
Five kinds of lizards suitable for beginners to raise price, living habits and feeding methods

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Now more and more people like to raise lizards and start to use lizards as their pets, but this situation is not very common, so many people are not very familiar with the price, living habits and breeding methods of lizards. Then today, Xiaobian will give it to the big one

Nowadays, more and more people like to raise lizards and begin to take lizards as their pets, but this situation is not very common, so many people do not know much about the price, living habits and breeding methods of lizards. So today, the editor will introduce five kinds of lizards that are suitable for raising for beginners. Let's take a look.

1. Maned lion lizard

The maned lion lizard is very easy to raise and belongs to the entry level of keeping crawling pets.

Features: simple feeding, clean and convenient, mild character, long life.

Price: the price of the maned lion lizard is more complicated, and the ordinary maned lion lizard is only more than 100 yuan, which is very cheap. However, the complexity of the price of the maned lion lizard is that the maned lion lizard has a variety of colors and genes. Generally speaking, the more beautiful the color is, the more expensive it is. The price of gene 3 gene is about 700 to 1000, and the price of zero gene is more than 10000 yuan.

Life habits: the temperature is about 35 to 40 degrees and 30 degrees at night. In terms of cushion materials, corncob is the best, sand climbing is also possible, for young maned lion lizards can use newspaper cushions, it is best not to climb sand to avoid accidental eating, adults can use sand climbing.

Feeding method: larvae are fed with insects and green vegetables twice a day, and sub-adults and adults can be fed with insects and vegetables once a day. The best insects are crickets, Dubiya cockroaches, etc., and the best vegetables are rape, lettuce leaves and so on. It should be noted that the length of insects should not be too long, vegetables should also be cut to edible size, and some calcium powder and vitamin powder can also be added to increase minerals.

2. Green bristle lizard

Green iguanas are popular in the United States. The common green-bristled lizard is called Green Iguana, which is often called GI.

Features: easy to raise, non-clingy, vegetarian, arboreal.

Price: green iguanas are also very cheap, generally speaking, about 100 yuan. The price of green iguanas is not as complex as that of maned lions. Green iguanas are green and red. No matter what color, the price is not high, even if the product is good, the price is usually not more than 400.

Life habits: be sure to give the green-maned lizard enough sunshine. The temperature is controlled at about 32 degrees during the day and about 25-28 degrees at night. As the green-bristled lion grows, it will become more and more likely to climb, so try to put more tree trunks in the breeding box for climbing. Secondly, the feeding box must be large enough.

Feeding method: basically all vegetables and plants can be fed, but we must pay attention to the diversity and nutrition of food, as well as calcium and vitamin supplements.

3. Keep the palace with leopard print

The leopard print guard palace originated in the surrounding areas such as India and Pakistan, and the most distinctive feature of this family is that it has eyelids that are not commonly found in the palace.

Features: easy to raise, beautiful, small and cheap.

Price: the price of the leopard print gatekeeper ranges from 100 to 1000. There are many kinds of skin colors and patterns in the leopard print palace, and the price of each kind is different. There are more breeders in the palace with leopard prints, so the price is not high.

Life habits: the leopard print palace is not so demanding on the environment, the temperature is controlled at about 26 to 32 degrees, and it provides objects for it to hide and avoid in the feeding box.

Feeding methods: general crickets, cockroaches, barley insects and other insects can, the most important thing when feeding is not what to eat, but how to feed, we must pay attention to the amount and time.

4. Blue tongue Skink

As the name suggests, this is a lizard with a blue tongue, mainly distributed in Australia.

Features: easy to feed, witty-looking, lively and docile, very long life.

Price: there are many varieties of blue tongue jungle, the price of ordinary blue tongue jungle on the market is between 6-4999 yuan, and the price fluctuates greatly.

Life habits: in addition to the feeding requirements are not very high, the blue tongue dragon also has no requirements for the environment. The temperature is controlled at about 28 degrees during the day and 23 degrees at night.

Feeding method: blue tongue Skink belongs to omnivorous lizard, general reptiles can eat plants and animals, but also eat some soft fruit. In particular, you can eat dead insects and mice without bait, and you need regular calcium supplements.

5. High-crowned chameleon

The high-crowned chameleon, named after its towering fleshy crown, is the most well-known species among the chameleons.

Features: entry-level chameleon, arboreal type, female life span is shorter than male.

Price: the price of the colorful chameleon is more than 2000, and the king chameleon is more expensive, but it is less in China and the price fluctuates greatly.

Living habits: the temperature is controlled at 28-32 degrees during the day and 22-26 degrees at night. Because it is a tree habitat type, so it is necessary to put some high branches in the feeding box, it is best to raise alone, because the high-crowned chameleon has a strong territorial nature.

Feeding method: different from other chameleons, the high-crowned chameleon is an omnivorous reptile. In addition to the insects generally raised, they will also eat some plants, leaves, fruits, and so on. Special attention should be paid when feeding water, because the high-crowned chameleon does not drink "stagnant water", and the water supply needs to be fed in the form of rain, fog and drip.

The above are the five species of lizards introduced by the editor. When we choose lizards, we must choose those with mental state and eyes, strong limbs, strong physique and active eating. The colors should be bright and the lines should be clear. Also note that the body is not disabled, the scales are not broken, the tail is not broken, and the tips of the claws of the limbs should be intact. Only the lizards selected in this way can be raised at ease.

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