
The rural strategy of supply and marketing cooperatives back to VS e-commerce giants

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yi Nong press: the return of supply and marketing cooperatives to rural areas is of great political significance. This indicates that the rural strategy of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council has taken a directional turn. Yi Nong believes that the organization of farmers has been put on the political agenda. Of course, this is later. This article is only from the perspective of economy

Yi Nong press: the return of supply and marketing cooperatives to rural areas is of great political significance. This indicates that the rural strategy of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council has taken a directional turn. Yi Nong believes that the organization of farmers has been put on the political agenda. Of course, this is later. This paper only gives the analysis from the economic level. Welcome to clap bricks to communicate.

On April 1, the Chinese central government held a national teleconference to deploy the reform of supply and marketing cooperatives, and issued a decision on deepening the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives in the name of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. This document re-entrusts three major missions to supply and marketing cooperatives that have withdrawn from rural areas and ate rent in cities for many years: first, to become a new force and comprehensive platform for serving the production and life of farmers; second, to become a bridge link between the party and the government closely with the peasant masses; and third, to become an important force in the construction of agricultural modernization. At the same time, supply and marketing cooperatives are endowed with three new functions: first, the functions of financial institutions; second, the functions of urban and rural areas related to the purchase and sale of means of production and means of livelihood; third, the function of policy support for agriculture. In this way, it seems that the new Chinese supply and marketing cooperative is no longer a traditional supply and marketing cooperative, because its mission and functions have gone far beyond the supply and marketing cooperation itself. The decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on deepening the Comprehensive Reform of supply and Marketing Cooperatives gives new missions and functions to supply and marketing cooperatives, all of a sudden, supply and marketing cooperatives are more important than the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Credit Cooperatives, Agricultural Bank of China, insurance companies and other departments and institutions. Yi Nong Consulting believes that this is a very, very big event.

Although the incident happened on April Fool's Day, it is certain that it was not a fool's prank.

I. the battle between supply and marketing cooperatives and Taobao for the rural market officially kicked off.

At the beginning of this year, Taobao announced that it would invest 10 billion yuan to implement the plan of thousands of counties and villages to solve the problem that it is difficult for farmers to sell.

On April 1, 2015, Li Chunsheng of the China Federation of supply and Marketing Cooperation said that in providing pre -, mid-and post-natal services to farmers, supply and marketing cooperatives must provide services such as plant protection, soil testing formula, and prenatal seeds, and build a platform for comprehensive post-natal services. let farmers enjoy convenient and diversified services. Through the construction of the "new network project", the problems of "difficult to buy" and "difficult to sell" of agricultural products will be solved; in addition, supply and marketing cooperatives will also create a cooperative bank and financial service system covering the whole country.

Obviously, on April 1, 2015, the supply and marketing cooperatives officially declared war on Taobao and other e-commerce giants who competed in the rural market.

Second, why supply and marketing cooperatives compete with Taobao for the rural market

As we all know, since its birth in the 1950s, supply and marketing cooperatives have undertaken the mission of connecting urban and rural areas, connecting workers and farmers, interconnection, exchange of needed goods, and mutual benefit. Supply and marketing cooperatives can be found in almost every corner of urban and rural areas. Due to well-known historical reasons, since the reform and opening up, the supply and marketing cooperation business has gradually withdrawn from the rural areas, and the supply and marketing cooperatives have retreated to cities and key towns above the town. Countless old and young people began to live a good life by eating the rent of urban real estate. It is precisely because of the rich rental income brought by the huge real estate assets retained in cities and towns, supply and marketing cooperatives not only did not fall down after more than 30 years of reform, but also accumulated huge assets by increasing the value of real estate.

Now, Alibaba announced that he would go to the countryside and do the business that supply and marketing cooperatives used to do, but now they no longer do. The supply and marketing cooperatives suddenly realized that the countryside was a blue sea! You invest 10 billion in the rural market on Taobao, which is nothing. Compared with the resources that can be invested by our Chinese supply and marketing cooperatives, it is only a fraction!

As far as the supply and marketing cooperative system is concerned, Taobao going to the countryside is tantamount to "the wild lion is coming".

The old and young people of the supply and marketing cooperative system that have been pampered for many years have the guts to come out to fight with the "resolution" of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.

Third, seizing the rural market-- unified purchase, sale and distribution is not only an economic behavior.

When the Communist Party was in power, speculation was frenzied, prices skyrocketed, and the ruling position of the Communist Party was threatened. Under the top-level design led by Chen Yun and others, a national supply and marketing cooperation system was established, in which industrial products were uniformly purchased and distributed by supply and marketing cooperatives in the countryside, and agricultural products other than grain were uniformly purchased and sold by supply and marketing cooperatives in cities. The results can be imagined. The "market behavior" of hoarding, speculation and driving up prices was almost completely eliminated, and countless "capitalists" had to accept socialist transformation. The supply and marketing cooperative system has played a vital role in consolidating the new regime of the Communist Party and embarking on the "socialist road".

After more than half a century of development, China's economy has evolved from the stage of pursuing quantitative growth income in the era of shortage and insufficient supply to the stage of pursuing stable market share income and pricing power income-- to the stage of monopoly capitalism. Technology monopoly, organization monopoly and channel monopoly are the most basic monopoly means. Taobao and other e-commerce giants actually pursue stable market share income and pricing power income. Taobao economy is actually a monopoly economy to a certain extent. If Taobao one day has the role and status of the supply and marketing cooperative system of decades ago, will it also carry out a Taobao-style "socialist transformation movement" in the economic field?

If Taobao is the Taobao of the Communist Party or the Taobao of the supply and marketing cooperatives, it is estimated that the old and young people of the supply and marketing cooperatives would not have to go out again; perhaps it would not be necessary for the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to issue this "resolution" at all.