
Where is the first county of pomegranate in China? What are the varieties of pomegranate?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Pomegranate originated in Persia, that is, now Iran and other Central Asian regions, and then introduced into China from the Western regions. at present, it has been planted for more than 2000 years. Pomegranate got this name because of its large shape, not only delicious taste, but also very beautiful pomegranate flowers.

Pomegranates originated in Persia, which is now Iran and other Central Asian regions, and later introduced into China from the Western Regions. At present, they have been planted for more than 2,000 years. Pomegranates get this name because of their huge shape, such as tumors. They not only taste delicious, but also have very beautiful pomegranate flowers. It can be said that pomegranate is a fruit with auspicious meaning. The cultivation area of pomegranate in our country is also very extensive, and the varieties are also relatively rich, so do you know what varieties of pomegranate there are? Where is the first county of Chinese pomegranate? Let's take a look at it together.

Where is the first Chinese pomegranate county?

The first pomegranate county in China is Huili County in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. Huili County is the connection point and intersection of Kunming, Xichang and Panzhihua. It is the most famous pomegranate producing area in China, and its scale and output rank first in pomegranate producing area in China. In 2009, Huili County's International Pomegranates Festival attracted diplomats from embassies of many countries and some international enterprises. The theme of this International Pomegranates Festival is "Huili Pomegranates, World Pomegranates", showing the elegant demeanour of Chinese pomegranate to many countries.

What are the varieties of pomegranate?

1. Shaanxi Lintong pomegranate: Shaanxi Lintong District is one of the earliest pomegranate cultivation areas in China. The pomegranate here is also called "the crown of the five pomegranate in China".

2. Xinjiang Kashgar pomegranate: Xinjiang Kashgar is a famous fruit town. It is reported that the pomegranate seeds brought back by Zhang Qian when he was sent to the Western Regions took root and germinated in Kashgar at the earliest. It can be seen that it has a long planting history of at least 1600 years.

3, Anhui Huaiyuan pomegranate: Huaiyuan pomegranate has also been presented as a tribute to the court, has the reputation of "pomegranate treasures", of which two famous varieties are white pomegranate and safflower pomegranate.

4. Sichuan Huili pomegranate: Huili has a long history of cultivating pomegranate. In Tang Dynasty, Huili pomegranate was the emperor's imperial tribute. Its fruit was large and smooth, its seeds were dense and soft, and its taste was very rich.

5. Yunnan Qiaojia pomegranate: Yunnan Qiaojia is one of the famous pomegranate producing areas, among which glutinous pomegranate is one of the local fine varieties. When the pomegranate flowers are in full bloom, they are as beautiful as brocade.

6. Shandong Yicheng pomegranate: Yicheng has excellent geographical conditions and a very long history of pomegranate planting. It is one of the largest pomegranate producing areas in China at present. It is reported that Yicheng pomegranate and Qianlong emperor also have a wonderful story.

The above is about pomegranate varieties and China's pomegranate first county related content introduction, do not know what famous varieties of your own hometown? Welcome to share it.

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