and one exchange"(collection, storage, processing and exchange) in Shuanggou Grain and Oil Processing Plant in Xiangyang District, Hubei Province (now Xiangyang City) at that time, which is actually the current "grain bank" pilot working meeting.

At that time, Shuanggou Grain and Oil Processing Factory undertook the grain and oil processing task during the planned economy period, so it was reasonable to say that it did not worry about processing raw materials. However, in order to facilitate farmers 'production and life, but also to carry out diversified operations, Shuanggou Grain and Oil Processing Factory has carried out grain purchase, grain storage and grain processing on behalf of farmers, and carried out the business of exchanging the same variety and different variety, which is well received by farmers. At that time,"three generations and one change" increased the grain and oil processing capacity of Shuanggou Grain and Oil Processing Plant by 30%. This win-win measure, which not only facilitates farmers 'production and life, but also increases production raw materials and economic benefits for enterprises, has been fully affirmed by all sectors of society and subsequently summarized as the "grain bank" model, which has been promoted everywhere.

Sustainable development of production provides rich raw materials for processing enterprises

Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the implementation of the household contract responsibility system has greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of the broad masses of farmers to develop grain production. With the end of the "Da Hulong" collective mode of production, intensive farming and intensive production have greatly increased labor productivity.

While thoroughly changing the mode of agricultural labor production, the state abolished agricultural taxes fundamentally.

In 2004, our government began to implement the preferential agricultural policy of reducing or exempting agricultural taxes. By 2005, nearly 800 million farmers had benefited directly. On December 29, 2005, the 19th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress voted to abolish the Agricultural Tax Regulations as of January 1, 2006. On the same day, President Hu Jintao signed Presidential Decree No. 46, announcing the complete abolition of agricultural taxes, raising this policy of benefiting farmers into a national law. Therefore, the "imperial grain tax"-agricultural tax, which lasted for 2600 years on the land of China, finally came to the end of history.

Hundreds of millions of peasants who have unloaded their heavy burdens have become more enthusiastic about producing food.

Not only that, the state not only does not allow farmers to pay taxes, but also gives subsidies to grain farmers.

The implementation of preferential policies such as direct grain subsidies, subsidies for improved seeds, comprehensive subsidies for agricultural materials and subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery and tools has made China's grain production set new records. From 2004 to 2014, China's grain production continued to increase for 11 consecutive years. In 2014, the country's total grain output reached 607.099 million tons, an increase of 5.16 million tons or 0.9% over 2013, reaching an all-time high.

The successive increase in grain output has not only increased the income of grain farmers, but also provided rich market raw materials for grain processing enterprises.

Social changes accelerate farmers 'family grain storage is decreasing day by day

Along with our country industrialization, the urbanization advancement step speeds up unceasingly, impels the social transformation to accelerate. In terms of rural grain storage, there have been three new changes:

Direct grain sales in rural areas decreased. The national economic construction in full swing attracted a large number of rural labor force, and the vast rural areas appeared the phenomenon of "386011"(women, the elderly, children). According to the 2014 National Migrant Workers Monitoring Survey Report released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the total number of migrant workers nationwide was 273.95 million in 2014, up 1.9% year-on-year. Migrant workers who go out are full of vigorous labor force. The huge number of migrant workers leave the countryside, which reduces the population of farming and brings difficulties to rural families to carry grain. After farmers harvest grain, due to lack of labor force, most of the grain will be sold to door-to-door purchase enterprises or brokers. Food is rarely stored at home and then sold at the right time.

Rural food consumption has decreased. On the one hand, migrant workers do not eat in rural families; on the other hand, the growth of rural economic income and the improvement of living standards have directly reduced grain consumption. In 2012, per capita food consumption in rural China has dropped to about 164 kg. Based on an average annual decline of between 2 and 3 per cent in the per capita consumption of food rations by rural residents, it will fall to between 130 and 140 kg by 2020.

Rural households have reduced their stocks. The shortage of labor force, the improvement of living standards, and the successive increase in grain production have made farmers feel "comfortable with food and clothing", and the scale of residents 'grain reserves has decreased sharply. The grain reserves in the homes of the vast majority of rural residents in China have dropped sharply from 400 kg per capita in the past to about 200 kg at present. In some places there are no farmers to raise livestock and poultry, not even a grain of grain left.

Farmers 'demand for improved living standards presents a diversified trend

Farming is not taxed, grain subsidies are increasing year by year, purchase prices are rising, family incomes are growing, and farmers 'living standards are diversified.

In terms of diet, farmers no longer cook three meals a day by themselves. With the development of socialization of housework, farmers can enjoy all kinds of meticulous and thoughtful services at their doorstep. Every meal time, staple food, non-staple food, vegetables, etc., someone sent to the door, arbitrary selection.

With the socialization of household work, farmers in the main rice-producing areas can eat grain other than rice, farmers in the main wheat-producing areas can eat grain other than pasta, and farmers in the main corn-producing areas can eat multiple varieties of grain.

Farmers 'demand for diversification of life has laid the foundation for grain processing enterprises to open grain banks.

Farmers who are unwilling to store grain and farmers who are unwilling to sell grain at one time can only be effectively solved through the establishment of "grain banks" by grain processing enterprises.

At present, there are many enterprises engaged in grain management, including state-owned and local grain reserve enterprises, state-owned holding grain enterprises, state-owned grain processing enterprises, trade enterprises, mixed ownership grain enterprises and private grain enterprises. Practice has proved that if grain enterprises without grain processing turnover capacity set up grain banks, it will be difficult to increase their value and solve the problems of exchanging raw grain with product grain and exchanging grain between different varieties.

After decades of development, the important role of food banks is obvious to all. However, with the change of social and economic environment, the management risk of grain bank can not be ignored.