
There are six common kinds of bananas. What are their characteristics? Have you eaten all of them?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Banana, it is a kind of fruit that many people like to eat, do not need to wash, peel is also very simple, taste sweet is very good. Maybe there are only one or two kinds of bananas that we have eaten for a long time. In fact, there are six kinds of bananas. They are: big kinds of tall bananas and high feet.

Banana, it is a kind of fruit that many people like to eat, do not wash, peeling is also very simple, sweet taste is very good. Perhaps we have eaten bananas for a long time only one or two, in fact, there are six common bananas, they are: big seed high handle, high foot ton mine, fairy banana, ridge head banana, Saigon banana and Williams, many friends see these feel a little strange, in fact, we will see in the supermarket inside, did not buy it. What are the characteristics of each of these six bananas? How many have you eaten?

Six common banana characteristics:

1. High-footed mines

This kind of banana belongs to high-stem banana, which is one of the excellent varieties in Gaozhou, Guangdong Province. This variety has long fruit shape, many fruits and good quality, but it has high requirements for fertilizer, water and temperature. It has poor economic performance in Pearl River Delta, poor wind resistance, low recovery ability after frost, and easy to infect banana bunchy top disease.

2. Big seed high handle

This banana belongs to high-stem type Xiangya banana, also known as Qinggaoba, Gaoba Xiangya banana, known as high-seed Tianbao banana in Fujian Province, is an excellent variety of Dongguan city in Guangdong Province.

3, the head of the plantain

Qitou plantain belongs to plantain type and is one of the local varieties of Xinhui, Guangdong Province. In addition, Shunde Zhongba banana in Shunde City, Guangdong Province, Niujiao banana in Guangxi Province, Chai banana in Fujian Province, Banjiao in Sichuan Province and Fanjiao in Yunnan Province belong to banana type.

4. Immortal banana

Xianrenjiao also belongs to high-stem type Xiangya banana, which is selected from the mutation of Beijiao in Taiwan Province. Its comprehensive characters are very similar to Beijiao, and it is the main cultivated variety in Taiwan Province. In addition, oil banana, Yunnan high foot banana, Guangxi high type banana Bo Yue (also known as Taiwan green peel), Brazil banana and so on belong to high stem type fragrant tooth banana.

5. Williams

Williams is a medium-stem banana introduced from Australia. This variety has good fruit shape and commodity characters, but it has poor wind resistance and is more susceptible to leaf spot disease. In China, the characters of different producing areas are different, and the reflection is also different.

6. Saigon banana

Saigon banana belongs to the type of banana, also known as Fensha banana, rice banana, glutinous rice banana and egg banana. It was introduced from Vietnam in 1932. It is the main cultivated variety in Nanning and Longzhou areas of Guangxi. It has been introduced in various producing areas. Strong adaptability to wind, cold and drought. This variety has medium yield, excellent quality, strong resistance, but thin skin, easy to crack, poor storage and transportation, and easy to infect Panama wilt. In addition, Bengal banana and Zhongshan banana introduced from Bangladesh in 1982 from Guangdong Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences are all post-pink banana types.

The above small series introduces you to a total of six common bananas, each of which has its own characteristics and tastes will be somewhat different. How many of them have you eaten? Have you eaten all of them?

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